Photo: 清十郎/Pixta

Sushi chain files damages suit against boy over soy bottle lick


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Problem is, the dropkick's family likely doesn't have two coins to rub together. They are probably spending all their cash on his defense!

14 ( +15 / -1 )

He'll have to wash the dishes for the rest of his stupid life.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Stupid games have consequences... Sadly Sushiro will get a token award and the "boy" who I believe is 18 years old, will carry on anonymously. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I think there are some crimes where the best punishment would be a good slapping.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

Certainly his name should be published and the debt from any award should hang over his and his parents head until it is paid off, however many years that may take. After all unless his patents are wealthy this is being done to dissuade other imbecile's from doing the same.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Patents = parents.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


6 ( +7 / -1 )

I think the main reason Sushiro sued the boy for damages is not to recover the damage he inflicted on the sushi chain but to make an example of him to discourage future copycat offenders. My guess is that somewhere along the lawsuit, they will reach an out-of-court settlement. Ruining the 18-year-old boy’s future would be a bad publicity for Sushiro.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

I'm glad they're going after this clown but that's a very unrealistic lawsuit.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Certainly his name should be published

JFTR: Under Japanese law it is illegal to publish the name of minors.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Well, I guess they really are making a mountain out of a molehill.

GarthgoyleToday  06:19 pm JST

I'm glad they're going after this clown but that's a very unrealistic lawsuit.

You're right up to a point. Totally unrealistc. This seems more about money now, and crushing a whole family, not just making an example of the kid, but extorting the mother and father now.

I might even say, BULLY BUSINESS. I get it, but maybe its time to drop it, move on, and give the idiot a break. It's not like the company can't afford it. Ask the kid to clean the shop for a few weeks.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

Lame excuse, "yes, I did the gross thing, but I planned to hide it to get away without consequences so let me go".

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Abe234Today  06:33 pm JST

Well, I guess they really are making a mountain out of a molehill.

It was during the still covid period. It's not a "molehill" at all. The moron needs to be taught a lesson and hung out to dry for all to see, so others will not copy this stupid behavior.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

But his defense team argues that the footage was for sharing only among his friends, and that he had no intention of creating a video to be spread online.

I get that they had to come up with something in his defense, but this is just lame. I hope he gets the money he paid to the lawyers back.

Dumb leading the dumber here. If "intent" is an allowable excuse under the law, the jail doors should be opening for a whole lot of others convicted of crimes they never "intended" to do!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

OssanAmericaToday  07:04 pm JST

Abe234Today  06:33 pm JST

Well, I guess they really are making a mountain out of a molehill.

It was during the still covid period. It's not a "molehill" at all. The moron needs to be taught a lesson and hung out to dry for all to see, so others will not copy this stupid behavior.

I guess we have all done stupid things in our lives. But good for you!. but people still do stupid behaviour. Going after the parents isn't going to stop that. As if an 18-year-old has that kind of money. Get real! I don't think most adults have that money! I think the humiliation might have been enough. Not to mention the screaming and shouting his parents did. Yes make an example of him, but that's just about a BULLY BUSINESS. Give the kid a fine! Make him do some community service. Maybe even wash the dishes for a week to work off some fine.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


The suit also claims the footage caused its parent company's market capitalization to fall by more than 16 billion yen from Jan 30 to 31.

I think this is a considerable amount of money to lose, not a drop in a bucket! The company has every right to go after him and his family.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

67 million yen damages

To put things in perspective. The lawsuit for the death of the Sri Lankan woman was 156 million yen. I don't have the figure they actually received. Though, the compensation for the death of the Cameroon man was 1.65 million yen. So 67 million yen equals the lives of 40.6 Cameroon men.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Fully deserve, he made a lot of people lost a lot of money. That said, I'm 100% sure there are much more incidents that never got uploaded on social media.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


I get that they had to come up with something in his defense, but this is just lame. I hope he gets the money he paid to the lawyers back.

You realize that the client instructs the lawyer, right? And, lol, no - they don't refund these legal fees!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

englisc aspyrgendToday  05:28 pm JST

Patents = parents.


imbecile's = imbeciles

There are so many people writing here who are completely clueless about correct use of apostrophes.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

FredrikToday  09:29 pm JST

67 million yen damages

To put things in perspective. The lawsuit for the death of the Sri Lankan woman was 156 million yen. I don't have the figure they actually received. Though, the compensation for the death of the Cameroon man was 1.65 million yen. So 67 million yen equals the lives of 40.6 Cameroon men.

FredrikToday is spot on. 67 million yen. It's ridiculous! it wastes everyone's time. We really need to get some perspective. Idiot teenager=67 million yen. Dead immigrant=1.65 million yen. Sushiro can just swallow it, but a dead person can't. Let's be logical, and apply some justice to the case. Give the kid a small fine! Wash the dishes! No judge in Japan is going to force some 18-year-old teenager to pay for it. This isn't the USA with ridiculous amounts of compensation that no one is ever going to collect or pay. slap the kid with a 50,000 yen fine. Thats enough pain if he has to work 50 hours to pay it off. All teenages make mistakes. Sadly, the world of Youtube, Tik Tok etc means they want to video their stupidity. We've all done much worse!

As for the Lawyers. Fighto. I'm sure Sushiro retain a layer on a salary basis. Wether they have a case or not!.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Although that kind of thing really grosses me out, the kid can't be responsible for all of their losses. If you're going to have customers touching and sharing bottles of sauce, there's always going to be risk involved, especially during a pandemic. How about giving them packets of sauce? I find it weird how some restaurants still act as if COVID never happened...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Best scapegoat for the management.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Its fair enough for them to go after him given what happened. Some form of discouragement is also clearly necessary. Japanese litigation only awards small amounts, so they won't get the sum claimed. They'll settle out of court for a tiny fraction of it.

What may be interesting here is the effect of the algorithm of the video sharing app he used. Most people who saw the video did not search for it, they were shown it by the algorithm of YT, Tiktok or whatever it was as a "now trending" video. Videos need help from the algorithm to go viral. So even if some troublemaker does something that damages a business, it is arguably the video sharing app promoting it and amplifying it that does the real damage. It is highly likely here that YT and Tiktok will have far better lawyers at this than Sushiro, which is why they are going after the boy.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Whenever this kind of story pops up in the news, I make sure to read it in front of my kids, in the hope that they never do anything as stupid and as costly as this....

Smart phones really are ruining young people's lives

2 ( +2 / -0 )


June 9 10:25 pm JST

englisc aspyrgendToday 05:28 pm JST

> Patents = parents.

> and

> imbecile's = imbeciles

> There are so many people writing here who are completely clueless about correct use of apostrophes.

If JT provided an edit button like nearly all other commenting sites, then this wouldn't be that big of an issue. I don't usually catch everything until the 2nd or 3rd edit.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Especially with autocorrect incorrectly correcting my corrections of its corrections.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Harry_GattoJune 9  10:25 pm JST

englisc aspyrgendToday  05:28 pm JST

Patents = parents.


imbecile's = imbeciles

There are so many people writing here who are completely clueless about correct use of apostrophes.

You can usually tell the people using an iPad now. The latest autocorrect is exceedingly stupid. Especially about’s apostrophe’s.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

18 is old enough to get his face apostrophed.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Sushiro restaurants saw a sharp fall in customers after it was shared widely.

People are not very bright when they stopped going to the restaurant chain because of this incident, like it is common incident at the restaurant. The restaurant had no control or responsibility of the guy licking the bottle. As for the lawsuit, I think it is not very bright either.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

 But his defense team argues that the footage was for sharing only among his friends, and that he had no intention of creating a video to be spread online.

one, if not THE worst argument of the social media generation.

EVERY video is subject to going viral, who's gonna hear that defense and go, oh yeah? He's innocent!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

When I read this headline, I believed this was an act that had been done at multiple restaurants and causing havoc on more than one occasion.

Regarding the safeguards that this restaurant is putting in place it should have been done a while ago after the COVID started with their COVID subsidies because that is one of the reasons, they were given large multiple government subsidies especially to these large chain restaurants.

There is no excuse for the prank and or the egging on I am absolutely sure by the other kids, but this lawsuit is overkill by this LARGE chain restaurant.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

All you have to do is go on Youtube and search for "daeki tero" and you can find all kinds of disgusting crap people do at these kaiten sushi places. I personally stopped going after seeing a little boy sneeze all over a plate of sushi, and watch his mother do nothing about it

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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