Photo: SoraNews24

Japanese city announces its firefighters can use convenience stores; netizens are shocked

By Shannon, SoraNews24

It seems only yesterday that firefighters in Chiba Prefecture’s Kimitsu City were permitted to use convenience stores, and now even more Japanese cities are asking for the public’s understanding. Sagamihara City in Kanagawa Prefecture made an official announcement that their firefighters are permitted to use convenience stores while on the clock.

Amid yet another sweltering Japanese summer, emergency calls are increasing, leaving not much time for rescue workers to grab a bite to eat. That’s why you may see emergency vehicles parked in convenience store parking lots at times.

▼ The sign they’ll display features an illustration of a rescue worker bowing.


The city has even gone so far as to make a sign for firefighters to display on their dashboard when stopping by a conbini: “We are visiting the convenience store to purchase food and drinks. Thank you for your understanding.”

Many netizens were shocked to hear this news and weren’t afraid to weigh in with their own opinion.

“Who the heck would even make an official complaint about this?”

“What a country we live in–even bus drivers receive complaints when they eat lunch.”

“Sometimes they even get complaints if they drink liquid that’s not clear.”

“This world is becoming harder and harder to live in.”

“There are too many idiots who think you should work without food or drink.”

Sagamihara’s announcement says that while their workers are encouraged to bring their own food and drink, there may be instances late at night where they haven’t brought enough. They may even use the eat-in corners at some convenience stores. “It’s energy they need to save lives,” according to the official statement. Do what you need to save lives, firefighters.

Sources: Mainichi Shimbun via My Game News Flash

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Often seen firefighters and old bill getting stuff in my local Family Mart. Maybe the “rules” are different in this part of the country.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The city has even gone so far as to make a sign for firefighters to display on their dashboard when stopping by a conbini: “We are visiting the convenience store to purchase food and drinks. Thank you for your understanding.”

“What a country we live in–even bus drivers receive complaints when they eat lunch.”

So many dull unwritten rules in Japan, is there any proof that taking break just to get a food or drinks will make them less capable in doing their job. Those people who make complaint, will they rather choose those firefighter just collapse while working because they haven't drink or eat anything?

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

We must control people by making up rules. More rules, and even if there isn't a rule. Just tell them.."It's the rule". Then watch them squirm when you ask for them to show us the rule "in writing".

-5 ( +9 / -14 )

But I think what happened in the past is some old lady or old man, complained because someone was thirsty or hungry and bought something at the shop. Then someone in the office said. Let's make it a rule, instead of saying to the old man or woman, thank you for your concern, and putting it down to a ridiculous citizen and getting on with their real job.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

People are not robots, if someone complained about this, you know what they REALLY need.

(I'll leave that up to you, cuz otherwise I'll get deleted, as usual)

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Back home, Dunkin and Timmy used to give free coffee to police, firefighters and ambulance personnel on duty, as a simple thank you for being available and on duty at all hours of the day and night!

Here people complain if the go into a convenience store to buy water.

Way too nosy people!

1 ( +12 / -11 )

I have respect for all the people who serve and they can go ahead of me in the line.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Looks like more and more articles on JT are coming from Sora News. I've seen firemen in convenience stores on many occasions.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Ok if the convenience store was to catch on fire should the firemen wait for it to burn down before they go in to put out the fire?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It is Japan. Go with the flow.

The Kanri guy in my mansion no matter what sweeps the floors making a racket to prove he is working when the hallways are soaked from bad rain and wind.

Go with the flow. It is Japan and a very interesting place.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Japanese city announces its firefighters can use convenience stores

ohh, really? Game changing and mind blowing events here…….

what is wrong with people in Kimitsu city or wherever this story took place?

civil servants are humans too. If they gotta go, they gotta go. If it’s a blazing hot summer day, they need water or food or whatever to keep going.

how was this even “against the rules” in the first place?

it’s just ridiculous how much backward thinking exists around here.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

People are not robots

In Japan, many are expected to be.

Here in Tokyo, I never see cops hanging around combinis, family restaurants or Starbucks like I do in other countries. I don't even see them drink from a water bottle on a hot day. The koban cops in my area seem to eat and drink in a back room, away from the public gaze. Japan sees this as appropriate for some reason.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The koban cops in my area seem to eat and drink in a back room, away from the public gaze. Japan sees this as appropriate for some reason.

Indeed. Never seen a single policeman, ambulance officer or fireman eat or drink in public in all my years in Japan. Weird.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Not sure why it wouldn't be permitted in the first place, so long as they weren't detouring on the way to a burning house to grab some Famichiki. Also, now that that McDonald's in Sagamihara has banned an entire school of kids, they should be able to grab some cheeseburgers and McShakes a bit easier in the middle of the afternoon too.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I do not get this at all, why would there be any restrictions on important utility workers going in to a store? I must research this some more and see if it happens any where else in the world.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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