
Japanese, U.S. and S Korean officials condemn North's weapons plans but urge dialogue


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It's a delicate situation.

Looks like their hands are tied for now.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Because the word "condemn" is expected to have great influence on DPRK?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Project 5150 NumbskullToday  08:39 am JST

to strengthen “close communication to bring North Korea back to the path to denuclearization 

He noted the start of this week's launch of a nuclear consultation between Seoul and Washington, saying North Korea “undermined its own security”, while its attempt to intimidate the two allies only upgraded their cooperation on nuclear deterrence.

Total hypocrisy

Nothing hypocritical about it: SK has subs visiting it doesn't even control. NK has nukes directly under its control. NK should destroy them and then it is very easy to stop the subs visiting.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

sanctions against the North

NK is still laughing at this joke!

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

North Korean people suffer badly from the sanctions but the leadership and military do not suffer so much.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

So now we are threatening nuclear war with heavily armed NK, just because USA ordered us? We will all die, but USA is very far away so they won’t die.

what has NK done to Japan? When I lived in Toyama, the fishing boats met NK boats at sea and bought all the fish and crabs for 10% of Japanese price and didn’t have to pay so much fuel and not use their nets. I wonder if this still goes on.

we are neighbors. Peace.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The NK dictator has nuclear weapons and icbms as a way to ensure his own, personal survival. However, he/she need to remember that if they ever use these weapons on their neighbors, or against the US, the response will be so overwhelming that the NK dictator will not be able to hide.

Having these weapons may ensure that he stays in power, but using them would ensure the end of his reign. Mutually assured destruction applies as much today as it did during the Cold War. The cost of removing Kim is too high right now, but if he forces us into action, the end result will be his death.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

indigoToday 08:59 am JST

   sanctions against the North

NK is still laughing at this joke!

Its people aren't laughing. Not that Kim cares.


5 ( +6 / -1 )

Nobody has ever told them that the handshake chain looks silly?

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

indigoToday 08:59 am JST

sanctions against the North

NK is still laughing at this joke!

I'd they have been effectively neutralized as anything but a potential World Food Program Recipient.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


how about to talk with DPRK directly?

is there any obstacle why you want to talk about them but behind them?

show your courage and talk with tem directly now!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

RodneyToday 09:17 am JST

what has NK done to Japan?

I'd say abducting citizens, launching missiles over, and unilaterally developing nukes aren't nothing, in addition to the hostile rhetoric.

When I lived in Toyama, the fishing boats met NK boats at sea and bought all the fish and crabs for 10% of Japanese price and didn’t have to pay so much fuel and not use their nets. I wonder if this still goes on.

Well I've heard that lots of rickety boats and half-starved North Koreans end up in Japan.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Hmm, condemning, holding hands, crossing arms, smiling, not smiling, urging dialogue... Not sure what message they are trying to convey...

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Project 5150 NumbskullToday 01:35 pm JST

So if someone repeatedly bullies and threatened you - you would respond by giving up your means of defense ?

I doubt it.

If I am a small country, then I have to accept that I might not be allowed to be a nuclear power by the big countries. And that is not just the US saying this, the UN said this.

If you think the US is a normal country then i can understand your confusion

Nothing unusual about us other than making sure that the dictators of the world are contained.

Your talking about Iran ? Why is the US technically still at war with them ?

We're not at war with Iran, but if you are wondering why we don't have relations with them it is because they kidnapped our diplomatic staff and have actual relationships with terrorist groups.

I think it's important to remember that without China intervention in the Korean war then NK would have been conquered and the Korean war didn't end as only an armistice was achieved

So North Korea had better find a way to keep the Chinese happy. Start stupid wars win stupid prizes.

The USA offers deals under threat

No more threatening than the other big powers, at least in that part of the world.

Simple as that .

4 ( +6 / -2 )

why does Takehiro look like he'd rather be somewhere else

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Now with the war in Ukraine and them using missile defense systems it might be time to start deploying them here and shooting down any ICBM-class ballistic missile as soon as it leaves NK airspace.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Anyone who does the research knows who the real instigator of conflict worldwide (i.e. Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Iran...and yes, Korea) is.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

LegrandeToday 05:12 pm JST

Anyone who does the research knows who the real instigator of conflict worldwide (i.e. Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Iran...and yes, Korea) is.

I don't see on that list Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, Sudan, and Mali. And lol at blaming the US for the Korean war.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If the Soviets (Russia) and Chinese (PRC) had not backed North Korea, that country would be as healthy and prosperous today as South Korea. Because of this backing Kim Il Sung chose to unilaterally invade South Korea to unify it under the DPRK regime. Only someone with no brain would try to blame the US or Japan or anyone else for the Korean War.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If the U.S. army withdrawn their troops below the 38th soon after the Soviet army withdrawn their troops out if North Korea, the North and South Koreans can negotiate a non violence way of unification and there was no need to use force to unify the country. The North Korean army attack on South was because the present of a hostile foreign forces and the support of "Singman Ree" a corrupted puppet sent directly from America. The Koreans were sick of another foreign govonor after 50 years of Japanese colonial rule, they don't want another round of colonialism.

The Soviet & Chinese involment was essential, if the US troops approaching to the Yalu river, that was an imminent threat. MacArthur visited Taiwan after Incheon landing to meet Chiang Kai Shek (C.K.S.) was the evidence he was hostile, he wants to help the KMT(Nationalists) fighting back to China through the Korean peninsula!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

sanctions against the North over its missile advancement in violation to the United Naitons' Security Council resolutions.

What violations? Veto from Russia & China were very clear message that no way of sanction implement on North Korea. Xi has told that useless Blinken straight forward in Beijing !

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

elephant200July 22 11:28 pm JST

If the U.S. army withdrawn their troops below the 38th soon after the Soviet army withdrawn their troops out if North Korea, the North and South Koreans can negotiate a non violence way of unification and there was no need to use force to unify the country.

The US did initially withdraw from Korea but if you shamelessly back insurgencies, you are going to see foreign forces help put them down.


The North Korean army attack on South was because the present of a hostile foreign forces and the support of "Singman Ree" a corrupted puppet sent directly from America.

Sorry, you don't just get to decide it is go time and not expect a big response. Stalin and Mao thought the US wouldn't bother and they were wrong. You may not like Ree, but the US did not like the brutal communist dictatorship on the other side of the border.

The Koreans were sick of another foreign govonor after 50 years of Japanese colonial rule, they don't want another round of colonialism.

That's too bad. Rhee was definitely a nationalist and opposed to Japanese colonial rule. I doubt he would have been so effective killing the North's insurgents if he had no local support.

The Soviet & Chinese involment was essential, if the US troops approaching to the Yalu river, that was an imminent threat. MacArthur visited Taiwan after Incheon landing to meet Chiang Kai Shek (C.K.S.) was the evidence he was hostile, he wants to help the KMT(Nationalists) fighting back to China through the Korean peninsula!

This history lesson has been great, but it's not 1950 anymore.

sanctions against the North over its missile advancement in violation to the United Naitons' Security Council resolutions.

What violations?

Read the resolutions. I don't have any more time for this.

Veto from Russia & China were very clear message that no way of sanction implement on North Korea.

Ok, what about all of the sanctions that passed? You see, the era of singing Putin and "bide your time" China was actually the greatest period of peace in recent memory.

Xi has told that useless Blinken straight forward in Beijing !

I suspect Blinken has bigger problems and issues than whining NK.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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