
Jason Aldean's new music video was filmed at a lynching site. A big country music network pulled it


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“My political views have never been something I’ve hidden from” and that the song is about a desire to “get back to a sense of normalcy,” he wrote on Twitter.

"Normalcy" as in sundown towns when minorities were run out of town during sunset.


Aldean has long identified as conservative, and has been a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump.

Funny how these conservatives want to return to the racist, sexist social norms of the 50's but do not want to return to the 90 percent tax rates on the super-rich that brought broad based prosperity under Eisenhower.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

No one's accusing country music stars as being highly intelligent. Especially with that Dwight Yoakum hat on.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Try that in a small town.

What he's insinuating is a white small town, well armed, and ready to use vigilante justice against uppity minorities and libs who don't know their place.

Yeah, ya think you’re tough--when you're a majority with a bunch of AR-15s.

Celebrating the ugliest legacy of the South.

BTW, Macon isn't a small town.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

It's so funny how all the moaners actually ended up helping this song get to #1 and make Aldean even richer than he already is!

I'd rather live in a small town any day than Detroit/Baltimore/St. Louis etc..

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

This fool is a known racist and misogynist, but thats how they like their country stars in the grand ol' usa. He also claimed to be a family boy whilst cheating on his wife, and he loves wearing 'black face' when he can get away with it. Yes, a real man, NOT.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

SpeedToday  09:36 am JST

No one's accusing country music stars as being highly intelligent. Especially with that Dwight Yoakum hat on.

Yes, he’s rich and not smart like some people here.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Never heard of him, but looks like some wannabe cowboy in too-tight jeans.

Got a gun that my granddad gave me

Grandparents handing down guns to grandchildren? Cross-generational stupidity. And they wonder why the murder rate is so high. SMH

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Aldean has given conflicting statements about his stance on U.S. gun laws, though his music celebrates gun ownership.

“It’s too easy to get guns, first and foremost,” he told The Associated Press after the Las Vegas shooting. “When you can walk in somewhere and you can get one in 5 minutes, do a background check that takes 5 minutes, like how in-depth is that background check? Those are the issues I have. It’s not necessarily the guns themselves or that I don’t think people should have guns. I have a lot of them.”

As per usual with these establishment media hit pieces, it tries to muddy the waters about a person the establishment doesn't approve of. I'd clear what his position is: gun ownership is OK, as long as proper background checks are done.

I'd never heard of Aldean before the controversy flared up the other day, but given the types of people who are most upset about him, he can't be too bad a guy.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

No one's accusing country music stars as being highly intelligent.

You can make that argument for most of the music that is streamed on the radio today with the exception of Jazz and the Blues, but that is an entirely different level of musical knowledgeable enlightenment.

*What he's insinuating is a white small town, well armed, and ready to use vigilante justice against uppity minorities and libs who don't know their place.*

I think that is how the left would like to see it in their political fantasy dreamscapes.

Yeah, ya think you’re tough--when you're a majority with a bunch of AR-15s.

Yes, but it's not ONLY the AR-15s that make these people tough.

Celebrating the ugliest legacy of the South.

So you think the North was better or that they eagerly opened their arms to blacks or even freed blacks? You better go back and check your history books on that one.

Anyway, I feel like this, if the music offends you, change the station, done! And guess what...that didn't even cost a penny.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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