
Joni Mitchell says she is boycotting Spotify over COVID 'lies'


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Becoming a rather divisive world, you would think a global virus would unite, not cause such vexation.

12 ( +17 / -5 )

I can't imagine being so insecure in your beliefs that you have to cover your ears with your hands a shout loudly like a child to stop hearing others opinions regardless of how much you disagree with them.

These actions look infantile to me.

-12 ( +24 / -36 )

I did not know who she was so i listened to Yellow Taxi on YT, wow! brilliant song, and she did it so long ago. It is good to see big stars denouncing spotify for their divisive content, let us see more them doing the same....ps I also do not know of this Rogan, but if he is anti mask and anti vax....in a pandemic, well, he is really showing his tru intellectual level.

You didn't know either Joni Mitchell or Joe Rogan? Im surprised.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

I think the last time someone actually listened to a Joni Mitchell song on purpose was on an 8-track in 1982 and it was my mom.

-17 ( +13 / -30 )

Just joined Spotify so I could watch the Dr. Robert Malone podcast episode (#1757) and see what all the fuss was about. It seems his point is that the whole vaccination thing is complex and that the efficacy includes many variables. He says we should be open to discussing and analyzing other threats to virus efficacy, and not be afraid of putting forward other hypothesis. I didn't see anything particularly controversial other than a doctor wanting to look into things more deeply.

As for these musicians wanting silencing Joe Rogan podcast seems a bit of an overreaction. What do they know and why should they be given a voice over a very qualified researcher? Shouldn't we be more open to discussion and debate rather than just silence people whose opinions we don't necessarily agree with. Joe Rogan is doing well in giving voice to a variety of interesting people in long form (this is a 3 hour podcast) that we night otherwise not have access to.

2 ( +20 / -18 )

Good. Stupid wokeness will result in lost income.

-14 ( +15 / -29 )

Joni looks well.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

The 'cancel culture' and 'I am offended' movement is in itself toxic and nauseating..

-5 ( +18 / -23 )

Fully support her as I fully supported Neil Young. For those who think Spotify shouldn't be worried if this snowballs any further, should think again. They have some big decisions to make about what they want to be. A music streaming service (and they DID promise us Lossless music almost a year ago) or a platform offering controversial podcasts. Many posters on this board who are anti 'Big Pharma', anti 'Vaxxer' and anti 'Google' etc are actually buying into a 'Big Streamer' that pays artists next to nothing and is actually inhibiting the growth of new music. Pretty Hypoctitical if you ask me. I hope you realize that by continuing to support Rogan that you are just turning MANY more millions people away to Apple Music for example! I'm sure you also despise them.

and @CaptDingleheimer: If Joni Mitchell still didn't have a decent market, I'm sure Rhino wouldn't have spent a substantial amount go money remastering 4 of her classic albums just last year.

These two artists will be long remembered long after Joe Rogan.

5 ( +22 / -17 )

I would rather have a choice of information than no information. Just like the music I want to listen to.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

These old folks are really going for the attention these days, aren't they? I believe both of them used to be for free speech and transparency back in their day. Lovely songwriters, but while they may be remembered more than Joe Rogan in 50 years, the issue is not not Joe Rogan but censorship and the ability of people to hear all sides of a conversation. A shame that such talented people will mark their final days by fighting for the wrong side.

-4 ( +17 / -21 )

These actions look infantile to me.

seems the older the oldsters get the more childlike they become.

-5 ( +15 / -20 )

As an artist on Spotify, I would love nothing more than to see the company fail, unless they started paying artists like they pay Rogan. Spotify has given people the mentality that the products of musicians, which costs thousands of dollars to make, have no value.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

If you have any love for music you shouldn't be anywhere near Spotify anyway.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

I don’t think anyone will stop listening to Rogan because she is going to boycott Spotify… completely different demographics for her and Rogan

10 ( +12 / -2 )

@Paustovsky: I want to agree with you, but it does introduce you to artists you would almost certainly not hear otherwise. I have spent a lot more on both Cds and HI Res downloads since I have subscribed to Spotify. I hate their business model but damn their algorithms are good at what they present to you.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Standing up for your beliefs, speaking your mind and putting ideals before profit. I find it hard to fault that, whatever side.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Yeah, Neil Young and Joni pulling their music is not significant for Spotify, however, this is very bad optics for Spotify. Consumers are fickle these days and there are plenty of alternatives. Apple Music is a better service and are benefiting off this.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Even the hippies are supporters of big pharmaceutical corporations. What happened to the left? I guess they realized their only gripe was they didn’t want to follow their parents’ rules. Hippies—the original virtue signalers.

19, just days after fellow musical titan Neil Young did the same.

I don’t think this is true. I think young threw an ultimatum to Spotify and they told young, fine, see ya later. Joe Rogan is more popular than these two ever were combined. And Rogan has also the scientific and medical communities on his side. He’s had real doctors on his show who’ve backed the things Rogan’s said. He even had the cnn quack Gupta who admitted cnn lied. Go ahead, Joni Mitchell. You’ll just be pushing yourself more into oblivion.

1 ( +14 / -13 )

This demonstrates that America’s culture is devoid of substance and intricately entwined with corporate interests. Our music food clothes and ethos are all determined by corporations. Just sick. And these ex hippie stoners think they’re fighting the righteous fight. Lol!

-7 ( +8 / -15 )

Outraged comment after outraged comment as anti-vaxxers completely fail to understand the nature and responsibilities of personal choice,

A bit of an over reaction don’t you think?

These artists come from another time and are obsolete in the world we live in now . They are great songwriters, as songwriting is a timeless craft. Their opinions mean absolutely nothing to listeners in Spotify.

If this political pandemic means so much to them and they think they can “ enlighten” the masses, then maybe they should start their own podcast . I am sure Spotify would be happy stream it .

-1 ( +9 / -10 )

Another geriatric having a temper tantrum. Ho-hum.

-2 ( +11 / -13 )

The world will remember Neil and Joni decades after Joe Rogan has been forgotten.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

As for these musicians wanting silencing Joe Rogan podcast seems a bit of an overreaction. What do they know and why should they be given a voice over a very qualified researcher? Shouldn't we be more open to discussion and debate rather than just silence people whose opinions we don't necessarily agree with. Joe Rogan is doing well in giving voice to a variety of interesting people in long form (this is a 3 hour podcast) that we night otherwise not have access to.

It's not just musicians. Many doctors and scientists have asked Spotify to take action on misinformation.

I agree that we should be open to discussion and debate. But on these podcasts, we see a single person spouting information for hours without challenge.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

If these folks are trying to shut this Joe guy down I think I’ll have to take a listen myself. Fortunately I am not a Neil Young or Joni Mitchell fan.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

“Big Science” means they can’t be wrong.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Is she gonna hop on the censoring golf cart too?

Who is getting censored? Explain.

If I choose not to frequent a restaurant because I don’t like the other customers or the menu on offer I’m not censoring them.

Just like all the ‘boycott China’ chants we regularly see here. Are you censoring China by disassociating yourself with their economy? No.

Real censorship is happening. Dangerous stuff like Holocaust denial. The thread about ‘Maus’ yesterday had nothing from the usuals who burst blood vessels about M&Ms. Because that was real censorship and indefensible.

This is not censorship. You can still listen to Young, Mitchell or Rogan. The infantile attacks calling them has been geriatrics is pathetic.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

It's hardly surprising that Young and Mitchell have a strong opinion on this subject: both of them were afflicted by the polio epidemic of the early 1950s. For those who lived through it, the palpable fear engendered by the disease is a vivid memory to this day.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Joni Mitchell, like Neil Young, is no longer a significant part of the music world. Old has-beens that are incapable of accepting any opinion that goes against their own, just prove themselves to be infantile crybabies.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Many doctors and scientists have asked Spotify to take action on misinformation.

Funny, because the 10's of thousands of medical professionals around the world who ARE against the vaccines, are quite happy to see the non-medical doomsayers like Young and Mitchell leave!

What makes Young and Mitchell experts on the virus and vaccines? Nothing, absolutely nothing!

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Belrick,ten of thousands of medical workers are losing their jobs, because they want take the jab,doctors start flipping burgers at McDonald's

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Imagine if he went to a service like Gettr if he gets kicked off Spotify. He might do it just to spite em. It would result in millions of new signups. Maybe just go back to full length Youtube videos and push an alternative at the same time. Others are doing that, like Steven Crowder etc.

Not sure the cancel culture left fully understand just how bad this could work out for them if they keep pushing it but go ahead.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

People who listen to Neil Young and Joni Mitchell probably don't know or care about Spotify in the first place.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Funny, because the 10's of thousands of medical professionals around the world who ARE against the vaccines, are quite happy to see the non-medical doomsayers like Young and Mitchell leave!

Happy to see them leave? Leave Spotify?

They are happy to see Young and Mitchell in every newspaper and news site today?

You mean you wish they’d shut up? Sounds like censorship. They are stopping selling their music on one platform.

They aren’t ‘leaving’ any debate on the vaccine, quite the opposite.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Judging by the fruits abusing Young and Mitchell it looks like they made the right choice withdrawing from Spotify.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Putin watch Foxnews, why he quagmired,by his on doing, some say Biden is weak, are the same butt hurt American that voted for Trump, you never can understand how right wing continue to do themselves in

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

BelrickToday 10:05 pm JST

Many doctors and scientists have asked Spotify to take action on misinformation.

Funny, because the 10's of thousands of medical professionals around the world who ARE against the vaccines, are quite happy to see the non-medical doomsayers like Young and Mitchell leave!

Do go on, where do you get this '10's of thousands' figure?

What makes Young and Mitchell experts on the virus and vaccines? Nothing, absolutely nothing!

Nothing, exactly- just like you then in that respect. There is however, the small matter of the 270 actual scientists, doctors, health care workers and professors who have signed an open letter slamming Joe Rogan for amplifying misleading claims about the coronavirus pandemic.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I do not know why lots of people inspire to be ignorant, especially when dealing with something like Covid, that took million of lives, if you do not have basic knowledge of biology,you can speed up your demise, by being ignorant

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I love Rogan, the guy is a champ!

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

In the not-so-old-days, if the media - print, TV or radio - were to make a statement that turned out to be false or misleading, they'd be forced to make a retraction and offer an apology to its audience. Not to mention potential lawsuits.

Nowadays, with social media and other digital platforms, these companies throw all the responsibility to these so called and wanna be "content creators" and don't want to be held accountable to the garbage that it's put out there.

Removing false and misleading information is NOT censorship. It's just common sense.

If we can't agree on what reality actually is, we will never reach a common ground.

The more accurate the information available, the more likely we are to make the correct decision.

Not every opinion is relevant and worth to be heard.

Everybody has an opinion on every topic, but VERY FEW people actually know what they are talking about.

Self-regulation never works. CEOs of multi-billion-dollar companies don't care about the quality or accuracy of the content, they just care about the money they bring.

We need laws and regulations so we can hold these companies accountable for the content published on their platforms.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Finally, the cancellers getting cancelled. Keep on rocking in the free world.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

theResidentJan. 29  04:35 pm JST

Fully support her as I fully supported Neil Young. For those who think Spotify shouldn't be worried if this snowballs any further, should think again. They have some big decisions to make about what they want to be. A music streaming service (and they DID promise us Lossless music almost a year ago) or a platform offering controversial podcasts. Many posters on this board who are anti 'Big Pharma', anti 'Vaxxer' and anti 'Google' etc are actually buying into a 'Big Streamer' that pays artists next to nothing and is actually inhibiting the growth of new music. Pretty Hypoctitical if you ask me. I hope you realize that by continuing to support Rogan that you are just turning MANY more millions people away to Apple Music for example! I'm sure you also despise them.

and @CaptDingleheimer: If Joni Mitchell still didn't have a decent market, I'm sure Rhino wouldn't have spent a substantial amount go money remastering 4 of her classic albums just last year.

These two artists will be long remembered long after Joe Rogan.

Rock'n'roll has always had an aura of standing up against what you know is wrong. Good to see these famous stars making a stand and cutting associations with a network that is technically murdering people by allowing this liar to bellow his crap.

Get up, stand up. walk out. You've got to stand for something. Stand and deliver! Neil and Joan have made their mark before, they don't need Spotify and there's better places to hear their music anyway.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Looked up this guys podcasts but they are like hours long.

Is there something a bit more concise to judge if he is my bag or not?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Whatever this guy said, I struggle to imagine it could be as bad as some ideas like socialism and communism that led to millions of deaths. But we tolerate those views so surely this Rogan chap’s views can’t be so atrocious?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Anybody who has time to listen to these 3 hour long podcasts or watch hours of FDA proceedings really needs to look at better ways of spending their time.

Like listening to decent music!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

fxgaiToday 01:04 pm JST

Looked up this guys podcasts but they are like hours long.

Is there something a bit more concise to judge if he is my bag or not?

Here's a good clip where Candace Owens talks about climate change- funny stuff.


0 ( +1 / -1 )

I wonder if Young, Mitchell, or anyone who is picking their side actually listened to the Rogan interview of Robert Malone. I suspect not.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Funny, because the 10's of thousands of medical professionals around the world who ARE against the vaccines, are quite happy to see the non-medical doomsayers like Young and Mitchell leave!

Yes, and last week Sen. Ron Johnson had a long hearing with a bunch of these medical professionals. Very informative: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Yes, and last week Sen. Ron Johnson had a long hearing with a bunch of these medical professionals. Very informative: https://rumble.com/vt62y6-covid-19-a-second-opinion.html




The principle 'world renowned doctors and medical experts'

Dr. Peter McCullough, a Dallas cardiologist who is largely discredited by the scientific community for his assertions that the COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and that early treatment options have been suppressed. While McCullough said that doctors were probably afraid to show up to the event, one of Oklahoma's top infectious disease physicians, Dr. Anuj Malik, director of infection prevention and control at Ascension St. John, said that the doctors he spoke to were not afraid to attend. They were just not interested in sitting through what would be seen as a “politically-motivated, ideological speech by a modern-day quack.” 

Nor did they want to be part of an event that could lead to people not getting the vaccines and becoming ill and dying as a result, Malik said. "With all due respect, none of McCullough’s ideas have been supported by any randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trials," he said.

An example of Dr Robert Malone's fine work-


Dr Pierre Kory


Dr Ryan Cole


A real trustworthy chap Ron Johnson...



Definitely an unbiased event, with no political interference at all. Johnson is a Fox news darling, which should tell you all you need to know.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I wonder if Young, Mitchell, or anyone who is picking their side actually listened to the Rogan interview of Robert Malone. I suspect not.

False information being promoted on by them has been exhaustively documented and debunked everywhere, that is a completely valid reason for people to oppose the spreading of this kind of information as if it was not false.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Here's a good clip where Candace Owens talks about climate change- funny stuff.

I am only 2:50 into this video but this guy seems perfectly fine to me…

Won’t be queuing up any Joni or Neil then ever, ah well!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Looks like its beginning too snowball now - rightly so. With the Stones, McCartney, Dave Grohl, Pearl Jam and others all apparently ready to pull the pin. Rogan belongs on BitChute.

For those who are going to counter with 'no one cares about these oldies' then your understanding of the music business is very fickle

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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