katsu78 comments

Posted in: Republicans fear political fallout from Kavanaugh turmoil See in context

PTownsendToday  08:05 am JST

"Republicans have to ask themselves if they're willing not only to sell the soul of the party, but sell their own souls to get this particular conservative on the Supreme Court,"

Succinct criticism of Trump-era Republicans.

Exactly, though Trump is just open evidence of the festering rot in the Republican party. The infection goes back decades. Republicans claim to be conservative, but they've abandoned any shred of conservative character in exchange for radical social experimentation, anti-intellectualism, and hate.

From the article:

"If Republicans do not get this vote taken and Kavanaugh confirmed, you can kiss the midterms goodbye," conservative icon Rush Limbaugh boomed from his radio studio this week, a message that Trump echoed on Twitter and Republican strategists repeated privately on Friday.

Limbaugh is hardly a conservative. He's an entertainer, a geriatric pro-wrestler for the political arena. He gave up all pretense of conservative thought when he was taking drugs and shouting "dumbocrats" into a golden microphone. His cowardly proclamation here is a perfect example of that - odds are good that Republicans are going to lose the midterms no matter what. That's why they're rushing Kavanaugh's nomination in the first place. That's why for over a week no Kavanaugh fanboy on this page could muster up the courage to explain why he needed to be confirmed so quickly - they know the policies of Trump and his cowardly congressional enablers have screwed the party and they just want to swipe as much short-term political advantage as possible while they still can. Limbaugh knows Republicans are going to take a thrashing in November, but he lacks the courage to admit that it's Republicans' own fault. So instead of facing his party's own failures, he's hiding behind a delusion of a vast Democrat conspiracy to undermine the government by... ...listening to a woman.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Senator's dramatic demand spurs panel to seek FBI Kavanaugh probe See in context

WolfpackToday  07:58 am JST

@katsu: Why not slow down and investigate to make sure we know what the Guardian of Perverts party (good one!) tells us we know?

What are you going to say when the FBI investigates and finds no evidence that Kavanaugh attempted to assault, rape, or murder Ford? I predict that you will still believe he is guilty because in your mind conservatives do not have the right to due process under the law.

It always amazes me how some people can come onto websites with features specifically designed to help them interact with other people, but they then choose to only pick fights with imaginary versions of people that live only in their own heads.

I look forward to your encore where you debate tax policy with Scrooge McDuck.

Let's take a moment to appreciate how the moderation team has spent almost 9 hours okay with Wolfpack telling me his Snidely Whiplash imaginary conception of me is more real than the real me actually posting on the board, but when I say that's weird they immediately delete the post. I'm literally getting my posts deleted for not being the Republican-hating villain they want me to be.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Kakashi Festival See in context

I had no idea Pac-Man was still so big over here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Senator's dramatic demand spurs panel to seek FBI Kavanaugh probe See in context

Holding off the confirmation vote for a week, not until the end of the investigation, is a coward's move. It shows that Republicans still lack the courage of their convictions. Speaking of which, we're now a full week into my asking this question and no Kavanaugh supporter here has had the fortitude to answer: Why do we need to cram this guy down America's throat? Why not slow down and investigate to make sure we know what the Guardian of Perverts party (good one!) tells us we know?

Oh well. Whatever happens, Kavanaugh will always have his incel fan club to fall back on.


10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context

gcbelToday  03:20 pm JST

Think what you want about the process, the politics of it, and relative credibility, believability of Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh’s credibility as to “respecting precedent/established law”, it’s pretty clear that Kavanaugh doesn’t have the temperament for the job he’s interviewing for. Not by a long shot.

Agreed. Between his near-hysterical denials and refusals to answer quite simple questions, his ridiculous defense antics that we all know he would never tolerate in his own court ("Your honor, I obviously couldn't have committed the crime because I didn't schedule it on my calendar,") and his threatening of repercussions against the entire Democratic Party (all but admitting he will not rule according to the law), it's obvious he is far too compromised to deserve a seat on any court. The only acceptable course for a true conservative who respects the rule of law is to withdraw his nomination and investigate his current court for evidence of political or sexual bias.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context

Tokyo-EngrToday  11:29 am JST

Point of view: I would consider myself to be liberal or left

Repeatedly claiming this doesn't really help your argument.

and I would say calling him a sexual predator based on unsubstantiated claims is pretty bad. ...

investigate further and demand a subpoena of Mark Judge as a condition of moving forward would be reasonable. If it is proven he is a sexual predator based on evidence or substantiated claims ( made under oath) then feel free to label him.

A person can believe someone is a sexual predator without a conviction because people are not a court of law and not bound to operate by the same standards.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context

Tokyo-EngrToday  11:01 am JST

Katsu. If people say they believe Ms. Ford that means they believe Kavanaugh did what he is accused of which makes him guilty of doing so. 

No it doesn't. Only a criminal trial can make someone guilty of a crime.

People can believe a person is guilty. It doesn't make them guilty.

People can believe a person is to compromised, controversial, or distracting due to allegations against them to merit a place on the nation's highest court. That doesn't make them guilty.

People can believe an accuser and say now it is time for a full and proper investigation to make sure there is evidence for what we believe. That doesn't make a person guilty.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context

WolfpackToday  10:48 am JST

I can understand why Kavanaugh doesn't want to slow down. 

It doesn't matter what Kavanaugh wants. He is not in charge here.

Ford has no contemporaneous evidence whereas Kavanaugh does have Judge's sworn written testimony and his calendar - that's at least something.

No, his calendar is not something, unless by "something" you mean an insult to the intelligence of the American people.

Democrats were slow to bring the evidence against him - why the 7 week delay for a charge such as rape and attempted murder?

As I already said, it doesn't matter when the accusation was brought. What matters is that an accusation was brought. Anyone who doesn't get this point is effectively admitting they don't want a SCOTUS justice with honor and integrity on the bench, they just one that will give a partisan political advantage. No one can hold such an odious and short-sighted belief and call themselves a true conservative.

You want a guy who already believes he has been falsely accused to play along with the Dems efforts to delay his confirmation vote in the hopes that they will take the Senate in November and vote him down? 

Yes. Because again, it doesn't matter what Kavanaugh wants. He is not in charge here.

If you were in his shoes and you believed you were wrongly accused would you help your accusers further hurt you?

You're giving away the game by jumping from the premise that he claims it's a false accusation to the conclusion that he believes it's a false accusation. After all, given how much perjury he's already committed this hearing, it's quite plausible that he's simply lying.

But in any case, let me make it very clear: Were I falsely accused of even a single sexual assault, not to mention the now extensive pattern of sexual assault that Kavanaugh is accused of, then I would embrace a full legal investigation of each and every charge no matter how long it took. This is because I would want my name cleared, and I care what the women in my life think of me, and I want them to know with certainty and evidence that I am telling the truth. Only people who are concealing evidence of crimes want to avoid an investigation of accusations that, if they were truly false, would surely clear the accused's name.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: The old and enduring mutual dislike between people of Kansai and Kanto See in context

I've had good experiences with people from Osaka, but I've also heard from Japanese people that discrimination against other Asian ethnicities is strongest there. Whereas Tokyo may be cold, but I meet non-Japanese people from Asia working normal jobs nearly every day, and it rarely seems to be a big deal.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation See in context

Tokyo-EngrToday  10:21 am JST

I do not like the idea of being presumed guilty based on an accusation with no evidence.

Nobody is presuming anyone of being guilty. This is a confirmation hearing, not a criminal trial. Just how many times does this point need repeating?

In any case, we are now on day six of Kavanaugh supporters lacking the courage to explain why we can't just slow down and investigate his case properly. Why does his confirmation need to be rammed down the American people's throats?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Malaysian woman to be caned for prostitution See in context

JimizoSep. 27  10:55 pm JST

I think a clever play on that well known slogan by an Asian country with 21st century civilised values could be effective and amusing.

Big red flag there. People with confidence in their own societies don't feel a need to run around claiming people who live differently are not civilized (and by implication, not properly human).

The treatment of women and homosexuals in Malaysia under Islamic law is revolting though, isn’t it?

I certainly don't agree with it. But then, it doesn't matter what I think, does it. I don't live there. I'm not a stakeholder in how Malaysian society operates. I've got work to get done; I'm too busy to dwell on judging each and every society I wouldn't want to live in.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese nationalists see the constitution as a humiliating relic imposed by U.S. occupiers after Japan's defeat in World War II, while many other Japanese feel strongly attached to the document's pacifist ideals. What is your view of the issue? See in context

When the majority of Japanese people want the constitution changed - however they want it changed - then I think we who are immigrants here without local family or PR have no choice but to support it.

That said, the nationalists and Nippon Kaigi are not the majority, and they usually play political games to try and slip talk of change to the constitution through when the Japanese public at large has other, more pressing concerns. And as far as I'm concerned, people who do that can go take a flying leap.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Malaysian woman to be caned for prostitution See in context

JimizoToday  08:18 pm JST

I think it’s time the more civilised Asian countries had a word with this country about the ‘Malaysia, truly Asia’ slogan.

Why? None of the nations of Asia are so insecure as to feel like another country's tourism slogan actually defines how they themselves are seen by the world. I have a feeling that any Asian country whose tourism scene actually matters on the world stage is too busy making money to worry about one of their neighbors' ad campaigns.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump ready to pull Kavanaugh nomination if he is convinced judge 'guilty' See in context

AttilathehungryToday  08:53 pm JST

A lot of people make the valid point that this is not a criminal case, so that the standards of proof are not the same. True. However, the presumption of innocence does NOT change. 

Wow. Just wow. I have to slow clap this. It takes a rare actor to commit to the bit this fully even though everyone in the audience has seen through the act. Most people have too much of a sense of shame, or at least too much to do of an evening, to waste their time on such an obvious lie. But not this man. Nay! Of this man, they will say, "he stayed at his post! When all good sense and basic human decency said to stop, he kept going! When he found himself in a hole, he had the courage to shake his fist fist at the sky and declare, 'I shall dig even harder!'"

"A lot of people make the valid point that the thing I want to talk about is a complete distraction from the topic at hand. But the thing is, even though it's 100% irrelevant to the topic, it still exists!"

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump: Heads of state 'were laughing with me,' not at me See in context

Texas A&M AggieToday  08:32 pm JST

They were not laughing at him, there was a cheer,

It's so sad to watch someone so desperate for any way to hide from the full gravity of what a loser Trump is that they'd lie to themselves twice before they've even hit the end of their first sentence.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump: Heads of state 'were laughing with me,' not at me See in context

Donald J. Trump is truly a weak man's idea of a strong man, a poor man's idea of a rich man, a stupid man's idea of a smart man, and a coward's idea of a brave man.

Only an insecure idiot would try to use a UN speech as a campaign rally. Only the Emperor of Insecure Idiots would defend doing so at a press conference later.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump ready to pull Kavanaugh nomination if he is convinced judge 'guilty' See in context

SerranoToday  09:06 am JST

"Why can't we slow down and investigate him properly? Why this rush to cram his confirmation down Americans' throats?"

Here's another question? Why weren't these accusations made at the beginning of the nomination process?

The thing that disturbs me about this dodge you and other Trump supporters have repeatedly tried to use is that it shows you fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of the exercise. The goal of a SCOTUS confirmation hearing is not to p0wn the libruls!!!lol!, it's to confirm that the judge being appointed to a lifetime position is fit for the job. In which case, it doesn't matter when an accusation is made, all that matters is that an accusation is made.

It is very disturbing that the people who support Trump may actually prefer to see their country undermined if it upsets people they hate, than see a qualified person get a job they've properly earned after a civil and thorough government investigation.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Super typhoon See in context

maybeperhapsyesToday  04:05 pm JST

But I ain't buying that photo. The scale of that in comparison to the curvature....well it would take in the whole of East Asia.

That's a lot of curve in view considering the ISS is only 200 miles up.

Good ol fisheye.

Nobody said there was no fisheye lens. Nobody said the storm would cover all of East Asia. You're inventing a conspiracy to present a photo in a way no one but yourself has presented it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump accuses China of trying to interfere in upcoming U.S. congressional elections See in context

Trump doing what Trump always does - deflect, deflect, deflect. Not a shred of integrity in him.

This was essentially a cue to his drones to do the same.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Half of Britons say you can't refuse sex once undressed See in context

Burning BushSep. 26  02:28 pm JST

Tell that the the Dutch company and the host of other app makers who are making a fortune selling consent apps to deal with all this legal encroachment into the private affairs of the bedroom.

Because no one has ever sold an app that didn't actually provide the services the company that made it says it does, amirite?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump ready to pull Kavanaugh nomination if he is convinced judge 'guilty' See in context

It's now been what, 5 days of me asking, and not a single Kavanaugh defender has had the courage to answer:

Why can't we slow down and investigate him properly? Why this rush to cram his confirmation down Americans' throats?

Trump and his Republicans really screwed themselves over this. The harder they hold to this "We have to get him confirmed right now!" line, the harder it is going to be to save face when they eventually have to pull his nomination because he's too compromised.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Posted in: Japanese airlines to offer discount to people with mental disorders See in context

ulyssesToday  12:48 pm JST

It's not actually a "broad term"- the psychological field even writes whole manuals defining it.

Its a broad term when you are offering passengers a discount.

Erm.... nooooo.... that's not how words work. You don't get to pretend a word defined by medical manuals means something different just because you'd really like it to.

Do you think a suicidal , self-harming person should be encouraged to get on a plane?

Absolutely. Unless they have been ruled by experts to be so unable to control their actions that they are an imminent danger to themselves or others that they need to be institutionalized, there is no reason not to let them. Are you so uninformed about mental illness that you think someone who has suicidal thoughts or impulses or who uses self-harm as a coping strategy just constantly acts on them no matter where they are? That's not how it works.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context

Chip StarToday  12:39 pm JST

Point well made, and duly noted. I appreciate being called out for acting like a troll.

Fair enough then.

Gremlin.GaijinToday  12:47 pm JST

I believe I understand what you're saying but, I prefer to have me seen as criticising/commenting upon the opinions people express in the various threads hosted by this forum - I could not care less what they do, or who they are.

Expressing a contemptible opinion is still doing a thing. Someone says something terrible, you should comment on it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Half of Britons say you can't refuse sex once undressed See in context

"About 60 percent of teenagers aged 14-17 and nearly three-quarters of people aged 25-34 said it was too late to say no once undressed, compared with 30 percent of adults aged 45-54."

Question poorly worded. We don't know if they're talking about "too late" in a legal sense or a social sense. In other words, they might well agree that anyone has the right to turn down sex at any point, but that if you intend to do that you should do so before you take your knickers off or you're committing a party foul. Still a poor attitude, but not nearly as alarming as if they're interpreting it in a legal sense.

Burning BushToday  11:07 am JST

A Dutch startup launched an app this year which uses blockchain to record sexual contracts between partners via their mobiles, confirming they both consent and outlining conditions.

This is where it's all going... legal contracts with stipulations (you can touch here and here, but not there) prior to any physical contact with any other human being.

Hoo boy, I've got bad news for you: consent can be withdrawn at any time, so any contract made prior to the act is legally meaningless. You might do better off not trying so hard to protect yourself from people who don't want to have sex with you and spend more time paying attention and listening for continuous, enthusiastic consent.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese airlines to offer discount to people with mental disorders See in context

ulyssesToday  09:27 am JST

'Mental Disorder' is a very broad term.

If my girlfriend breaks up and I get depressed, should I qualify for a discount?

No, because no psychologist worth their license would ever misdiagnose a temporary mood as a mental disorder. It's not actually a "broad term"- the psychological field even writes whole manuals defining it.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context

Chip StarToday  09:19 am JST

As of 25 September 2018, 140 Member States have paid their regular budget assessments in full.

The USA WAS NOT one of them.

Hahaha. People would know this if they hadn't gone to a university that focuses on agriculture to the exclusion of literacy, logic, and critical thinking.

Really poor move, dude. We don't attack people for where they go to university or the field they chose to go into. If (hypothetically speaking) a troll on here presents themselves as being from a particular school, we don't mock people for being from that school - we mock the troll for being a troll.

Agriculture is a fine field to study or work in, and has zero bearing on a person's literacy, logic, or critical thinking. Few college courses even study those things directly, and arguably none can be learned entirely through a class, whatever its topic is.

We criticize people for what they do, not for who they are. To do otherwise is to embrace the Alt-Right's ideology.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump calls allegations against his court nominee a 'con game' See in context

AttilathehungryToday  11:47 am JST

I will answer.

Blocking Garland was pure power politics. Cloaked in precedent, but political opportunism at heart.

The Democrats are now returning the favor. They can't do it with votes, so they are doing it with smears and grandstanding.

That's not an answer. That's an attempt at a justification. I asked why we can't slow down. You're trying to tell me why Republicans won't slow down, and even then you're trying to dishonestly pin Republicans' choice to rush through this confirmation hearing on the Democrats somehow.

Again, why can't we slow down and do this investigation properly?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump calls allegations against his court nominee a 'con game' See in context

No Trump supporter has yet to work up the courage to answer my question:

Why is it necessary to rush through this confirmation? Why can't we slow down and investigate it properly?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Bill Cosby imprisoned for up to 10 years for sexual assault See in context

YubaruToday  06:38 am JST

it could be a death sentence for him, at his age that is.

I believe the term you're looking for is a "life sentence". Dying in jail is not the same thing as a state execution.

Chip StarToday  07:00 am JST

His Legal Team is now claiming "Racial Discrimination" in appeal attempt!

That is the job of lawyers. Lawyers representing a client does not mean they agree with the client or approve of the client's actions.

Nah. A lawyer's job is to defend their client. It's not to just make ridiculous accusations and hope something sticks. A good lawyer would have to know that this:

After the sentencing, Andrew Wyatt, Cosby's spokesman, read a lengthy statement in which he decried what he called "the most racist and sexist trial in the history of the United States."

...was a bad idea. Nobody is going to be swayed for it, and it just makes the Cosby team look like idiots. I mean Plessy v. Ferguson, anyone?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump, Iran's Rouhani exchange threats, insults on U.N.'s world stage See in context

"Confronting multilateralism is not a sign of strength. Rather it is a symptom of the weakness of intellect - it betrays an inability in understanding a complex and interconnected world," he said.

He's right. And given how many Trump supporters in these comments can't tell the difference between criticizing Trump and supporting Iran, it sounds like Trump isn't the only one suffering from this problem.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

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