
Kishida to meet fishery group head over Fukushima water release plan


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to pitch the government's plan of releasing treated radioactive water

Assisted by a big bag of brown paper envelopes stuffed with crisp ichimanensatsu.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Well, what else is gonna change their minds? Science? Even if the fishermen are all science graduates, unfortunately their customers are either not always keen on the science or don't understand it or don't trust the purveyors of it, including the Japanese government of which Kishida is a minor member (the bagman?). The fishermen themselves are always beyond reproach in Japan, no matter what they do, so something has to give. Greasing palms - gifts - has a long tradition in Japan. Some may need to see the dynamics in play here.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Even the Japanese fisheries don't believe you !

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

And you think anyone believes the CCP!!

At least the Prime Minister is willing to sit down and meet face to face and discuss the government's plan.

You will never see this in China, it will be an order and there will be consequences if you don't fall in line with the government.

Even now, the Japanese government has asked China to have a meeting and discuss it scientifically but China being the child it is has refused any meeting at all and continues to refuse any discussion.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Got questions.

Someones still gotta be in charge of writing down brown bag of envelopes of crisp ichimansatsu invoice somwhere on the new Minusnumber card someplace right?


> MoonrakerJuly 18 04:52 pm JST

to pitch the government's plan of releasing treated radioactive water

Assisted by a big bag of brown paper envelopes stuffed with crisp ichimanensatsu.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I don't mean to sound like an idiot (but it wouldn't be the 1st time) ...but why release the water at all?...it's contaminated sure - and if I understand it - it's used to cool the core of the doomed reactor...take the tainted cooled water and re-cycle it through the reactor to cool it...it likely becomes more tainted...but if you're not going to release it - so what?...OR was there a reason they chose to use the volume of water once and store it?...if the purpose of the water is for cooling - and it's contaminated - use it again and again - or am I simply misunderstanding something?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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