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Local coding school inspires a new generation of young coders


The rise of technology and digitalization has drastically changed the job market landscape, with a vast majority of top-paying jobs now requiring some form of coding ability. The World Economic Forum predicts that a staggering 65% of children currently in school will eventually work in jobs that have yet to be created, highlighting the critical role coding will play in the future workforce.

In response, schools across the world are making efforts to integrate basic programming into their curricula. However, to truly prepare students for the future, it is not enough for them to simply understand technology. They must also be able to actively shape and harness its potential, which is where specialized technology education centers like Tokyo Coding Club come into play.


Established in 2012, Tokyo Coding Club is a leading provider of technology education in Japan, serving the international school community from its Nishi-Azabu center. The club connects children from grades 3 through 12 with experienced instructors working at the forefront of the tech industry. One of its instructors, Dr Abbi Hamed, an Imperial College London alum with a PhD in Medical Mechatronics, is passionate about sharing his expertise in robotics with his students.

"I love teaching robotics because it's an exciting subject that allows students to use their imagination and problem-solving skills simultaneously. Above all, it's just plain fun," says Dr Hamed.


At Tokyo Coding Club, the mission is simple: to cultivate the next generation of tech-savvy students through engaging and dynamic lessons taught by working professionals. Unlike traditional schools, the club boasts instructors who are professional software developers and roboticists, giving students access to real-world experience and expertise. "It's rare to find schools with professional software engineers and roboticists serving as instructors," says Chris Sickinger, the Director of Tokyo Coding Club. "It’s remarkable seeing what students can create after working with our staff."

One of the major obstacles to coding education is the steep learning curve, but Tokyo Coding Club has designed its curriculum to address this challenge head-on. The club uses popular games like Minecraft and Roblox to teach popular coding languages like Python and C#, and has also added year-round group classes that focus on collaboration and other essential 21st-century skills like computational thinking, problem-solving, and technological literacy.


In addition to its traditional programming classes, Tokyo Coding Club also offers a unique blend of education and adventure through its seasonal camps across Japan. Children can learn how to build applications through programming while exploring some of the country's most stunning destinations, igniting a passion for technology that will stay with them for years to come.

As the demand for coding skills continues to grow, investing in tech education is a wise choice for both students and parents.

Tokyo Coding Club offers a distinct advantage to those seeking a competitive edge in the future. With professional software developers and roboticists as instructors, students can develop their coding skills through real-world applications, preparing them for success in their future careers.

Get ahead in the tech revolution. Sign up with Tokyo Coding Club today and mention the code "JAPANTODAY" for a 15% discount on your first month.

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This is a wonderful initiative! Love to see young people engaging with shaping tech and learning how it works, not just consuming it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That’s right, AI does already create and write standard program code lines, although one still has to correct them a bit or making them optimal fitting to the problem. So there’s still some need for people with programming knowledge, but at a level that’s exceeding the capabilities of AI. And of course in general, AI is very much overestimated. It can only shine in a very few areas, namely linguistic capabilities, optical recognition and high speed combinatorial tasks, for example those now famous chat bots, face recognition in security systems, finding cancers from medical photographic data or randomly finding new molecular structures in chemistry. Anything else, like reliable numerical or financial predictions or applications like autonomous driving etc, that’s an illusion or very much overrated.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Tokyo Coding Club offers a distinct advantage to those seeking a competitive edge in the future

Sorry to break your bubble but AI is getting so advanced that it can even write code for you.

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