
Lockdown fears spark panic buying in Hong Kong


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God save the good people of Hong Kong enduring such hardships, punishments and retaliations. God forgive those that abandoned them.

“Faith in government assurances is low in Hong Kong, where authorities have carried out a two year crackdown on dissent after huge democracy protests.” -

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Which part “*won’t end” *@Jexan 2:23pm, the abuses, the inconsistencies, the misinformation ?

“..editor of the Hong Kong Free Press described the latest panic buying as "a massive failure of gov't communications"

"Rules changing every few days, u-turns, botched stats, poor data disclosure,”

“The government released a statement late Mon saying food supplies remained constant and that there was no need for panic buying.” -

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore. It's Xi Kong.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hong Kong is not Hong Kong anymore.

It was inevitable that a colonial enclave that had evolved into a free market capitalist hub was going to be on a collision course with the state capitalist Big Brother up the road after 1997, when the city reverted from Brit rule to mainland China control. Just like you can see with Russia and former nations of the USSR, this has not been from one day to the next, but instead a steady and unstoppable encroachment on the freedoms and democracy that the city had enjoyed from 1997. China of course has a love-hate relationship with HK, because they don't want to kill the golden goose, so they have tried to do this incrementally. The people of HK have seen the writing on the wall, but many have been betrayed by their former colonial masters, who have since become curiously reluctant to recognize their historical obligations to all HK citizens wanting to emigrate to the UK. That much was clear during the pro-democracy protests of the past couple of years. Many Hong Kongers looking for a way out are having to look to other places, and of course many have held out as Hong Kong is their home.

But the pandemic has brought all of this into brutal relief, and shown up how vulnerable the former colony is when things like supply chains or the health system come under pressure. It seems that now, with Covid a humanitarian crisis is developing there, on top of the democratic one that has been worsening over the past couple of years.

I hope governments around the world will show solidarity with all those fleeing persecution and oppression as Big Brother closes in, and opens their doors to the refugees Hong Kongers are increasingly becoming. Ironically, they tend to be highly educated and entrepreneurial, so you'd think that many places would see them as the 'right kind' of immigrants. But they should do so anyway, on humanitarian grounds.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Most people here at JT have no clue about HK. In the midst of the violent protests, old grannies were abused for trying to clear the mess on the roads, innocent people were punched just for speaking Mandarin, one guy was doused in flammable liquid, then set on fire, all filmed and probably still on the internet, just because he dared to criticize those young kids who were egged on by foreigners. Those who used their BNO passports to 'flee' to the UK are now struggling with life there, some even causing more violence in London Chinatown. Many can't find jobs or homes, hate the weather and food and are shocked that it gets dark at 4pm. And don't get me started on the racism. The good thing is that there is no more violence in HK. The UK can have it. Ordinary HKers just want to get on with their lives. And they don't want colonialism - it never gave them any elections until the very end. They don't want to go back to the days when only gweilos could live on the peak on HK island.

The elderly should have got themselves vaccinated. Most deaths involve the non-vaccinated elderly or those with underlying conditions, including the young. It doesn't help that HK is a crowded place.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Pukey2Today 05:07 pm JST

Most people here at JT have no clue about HK. blahblah non sense

What are you even talking about ?! Have you even set a foot in HK for the last 5 years ?!

This is just a creation of yours, or maybe the result of the 2019 district elections skipped your mind ?!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Atleast, the government cares about it's people.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


Have you even set a foot in HK for the last 5 years ?!

What do you think?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


I see you haven't denied what I said about those specific cases of violence in HK.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

@TARA TAN KITAOKA Your post never seems to amaze me. I find it hard following your logic.

Atleast, the government cares about it's people.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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