Lorraine comments

Posted in: Police advised to rethink motive and opportunity in unsolved Setagaya family murder case See in context

@Nicholas84: Thanks so much for sharing what you've learned about this case. There are three things I don't understand about this case (there are many, actually, but these are ones that maybe you have answers for). I haven't listened to your podcast yet (but I will!), so forgive me if you have addressed these in the podcast.

How did investigators determine the killer took a nap on the couch? Was there a pillow with his drool (saliva) on it? This has always puzzled me. I even saw one website that stated he took a "3-hour nap." How in the world could that be determined? I'm sure that time frame is among the many false claims about the case, but the statement that he took a nap on the couch seems to be in every account of the case I've read.

Whereabouts in the house were the bloody footprints? You said above, "There is no blood by the front door which seems to tell us he didn't walk out that way (given he would've been covered in it)." But he changed clothes before he left the house, right? Was there any indication that he may have taken a shower? Maybe he also washed off his shoes in the shower. Also, did the house have a back door or any other way to get inside the house besides the tiny bathroom window that was open?

Is there any theory as to why he left his clothing there instead of taking it with him? He must have had some sort of bag that he carried the change of clothes in, so why didn't he put the bloody clothes in it and take them with him? I just don't understand why he left so much evidence, seemingly on purpose.

I'm also curious what you think about the book Fumiya Ichihashi wrote about the case. From what I've read about the book, he claimed that a Korean man he calls "R" is the killer and that he compared his fingerprints to the killer's, and they were a match. I assume that, as the book was released eight years ago, nothing has come of this theory. Do you think there could be some validity to this theory?

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