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Man arrested for filming up woman’s skirt says he was sexually frustrated


Police in Hekinan, Aichi Prefecture, said Sunday they have arrested a 49-year-old man on suspicion of creating a public nuisance after he was caught filming up a woman’s skirt.

Police said Shoichi Fujita, a company employee, has admitted using his smartphone to film up the 48-year-old woman’s skirt in a drugstore at around 10 p.m. on Saturday, local media reported. Police quoted Fujita as saying he hadn’t been with a woman for a long time and was feeling sexually frustrated.

Police said another woman noticed what Fujita was doing and told the victim. The victim and her husband who was nearby then called out to Fujita and grabbed him before he could leave the store.

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saying he hadn’t been with a woman for a long time and was feeling sexually frustrated.

There are much easier and legal ways to deal with that issue ; )

22 ( +26 / -4 )

What a slimeball, must be a mentalist or he’s fibbing to excuse his vile behaviour.

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

“Creating a public nuisance.” Is that really the best way to refer to this? More like being a pervert who can’t just go on the Internet and find a porn site if he really can’t find a girlfriend.

17 ( +22 / -5 )


as I said, I think he’s fibbing as an excuse you see. Anyway please don’t encourage people to view pornography, it’s immoral and degenerate and can lead to addiction, tools perverse behaviours and criminal acts far worse than this man committed.

-30 ( +8 / -38 )

I don’t think a comment on a Japan Today news story about porn being a lesser of two ‘evils’ when the other is upskirting is good my to cause a pandemic of porn watching around the world. In fact, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t already a pandemic of porn watching around the world. Rather that than upskirting. Especially if the people involved in the videos are consenting.

14 ( +23 / -9 )


why is watching porn immoral its just a vid, nothing more nothing less, unless you are a prude grape.

23 ( +32 / -9 )


Of course it’s immoral, it leads to immoral and deviant behaviour and particularly sexualises women so some men se women as merely sex objects not human beings anymore and leads to crimes such as in the article.

-33 ( +9 / -42 )

Of course it’s immoral, [porn] leads to immoral and deviant behaviour

Don't forget Rock & Roll and wearing jeans!

Foul stuff.

22 ( +28 / -6 )

Sexual frustration is very, very real and most societies have difficulty addressing this uncomfortable reminder that we are animals. Prostitution and porn are society's solution, but even they cannot prevent sexual violence as a consequence of the frustrated human sex drive. Fujita's camera work, while reprehensible, is thankfully at the non-violent end of the spectrum of sexual predation.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

[porn] should be banned to prevent people from getting sick ideas in their head like the pervert who committed this heinous crime.

Oh, if only we could go back 50 years or so before everyone had the Internet or VHS players. It must have been great to live in a sex-crime free society!

(except all those rapists who looked at naughty magazines and pictures of course)

16 ( +17 / -1 )

He wasn’t sexually frustrated. He’s just another creep.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

Japan has a bustling entertainment district, he can get his fill there and not be a menace.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

I see, many here as usual condoning pornography and the crimes that it leads to. Why would this fiend commit this crime? No doubt from viewing videos or seeing pictures displaying people taking photos of women in this manner. This excited him due to his low morals and no doubt led to him committing a copycat act.

-27 ( +7 / -34 )


Of course it’s immoral, it leads to immoral and deviant behaviour and particularly sexualises women so some men se women as merely sex objects not human beings anymore and leads to crimes such as in the article.

What actually leads to crime such as those in this article are people who will knowingly commit criminal acts that they know to be wrong, but do it anyway. Their lack of self-control has nothing to do with pornography.

Also, what about gay porn, where there are no women? Or, where there only women, so nobody is treated as an object by men? Or, romantic porn, which depicts loving, mutually beneficial acts?

No, what this guy did, and guys like him who sexually molest women, is of their own choosing. It would just be nice if there were more specific laws to discourage this sort of behavior, rather than "being a public nuisance."

16 ( +20 / -4 )

I see, many here as usual condoning pornography and the crimes that it leads to.

Porn leads to crime. Are you suggesting the overwhelming majority of men in the western world at least, and a huge number of the women, are criminals? Or on the path to it?

21 ( +27 / -6 )

He should consider a voluntary orchiectomy , that will be certain to ease his feelings of frustration and help him concentrate on being a productive member of society.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


Yes, as they consume a product in which many of the participants are forced to partake in. It’s the same as child pornography, no demand = no supply.

-29 ( +5 / -34 )


When you say is watching pornography a crime, yes it is if it involves minors or beastial acts and so should it be if it portrays rape and abuse like scenarios.

-15 ( +6 / -21 )


just stop being so prude, haven't you considered that these ladies are OKAY with it and it is just a a job. You and your standards.

23 ( +26 / -3 )

When you say is watching pornography a crime, yes it is if it involves minors or beastial acts

Ok, you say that, and you agreed to this:

Are you suggesting the overwhelming majority of men in the western world at least, and a huge number of the women, are criminals?

So now you're claiming that most of the men and women in the west are watching kiddy porn and/or beastiality?

Do you think THAT causes covid?

12 ( +14 / -2 )

When you say is watching pornography a crime, yes it is if it involves minors or beastial acts and so should it be if it portrays rape and abuse like scenarios.

My god... What stuff are you watching?

13 ( +14 / -1 )


Many of them aren’t ok with it, that’s the issue. They are forced into it due to drug debts and stuff like that. Best to know the facts before justifying immoral activities. There is no justification and it leads to crimes like this which has made a poor woman a victim.

-17 ( +5 / -22 )


I don’t watch filth, I have high morals and a son. I’m talking about what is illegal and what is not.

-21 ( +3 / -24 )


you are all over the place with your morals and opinions.

18 ( +22 / -4 )

I don’t watch filth, I have high morals and a son. I’m talking about what is illegal and what is not.

What you're doing is reaching and moving the goalposts.

15 ( +16 / -1 )


there is nothing wrong with wanting to protect my son from the seedy side of society.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )


I don’t watch filth, I have high morals and a son. I’m talking about what is illegal and what is not.

I guess you must have watched it to know what filth is.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

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