
Man arrested over death of 87-year-old mother


Police in Yokohama have arrested a 50-year-old man on suspicion of killing his 87-year-old mother and keeping her body at their apartment last month.

According to police, Makoto Mizuno, a company employee, fatally strangled his mother Saku at the beginning of June at their apartment in Totsuka Ward, Kyodo News reported. On June 22, Yokohama City Hall received an email from someone believed to be Mizuno, stating, “I’m struggling to survive and plan on committing suicide.” 

Police tracked the address of the sender of the email and discovered Saku’s lifeless body on a bed at the Mizuno residence. The suspect was also collapsed on the floor, alluding to having killed his mother a few weeks earlier. He was taken to hospital to be treated for unspecified injuries, police said.

Police said Mizuno has admitted to the allegation. He was arrested on Monday after he was discharged from hospital.

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Poor chap.

Another victim of the broken social care system.

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The government needs to stop giving money away to other countries and start investing in health care for the aging and society. and their families. Also, they need to address the issues of bullying in schools, and with many mixed families now in Japan consider providing public schools designated for mixed race children that will cut down a lot of bullying, removing stress on teachers, parents and children that will help these children blend into society with security.

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 On June 22, Yokohama City Hall received an email from someone believed to be Mizuno, stating, “I’m struggling to survive and plan on committing suicide.” 

A clear example of one of the failed systems in Japan to take care of its citizens. He's basically implying that life is so hard (cost of living, lack of work for people at a certain age, lack of a welfare system) that he is seriously contemplating sue aside (I know how to spell it)

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