
Man arrested over sex with minor he met online


Ibaraki prefectural police have arrested a 30-year-old man on suspicion of committing sexual acts with a minor whom he kept confined at his home in May.

Police said Dai Hasegawa has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying he knew the girl, who is a junior high school student, was a minor, Kyodo News reported.

According to police, Hasegawa, a company employee from Kawazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, met the girl online in April. The two exchanged messages and Hasegawa asked if she would like to meet up. 

On May 18, he met the girl at a train station and drove her to his home in Kawazu where he kept her confined until May 20 when she managed to escape.  

The girl’s parents filed a missing persons report with Mito police in Ibaraki Prefecture when she failed to return home on May 18.

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Shouldn’t the main charge be kidnapping?

18 ( +22 / -4 )

Why the girl agree to meet him?

4 ( +22 / -18 )

This guy knew her age but she also knew exactly what she was doing. Give him 5-10 years and have the girls family go through therapy and training on the dangers of social media.

I blame society as a whole especially social media and the effects it has had on children. Tictok is the worse

8 ( +22 / -14 )

Give him 5-10 years and have the girls family go through therapy and training on the dangers of social media.

Won't be happening. Therapy not a big thing in general. Not like in the US where you just hire a shrink.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Therapy? Think that's going to do any good? The shrink who chopped the guy's head off in Sapporo recently shows the state of psychiatry here!

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

The story doesn’t mention it, but I do wonder if there was an exchange of money? Isn’t that kinda of a common thing here in Japan, old guys giving young girls expensive things for their sexual encounters?

It seems that the culture here allows pre-teen Idols. I’ve been walking through Shibuya’s live music area and was completely shocked at seeing all the young girls dressed pretty scantily and definitely not age appropriate.

The creepy part was seeing all the middle aged men lined up to watch these girls perform live. So maybe just maybe until the culture changes, these types of events will continue

1 ( +15 / -14 )

committing sexual acts with a minor whom he kept confined at his home

utter scum

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Quite common around the world. I’ve heard of people who prefer young females or males in many countries.

3 ( +14 / -11 )

AomoriExpatToday 07:11 am JST

This guy knew her age but she also knew exactly what she was doing. Give him 5-10 years and have the girls family go through therapy and training on the dangers of social media.

You are saying that she knew he would keep her confined and that he would rape her?

The story doesn’t mention it, but I do wonder if there was an exchange of money? Isn’t that kinda of a common thing here in Japan, old guys giving young girls expensive things for their sexual encounters?

It doesn't mention it because it didn't happen. He kidnapped her, held her in confinement, and raped her.

I'd hope you'd have some sympathy for a young girl who experienced sexual trauma at the hands of a brutal man, but it looks like that isn't the case.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

sakurasukiToday 06:48 am JST

Why the girl agree to meet him?

Because young girls are naive and don't understand that the world is a dangerous place, and don't quite understand the reality that there are sexually predatory men who see young girls as sex objects.

I hope that clears things up for you.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Because young girls are naive and don't understand that the world is a dangerous place, and don't quite understand the reality that there are sexually predatory men who see young girls as sex objects.

I would say that most of these girls that get involved in this type of activity are definitely not naive and know exactly what they are getting into.

0 ( +12 / -12 )

Sounds like the perfect candidate for my new study abroad program for prisoners. He can be the guest of the Alabama Department of Corrections, doing a 6-month homestay at St. Clair Correctional Facility.

There he will enjoy the cultural enrichment of learning how incarceratied American convicts treat child rapists in maximum security prisons.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

MOST CREEPS and PSYCHOS come out this time of the year.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Another one that is 16 going on 30.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Another sexual predator werido creeper.

What should we do with sexual creepo predators like this in the world?

Is the system working?

Maybe if Japan lawmaker's start showing the red square trap door tatami mat in news articles and in the media. With a head line like.

"Commit this crime and this what you will be rewarded with."

Sexual predators might think twice. This poor girl. Jr. High student ? Really man?

You should be hung up. Jailed for life at the minimum.

I feel for her.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

They guy definitely deserves punishment but the girl and her parents are also at fault here too. Plenty of legal 18yo girls still in high school who look like they’re 13 in Japan if that’s his thing. Idiot.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

toraToday 09:40 am JST

I would say that most of these girls that get involved in this type of activity are definitely not naive and know exactly what they are getting into.

You are saying that young girls know what they are getting into when they are kidnapped, held hostage and raped?

I really don't understand this statement. You should clarify.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

ChottobakaToday 10:32 am JST

Another one that is 16 going on 30.

There are mutliple victims of rape every day, and yes, they range in age from very young to much older, including elderly women. It's not as if rape victims are from only one age group.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

As usual, there is not enough information to formulate much of an opinion, but if these two had exchanged email communications a couple of times, met at a station and got into his car to go to his place, I'd be willing to bet that she had a pretty good idea of what was intended. She may have got money for it. I don't know, like many other people here, I'm just speculating.

1 ( +5 / -4 )


Don't blame the child. Children can have different backgrounds and developments. They are more sensitive and easily influenced.

As an adult, you should stay away from children if you have no close family relationship with them.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Why on Earth would you go with a person without asking your parents ?

It is rule number 1 in life : don't talk to strangers, don't take sweets, don't walk in a car, etc. without ever asking your parents if it is OK.

Everyone knows there will always be rapists of young girls, so why let do all those things to happen ? Because there is another layer of acceptance in Japan at this level of occurrence.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Jonathan PrinToday 04:45 pm JST

Why on Earth would you go with a person without asking your parents ?

It is rule number 1 in life : don't talk to strangers, don't take sweets, don't walk in a car, etc. without ever asking your parents if it is OK.

Everyone knows there will always be rapists of young girls, so why let do all those things to happen ? Because there is another layer of acceptance in Japan at this level of occurrence.

That she is a child puts the responsibility entirely on the adult.

She did nothing wrong.

She is not to blame for being naive and getting taken advantage of.

This is what groomers do.

Instead of continually harping on drag queens and transwomen, what people should be doing is looking at men like this one - he is a textbook example of a groomer.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )


MOST CREEPS and PSYCHOS come out this time (summer) of the year.

Totally agree!

> Also August is when the Left/Right wings loudly parade around especially by the YAK_sue koooni shrine!

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I really don't understand this statement. You should clarify.

Look up papakatsu for a start. And then look through Japanese Twitter or any other social media that allows anonymity. That will put you on the right track. Not say that she definity sought him out but you have to ask what she was doing on these sites AND replying to older men.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Both man and girl are at fault?

He offering her a sexual favour?

She accepting his sexual offer?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

As a writer I did a little research on the sex shop industry in Tokyo, early in my spring 2011 first visit to the country. And no, I didn't buy any toys or other stuff.

But I did notice something that shocked the hell out of me because I raised a daughter alone from the time she was 5 years old, and I'm a very protective father. I even had one of her boyfriends arrested for physically abusing her. But that's another story.

Concerning the issues raised by this story and all prior comments, I have this to say: Every customer I saw in the two stores I visited (and subsequently wrote about for Canadian media) were teenage girls who took the longest time inspecting everything and talking freely about it. Not laughing, but serious, and walking out with bags of merchandise.

Go figure!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I find the fact that he kidnapped her very damning.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

toraJuly 29 06:12 pm JST

Look up papakatsu for a start. And then look through Japanese Twitter or any other social media that allows anonymity. That will put you on the right track. Not say that she definity sought him out but you have to ask what she was doing on these sites AND replying to older men.

The article specifies that he held her against her will and raped her.

This has nothing to do with prostitution.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Stephen ChinJuly 29 08:20 pm JST

Both man and girl are at fault?

He offering her a sexual favour?

She accepting his sexual offer?

The article specifies that he held her against her will and raped her.

So I'm not sure what exactly is confusing you.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Every customer I saw in the two stores I visited (and subsequently wrote about for Canadian media) were teenage girls who took the longest time inspecting everything and talking freely about it. Not laughing, but serious, and walking out with bags of merchandise.

You cannot enter a sex shop or buy anything unless you're over 18, so the girls you saw were adult women.

And if adult women want to buy and use sex toys, so the hell what?

Would you prefer women be ashamed of their sexual desire, pretend not to have any, and go through life without ever exploring their body?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The article specifies that he held her against her will and raped her.

So I'm not sure what exactly is confusing you.

Since you're the "expert" on these things or any topic dealing with assault on women, please show me in this article where did it say he "raped" her!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Since you're the "expert" on these things or any topic dealing with assault on women, please show me in this article where did it say he "raped" her!

Huh? He had sexual relations with a minor. That's statutory rape.

I'm wondering though, are you thinking he may have kidnapped her and not raped her?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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