
Man arrested over sexual assault of elementary school girl confesses to filming over 200 voyeuristic videos


Police in Tokyo have arrested a 32-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of sexually assaulting an elementary school girl in a park toilet last year and violating the child prostitution law by making pornography images.

Police said Masayuki Asami, a resident of Katsushika Ward, was caught in the act of using his smartphone to film up a girl’s skirt in March, Kyodo News reported. When police examined the contents of Asami’s smartphone, they found video footage of him allegedly sexually assaulting the elementary school girl in the park toilet in Edogawa Ward in May last year.

Police said Asami has confessed to creating upskirt videos of underage girls, and discovered approximately 200 voyeuristic images on his smartphone and SD card.

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40 years minimum in prison for this despicable animal. Let's just hope something happens to him in there.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Japan's hidden shame of sexual assault of children and young women.

SK is famous for hidden toilet cams…

this guy should get one month for each image.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

When Media, Manga, and Anime STOP glorifying children violence and soft porno only then we will se reduction in these types of acts involving children.

Just go to your local store and take a look at the covers of these magazines and you will get the picture.

-2 ( +24 / -26 )

Castration, medical or otherwise, SHOULD be a course of punishment for arseholes like this, along with a period of 4 or 5 decades behind bars.

Only problem is that our tax yen would have to foot the bill for his incarceration. Aint no "rehabilitating" this guy!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Police in Tokyo have arrested a 32-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of sexually assaulting an elementary school girl in a park toilet last year and violating the child prostitution law by making pornography images.

Direct relation between porn and rape...if you watch porn you are supporting creeps like this.

-21 ( +4 / -25 )

Assault for me is a physical agression or attack which I can not read from this article. Does the Japanese law use the world assault without physical attack ?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

didou - Assault for me is a physical agression or attack which I can not read from this article. Does the Japanese law use the world assault without physical attack ?

You say you can't use assault without a physical attack. If a man holds a female against her will and fondles her body is that not an attack? That is why it is called an assault.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

This guy is in trouble.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Direct relation between porn and rape...if you watch porn you are supporting creeps like this.

Even the porn made by couples putting their real names on it? I don't think you are going to get the theocracy/police state you are looking for anytime soon, but you can certainly move to one of them.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

This guy is disgusting. Horrible. A Japanese counterpart to Gary Glitter and R Kelly. He needs to be in the can for at least 20 years and to be registered as a sex offender for life.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

This is a disease in Japan and is probably somewhat exacerbated by the "kawaii" culture, not to mention how minors are portrayed in Japanese pop culture. However, will the Japanese government ever get round to implementing stricter laws and punishments for people like this? I doubt it. A country that classifies being groped on trains as a "public nuisance" rather than sexual assault clearly isn't concerned with taking such matters into serious consideration.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The root problem needs to be tackled to minimize reputation of this type of crimes. IThe sexualisation of children in animations, magazines, book and children games must be stopped. Have a look at the female characters of some of the famous children’s games in japan. Female characters are very exposing and too much focus on sexuality. I am not giving the name not to get my comment deleted, but i am sure most japanese people are already aware.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

At least Japan should draw the line more seriously. We see "sexy actresses" who are just porn stars on TV shows and comedians and anchors refer quite sexual stuff normally on prime time TV. This custom makes people think sexual talks and behavior just fun and not offending.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This guy needs help.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Where does the root problem start? In schools, teenage comics/ magazine, anime or tv or music? Wouldn't it be better to educate kids that this behaviour is not acceptable in a modern culture, then as they grow up they will be wiser to this problem. Then hopefully this pervy culture might die down or hopefully die out, but there is always going to be a pervert preying on kids, this brings me onto the point of sex offenders register, or lack of one.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Do the research and be better-

[ 10 Negative Effects of Porn on Your Brain, Body, Relationships, and Society

Can porn negatively impact you or have negative side effects on your sexual and mental health, and the health of our society? The short answer is yes, and the longer answer requires an explanation of decades of studies. ]

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I hope he goes away for a long time.

Am I reading this wrong, or was it the same girl on both occasions?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The only reason I can imagine this is being downvoted is either out of ignorance of the reality for young girls and women in Japan or that folks are in complete denial and reject anything negative about Japan.

Not ignorance, just ignoring; and correct on the denial and rejection.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

A sex offense register would be a start.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

wallaceToday  12:55 pm JST

A sex offense register would be a start.

This would achieve nothing.

0 ( +1 / -1 )



   A sex offense register would be a start.

> This would achieve nothing.

So sex registers in other countries have achieved nothing. They deter offenders. They are public knowledge who are on them.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This type of news makes my blood boil! I have no tolerance for ANYONE who violates an innocent child. I don't understand why doens't Japan pass EXTRA STRICK and HARSH punishments for these kinds of crimes once they have SOLID proof? First time offenders, you lose your wrist. Second time (which surely won't happen, but just in case) lose your other wrist and privates. This goes for both males and females for punishment! And watch the steady decline of child sex offenders!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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