
Millions of Americans believe aromatherapy works – but for many doctors, it still doesn't pass the smell test

By Marian Reven

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Mess up your lung

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Mess up your lung

Good thing it doesn't mess up the other one too.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Things that feel good, in moderation, are probably not terrible. If the studies don't show real results, then it shouldn't do any harm, provided any "treatment" doesn't prevent seeking real, scientific, treatment, from qualified, medical, professionals.

About 20 yrs ago, I dated a woman who was very into homeopathy for health. I never told her what I really believed for some obvious reasons, if you looked at her. I put aroma therapy into that same group. I like scented candles and burning incense that is pleasing to smell, but I don't expect any magical health outcomes beyond what smelling something nice does. I wouldn't treat "essential oils" any different than cologne or perfume and certainly wouldn't be dousing myself with it daily.

Moderation, or less, is best. This applies to almost everything in life.

I keep away from those potpourri/candle stores that overwhelm my nose in the mall too.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Smell affects us. Bad smells good smells. I like walking around the first floor of a large dept store to get some nose food from all the perfumes. The smell is an important and vital sense.

More than 10 years ago, my spouse lost her sense of smell. I think from medicine/drugs she was taking at the time.

She has no smell sense when something is burning. Recently I bought her a box of six essential oils which she smells every day. Some small sense of smell is starting to return.

I like rose oil.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Any drug or therapy basically only has to beat the placebo effect to be approved. The placebo effect can be very powerful. If it can be induced by people's belief in aromatherapy or in prayer then why not? The cynical nihilists are at a disadvantage.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Like so many things, it's all in the mind.

The term "essential oils" always amuses me, what makes them essential and to what?

Definition of essential: absolutely necessary; extremely important.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I see an explanation that 'essential' here is an abbreviation of 'quintessential'.

"(T)hese natural liquids are drawn from the very essence of the plant" Jordan Rubin.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Originally, “essential” meant “of the essence” — and therefore, the essential oil was one extracted from a pure, whole plant.

Today, there are brands that are not pure.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I always though the "essential" part of the name came from the oils containing what makes the smell recognizable as from it source, the "essence" of what gives lavender its characteristic smell.

On the article, the main problem with the scientific investigation of aromatherapy is that is extremely difficult to have a valid control group treated with placebo. The smell is the main source of the supposed benefit, so replacing it with something inert obviously makes the patient aware it is getting the placebo.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Unfortunately, big Pharma dictates to doctors that everything has to be drugs.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Unfortunately, big Pharma dictates to doctors that everything has to be drugs.

That is not true, most chronic diseases are treated with life style based measures, drugs come as a help.

That of course is also completely unrelated to avoiding recommending things that have no evidence of being useful at all.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Aromatherapy helps!

to how much extent that depends on a person of course.

for me, it was the first time that had the most prominent effect, especially rose oil. However, it should be of a high quality, you cant be cheap on that. Tea tree, eucalyptus help during infections/viruses period, if you dillute 1 part of tea tree oil in 9 parts of sunflower oil and use it as nose drops and lie down for some time everything bad in your nose will go out like crazy. Rose oil, rose wood and melissa oil are very effective against depressive moods and apathy, as well as bergamot. Thyme, camphor and juniper oil are amazing in all kinds of problems with sore back and muscles. Many essential oils can reduce autoimmune antibodies too. I dont understand how all of that and much more couldnt be appreciated.

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Millions of Americans believe aromatherapy works.

If they believe it then whats the problem? Isn't that all that matters? I believe therefore it is real.

Just like thoughts and prayers.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

One of my sweet doggies likes to grab something of mine out of the dirty laundry hamper and curl up on it on his doggie bed. Canine aroma therapy :)

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