Photo: SoraNews24

Mister Donut’s revolutionary new Zaku Mocchi Ring doughnuts are amazing

By Oona McGee, SoraNews24

The second day of June should forever be known as Misdo Revolution Day, according to our reporter P.K. Sanjun. You see, that’s the day when Mister Donut, or “Misdo” as the chain is popularly known, released a new type of doughnut called the Zaku Mocchi Ring, and P.K. thinks it’s so special it’ll change the way we think about doughnuts from now on.

In fact, he goes so far as to call it one of the genius inventions of the century, which is a bold claim for anything, least of all a doughnut. So let’s take a look at what makes this doughnut so special in P.K.’s eyes, and the eyes of many online, who’ve joined P.K. in joyous exultation over the product.

▼ The three varieties of Zaku Mocchi Ring (left to right, middle shelf): Azuki & Whipped Cream, Beef Stew & Potato and Spicy Meat & Potato.


The first thing that makes these doughnuts so great is the fact that they contain not just one but two flavors. Two for the price of one is always a good deal, but making it even more special is the way these flavors are delivered — instead of being placed on the dough, or sandwiched in between two layers of dough, the flavors are injected inside it.

You might be thinking, “Isn’t that just a filled doughnut?” However, P.K. would like to assure you that this is not like any filled doughnut you’ve ever had before. That’s because it’s a doughnut ring, and the filling goes all the way around the ring, involving more technical wizardry than simply piping one flavor into a mound of dough.


The second thing that makes these special is the flavors themselves, as they’re not just sweet but savory too. Then there’s the contrast in textures, achieved by utilizing a hot water baking method that makes the inside super soft, even after it’s been coated in breadcrumbs and fried, which gives it a super crunchy exterior.

▼ The textures are highlighted in the name “Zaku Mocchi Ring”, with zaku meaning “crunch” and mocchi meaning “chewy.”


While the look and feel of the doughnut puts it in a category above all others, the taste seals the deal. P.K. first tried the Beef Stew & Potato doughnut and immediately fell in love — not only did he like the way the fillings were placed on either side of the ring, giving him the option to taste them separately or together, he also loved the hearty flavour of it all.

▼ The breadcrumbs were delectably crunchy, contrasting perfectly with the soft and chewy dough, while the rich stew paired perfectly with the moreish mashed potato.


The fried breadcrumb exterior kind of reminded him of a curry pan, but with a doughnut-like twist that was like the best of two worlds colliding. And when he tried the Spicy Meat & Potato, this too left a lasting impression, as the meaty mix had been embellished with a good hit of spice that tingled on his taste buds.

It was like eating dinner and dessert in the same mouthful, so when it came to trying the Azuki & Whipped Cream, P.K. was looking forward to the welcome taste of sweet-on-sweet.


This beautiful doughnut was just as delicious as its savoury counterparts, making for a fantastic dessert that hit all the right notes between cream, red bean paste and roasted soybean powder.

By the end of his three-piece meal, P.K. was full and satisfied, thanks to the doughnuts and their fillings. As he sat back and patted his satiated belly, he shook his head in amazement at how the chain had managed to pipe two two fillings into a ring doughnut but keep them apart at the same time.


It was a revolutionary new approach to filling a doughnut and one that P.K. is definitely keen to try again while they’re on the menu, priced at 270 yen for take-out or 275 yen for dine-in. Vive la doughnut revolution.

Images © SoraNews24

Read more stories from SoraNews24.

-- Mister Donut unveils a new type of doughnut, stuffed with two different fillings

-- New Mochi Cream Doughnuts from Mister Donut pay homage to Japanese confectionery

-- Mister Donut teams up with French patisserie chain Pierre Hermé for new range of luxury doughnuts

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Revolutionary? Really?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The writer completely ignores the really shocking news here -- the price! Two skimpy doughnuts injected with processed filler cost as much as a full meal of curry and rice...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I do have to agree these are pretty nice!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Look absolutely amazing. All kids should eat ten a day, the ultimate in high end Japanese cuisine.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

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