
More women sue Texas, asking court to put emergency block on state's abortion law


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This is what happens when you pass religious laws in a secular state.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

I have been reading the cases of mothers forced to carry their badly deformed babies to birth and then watch them die. A very cruel and unnecessary punishment.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Welcome to Texasstan under the regime of Ayatollah Abbott...

Abortion is going to be the cudgel that routs Repubs nationwide in 2024...

"Reproductive Freedom" will be the chant that Dem, Independent, and Repub women will hurl at these far-right extreme Red State Repubs - as they vote them out of office...

And no amount of cowardly signing these bills in the middle of the night will help...

8 ( +9 / -1 )

This is what happens when you pass religious laws in a secular state.

As always there are two sides of the story. But the majority of Texans overall are pro-life

Anti-abortion groups such as the Susan B. Anthony List, however, say all states with abortion bans build exemptions into them.

"Every pro-life law in the country allows necessary and timely medical treatment to save the life of a pregnant woman in an emergency,"

So in other words, these women won’t change anything.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Texas is also considering banning no-fault divorce. It's all about men controlling women's bodies.

7 ( +8 / -1 )


you find it acceptable that these women are forced to carry their badly deformed babies to birth only to watch them die within the first 24 hours.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

you find it acceptable that these women are forced to carry their badly deformed babies to birth only to watch them die within the first 24 hours.


"Every pro-life law in the country allows necessary and timely medical treatment to save the life of a pregnant woman in an emergency,"

That should answer your question.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


you find it acceptable that these women are forced to carry their badly deformed babies to birth only to watch them die within the first 24 hours.


"Every pro-life law in the country allows necessary and timely medical treatment to save the life of a pregnant woman in an emergency,"

That should answer your question.

Except that it's not true when the laws are vague, using "doctor's judgement", which later could be challenged in court.

Doctors don't want to risk prison time for using their own judgement, which produces a chilling effect where doctors will err on the side of legal safety.

All this for some religious laws that the majority of Americans do not support.

8 ( +9 / -1 )


   you find it acceptable that these women are forced to carry their badly deformed babies to birth only to watch them die within the first 24 hours.

> Again…

> "Every pro-life law in the country allows necessary and timely medical treatment to save the life of a pregnant woman in an emergency,"

> That should answer your question.

Accept it does not so try reading the article, and what it is about. The mothers concerned are not in any medical danger allowing for a termination. They are carrying badly deformed babies who usually die within the first 24 hours.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Except that it's not true

It is true.

when the laws are vague, using "doctor's judgement", which later could be challenged in court. 

Absolutely false! There are always exceptions as I stated, you absolutely do not have to carry the baby to term should there be a serious and fire condition, you also have the option of traveling to a blue state that supports killing babies. You do have options in the US.

Doctors don't want to risk prison time for using their own judgement, which produces a chilling effect where doctors will err on the side of legal safety.

Again, not true, it depends on the doctor, some support abortions and some don’t, some will do what is necessary provided the circumstances or having an abortion is warranted

All this for some religious laws that the majority of Americans do not support.


Accept it does not

It does

so try reading the article, and what it is about.

I think you should

The mothers concerned are not in any medical danger allowing for a termination.

Then go to another state if that is the case.

They are carrying badly deformed babies who usually die within the first 24 hours.

Then you made my point for me, that would be considered a medical emergency.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


Then you made my point for me, that would be considered a medical emergency.

You don't understand the anti-abortion law which states a mother can have an abortion if her life is in danger. Carrying a badly deformed baby is not considered a reason to be allowed to have one, and have been denied that.

"All of the women were told they could not end their pregnancies in Texas, a state that has enacted some of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws."

Then go to another state if that is the case.

So now you want them to go to another state.

More heartless thoughts.

If these cases involved your daughter what would you be wishing for?

8 ( +9 / -1 )


when the laws are vague, using "doctor's judgement", which later could be challenged in court. 

Absolutely false! There are always exceptions as I stated, you absolutely do not have to carry the baby to term should there be a serious and fire condition, you also have the option of traveling to a blue state that supports killing babies. You do have options in the US.

You didn't address the point that I made, which is that doctors are in legal jeopardy for using their own judgement.

Again, not true, it depends on the doctor, some support abortions and some don’t, some will do what is necessary provided the circumstances or having an abortion is warranted

It's not about supporting abortion, it's about risking prison for using your own judgement.

All this for some religious laws that the majority of Americans do not support.


That poll says that the majority of Americans support abortion!

They are carrying badly deformed babies who usually die within the first 24 hours.

Then you made my point for me, that would be considered a medical emergency.

It is not considered a medical emergency. Read the article!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Twenty-three percent believe it should be legal in all cases and 26% believe it should be legal in most cases. Meanwhile, 25% believe it should be illegal in most cases, and 12% believe it should be illegal in all cases.

Never mind arguing over abortion rights, it looks like the US needs to concentrate on improving readin'n'rithmetic skills.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Abortion is a privacy issue between a woman and her doctor. Why can’t the wacky right understand this?!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

"Every pro-life law in the country allows necessary and timely medical treatment to save the life of a pregnant woman in an emergency,"

The problem becomes that health care workers are afraid of being sues for providing medically necessary care that includes abortions. Conservative judges have ruled against doctors, because their religious ideology doesn't allow exceptions. If I'm a doctor, it is easier to never perform any abortion just to stay out of court, even when medically necessary to save the mother.

The state has no business forcing motherhood. Nobody gets an abortion for fun.

I lived in Texas for 12 yrs. There were a few edge people trying to push their religion onto everyone else. Something terrible happens when people aren't allowed to be free from religion, as guaranteed under the US Constitution.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

"Every pro-life law in the country allows necessary and timely medical treatment to save the life of a pregnant woman in an emergency,"

That should answer your question.

It doesn't answer the question. The law in Texas is so poorly written that no doctor there is willing to risk being sent to jail for life even if they think in their professional opinion that the woman's life is in danger. They fear, and I think rightly so, that a jury of backwoods Texas bubbas will sneer that the doctor, like any other scientist, doesn't know anything and is just some Liberal out to take their rights away. That is the fear that is out there so despite what the law might say, doctors are afraid to make that call. And women suffer as a result, but you seem ok with that.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

All of the women were told they could not end their pregnancies in Texas, a state that has enacted some of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws.

Bass, if you were correct these women would not have been told that they could not end their pregnancies in Texas.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What kind of state government allows these mothers to have this cruel suffering? They are knowingly carrying a deformed baby and know it will die shortly after birth. They are given their baby when it's born and look at the difficulties of that. They must go through emotional hell.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The law in Texas is so poorly written that no doctor there is willing to risk being sent to jail for life even if they think in their professional opinion that the woman's life is in danger.

and that is deliberate.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

you also have the option of traveling to a blue state that supports killing babies

aren’t you leaving something out here?

according to the Texas Snitch Law, anyone who helps the pregnant woman get to a baby killer state can be sued, by anyone, regardless of the lack of any sort of relationship to the pregnant woman needing care.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

and that is deliberate.

Exactly right.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

What kind of state government allows these mothers to have this cruel suffering? 

It's god's will. Right? God works in mysterious ways and all that, dontcha know.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Bass, I know we aren’t going to change your mind, but could you please at least stop pretending that this is something other than the Church imposing its doctrine on the State?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Bass, I know we aren’t going to change your mind, but could you please at least stop pretending that this is something other than the Church imposing its doctrine on the State?

I mean we all know a "good christian" would never under any circumstances seek an abortion, so such laws are only punishing the libs, and that's a good thing. Right? And everyone knows you can't trust them thar doctors. Their educmicated libs. Right? The funny thing about christianity, ask yourself what the original sin was? Taking a bite from the tree of knowledge. The original sin to a christian is to be educated. They won't say that out loud too often today but I have also hears a lot of home schoolers where I live say they are preparing their kids for heaven, not Harvard. Knowledge is dangerous thing and if you look around the world religions everywhere deter its pursuit, calling the study of their religious texts "scholarship" when all it is is rote memory. Knowledge is about asking questions and challenging old assumptions, both of which get you in trouble in just about any religion.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Let's go ladies, fight for your rights..

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This is what happens when you pass religious laws in a secular state.

Turning in a third world state..

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The article does not describe how "restrictive" the laws in Texas are, so how is the reader supposed to form an opinion based on non-information??

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Bass, I know we aren’t going to change your mind, but could you please at least stop pretending that this is something other than the Church imposing its doctrine on the State?

Can you describe what "Church doctrine" is expressed in this law? (I do not know the law and the article does not explain it, so this is an honest question.)

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The article does not describe how "restrictive" the laws in Texas are

It contains this:

the state's law, which prohibits abortions unless a mother's life is at risk — an exception that is not clearly defined

That seems fairly clear, and it seems to match what is at the link below:

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The article does not describe how "restrictive" the laws in Texas are

come on, man! just because its Texas, its automatically bad without question.

no further explanation or even proof that the laws are even restrictive at all is needed. /s

Texas= anything they do is bad, with bad intentions and racist and discriminatory and, and. etc

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Zaphod, this might help.

 2016 Texas GOP Platform says: “The sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, should be protected from fertilization to natural death.” That’s clearly a religious statement. It only makes sense from a biblical — that is, a Jewish or Christian — perspective. 

> On one side, the Roman Catholic Church (of which Abbott is a member) calls for protecting the embryo or fetus “absolutely from the moment of conception.” The Southern Baptist Convention similarly believes in the “sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death” and attacks legalized abortion as “genocide.”


I have to admit to using too broad of a brush (“The Church”)

There are denominations like the United Methodists who argue that the bans actually violate their religious freedom to minister as they deem proper in specific circumstances. My apologies to those specific denominations.

if your talking about religion in politics “in general” check out the Texas GOP on homosexuality from their above platform.

Homosexuality is a chosen behavior that is contrary to fundamental unchanging truths that has been ordained by God in the Bible…must not be presented as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, in public policy, nor should family be redefined to include homosexual couples.

not making this stuff up, Zaphod. They aren’t even hiding it anymore.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Repubelicken dogma conflicts with Jewish and Muslim religious laws that do not consider an embryo to be a human life until it takes its first breath outside of the mother's womb. They do not prohibit abortion.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There are pending lawsuits in Kentucky and Florida by Jewish groups claiming those state's abortion restrictions infringe on their religious freedom. It will be interesting to see if this ends up before the US Supreme Court and how a group of predominantly orthodox Catholic jurists would rule on the matter.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

In any of these states that are even close to 50-50, female rage at losing their bodily autonomy at the hands of a group of middle age men is going to be the deciding factor in elections.

Women of both parties, all demographics and income strata hate these laws, and they want the people who instituted them out.

I wonder which party they will hold responsible?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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