
MSDF captain fired for allegedly leaking state secret


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The ministry said the former admiral requested an MSDF unit in charge of collecting and analyzing information in January 2020 to brief him about the latest state of security affairs but had not demanded that classified information be disclosed.

As for a reason behind the request, the former admiral explained that he would often give public speeches so he needed to be informed about the latest situations, according to the officials.

The former admiral told Kyodo News he never asked for state secrets and "did not know which part was state secrets."

This admiral was his former superior, maintaining relation with former superior is common in Japan, while drinking off course.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Does not send a confident message for the just announced 5th generation strike fighter union of participants. Oh I got drunk and couldn’t stop talking about and showing what I’m working on. Hardly professional at all.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

If it was leaked, can we read it as it is no longer secret. Sounds quite interesting.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

It wasn't information that China did have already.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is not only about the fired captain, but also his former superior, the admiral and the system in which classified information is being handled. The admiral shouldn't have asked the captain and there should have been a request for information and filtering process at the highest level that the admiral should have complied with. If no system exists then shame on Japan and who knows what else is being "leaked" in a similar manner. If there is a process, then I think the admiral asked for the classified information because he knew his request would have been rejected. Either way it stinks and shows just how incompetent these clowns are at such a basic level.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This ex admiral needs to get a hefty sentence to “encourage” the others. Admiral Byng comes to mind and Voltaire’s comment.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There is not a law of me telling Japanese secrets

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The admiral shouldn't have asked the captain and there should have been a request for information and filtering process at the highest level that the admiral should have complied with. 

So, just curious when you write stuff like this, how should a retired Admiral who has public speaking engagements request information? It is not unusual for retired senior officers to speak in public about the matters of the day. They are great resource for building support for the JSDF among the public with informative talks on the current situation and why the JSDF is doing or buying what it is doing or buying. It is like a former coach or university president speaking in public to drum up support for their old team or school. A good speaker can mix some sea stories in with factual information on the current situation to get the public to understand what is happening in a world they are more often than not completely unfamiliar with. They need factual data so they can be seen as authoritative. How do you think this is best accomplished? I agree the brief should have been reviewed to ensure the contents were unclassified and cleared for public release.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This ex admiral needs to get a hefty sentence to “encourage” the others.

Are you saying you do not want retired former officers to speak in public and promote the JSDF?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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