Photo: Mumemories/iStock

Mount Fuji trail use to be restricted when overcrowded


A local Japanese government said Wednesday it will work with police to restrict the number of hikers who can use a route to climb to the summit of Mt. Fuji if it becomes dangerous from overcrowding.

The Yoshida Trail, located on the Yamanashi Prefecture side of the mountain, will become subject to limits from the 5th station, which is accessible via car or bus. Possible closures are slated to begin Friday and last through this year's season ending on Sept. 10.

The move comes as Mt. Fuji, straddling Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures, reopened to an influx of visitors last month after the country lifted all COVID-19 restrictions and marked the 10th anniversary of registration of Japan's tallest peak as a World Heritage site in June.

Safety guides will patrol the area and provide information to the prefectural government if there are dangers of accidents or falling rocks from too many hikers.

The government will then send a request for limiting the number of hikers to the police, which will ultimately make the decision regarding whether or not restrict trail use.

It said earlier this month that it was considering restricting numbers of hikers on the trail from the 8th station if they exceed 4,000. It did not specify, though, how it would implement the limits.

But those who work with mountain lodges located along the trails have asked for the restrictions to begin from the 5th station due to difficulties in securing resting spots around the summit.


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So the opinion of the people who work on the mountain doesn't matter to the government. I suppose the $$$ rules. No change there.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Just knock it down and use for concrete. Japanese infrastructure is crumpling, and mountain kills people and is a litter dump.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

I agree with @TrevorPeace, this will probably get mixed views. Safety vs profit. I've climbed Fuji during the peak season and I can't remember how many times I've had to wait in line along the trail because of the foot traffic, it feels ironic and comical. Imagine being 8,000 or so feet up a mountain in the dark and cold but feeling like being in a line for a train or a store because of the line. It's not enjoyable. They could've at least allowed the climbing season for a longer duration instead. I wouldn't mind climbing fuji in more challenging conditions if it means less people around.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Fuji San is due to blow it stack and it will not be good for Tokyo,just admire Fuji from your home near Tokyo

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Google Mt Fuji Future Eruption

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

If the police do crowd control like they do at the hanabi fireworks then someone is going to die on the mountain. It’s a horrible idea putting these people in charge of any control. Just start charging when people get into trouble and need evacuation because of their idiotic behavior. 99.999% of the people are fine. Let people be.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Shut the border again except for residents. Worked during covid.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The solution is simple, close access to the trails (parking lot) during Obon.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This archipelago is 90% mountains. There are literally hundreds of hikeable mountains and ranges.

If you want to avoid this ridiculous train station feel to your hike, choose another mountain. You won't regret it.

If Fuji is on your must-do list, then go when it's not peak season.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The only way to limit the number of Mount Fuji climbers is to build a powerful electric fence with only one entrance to suround Mount Fuji and, charging each climber two thousand yen. Plus a thousand yen more if he or she does not return with a filled garbage bag. This suggestion is to respect Mount Fuji an international symbol of Japan as a country and, Japan's sacred, holy and most beautiful mountain.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Surely you should get priority if you've booked a hut and actually planned in advanced.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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