
quote of the day

My thoughtless behavior has caused trouble and worry to many people. I let my fans down. Everyone, I'm really, really sorry.


Japanese actress Ryoko Hirosue, 42, writing on her official Instagram account after being suspended indefinitely by her agency over her reported extramarital affair with a celebrity chef.

© Jiji Press

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He cooked her goose.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Private life is for private matters.

Will she give details about what part was tasted or even incested ?

Why Japanese love to confess where there is no evidence, and even no law to accept feplying to media ?

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Affairs are not illegal.

6 ( +18 / -12 )

My thoughtless behavior has caused trouble and worry to many people. 

Not any more than your average LDP politician.

You don't have to apologize to me.

And how does a celebs extramarital affair cause trouble and worry to others. If that's the case get a friggin life.

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

The celebrity chef was also a celebrity, married and admitted the affair. The JT, which keeps his name secret, and the rest of the Japanese media always focus on the supposed wrongdoing of the woman in these cases.

Japan is so misogynistic, it doesn't even know it.

10 ( +25 / -15 )

Private lives are not private once they are revealed. And when you make a living depending on your public image and you do something that spoils that image, your value as an entertainer/politician/celebrity will drop. Very simple, really.

Why shouldn't she apologize? Her actions hurt her family, her management and others whose livelihoods depended on her image. Her fans do not deserve an apology, but she has to apologize to them anyway if she hopes to win them back and raise her market value. Like most fans, they follow her because of a fantasy image she created for them. That's entertainment.

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

She also received the 'Best Mother Award' last year, but that image has also now been dented. You cannot go around bursting people's bubbles in a land of dreams.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

What the flip has her having an affair got to do with anyone but her, the husband and the third-party? Especially her agency? if this were a man, would this be even 'news'?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

She liked how he used his mise en place.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

wallace Today  07:35 am JST

Affairs are not illegal.

Wait, is somebody calling for her to be arrested?


Then what's the point of this comment?

Just because something's not illegal doesn't automatically mean it's okay.

If the secular law is your highest ethical and behavioral standard, your standards are way too low.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

What the flip has her having an affair got to do with anyone but her, the husband and the third-party?

She's a public figure. Privacy standards are different for them. Even laws covering things like libel and slander say so.

Especially her agency?

If she'd cheat on her husband, who of all people should be the most important person in her life, what's to say she wouldn't 'cheat' on them in certain ways too?

if this were a man, would this be even 'news'?


For instance, Japanese actor Masahiro Higashide (just to name one example) was dropped by his agency over an extramarital affair.

Voice actor Takahiro Sakurai lost his radio show for the same reason.

And in recent years, numerous Japanese politicians -- male politicians -- have resigned in shame due to extramarital affairs. And yes, their stories were in the news.

So, please, enough of the "sexist double standard" claims that only women in Japan suffer consequences for adultery. Such claims are factually baseless.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Adultery is a matter between her and her husband. No one else's business.

In Japan, there is only secular law none that bans adultery.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

and so...what?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

So, please, enough of the "sexist double standard" claims that only women in Japan suffer consequences for adultery. Such claims are factually baseless.

meh sure, but to say there is no double standard is just wrong. Even if men get called on it, they rarely have their names dragged through the mud or are expected to give up their positions as a result. Most simply apologize and law low while still working. Compared to the women who either end their careers or have several years of no work and extremely diminished levels of appearances as a result.

-see Becky-

household favorite hafu and good girl. Turned out to be dating -yay- turned out to be dating a well known singer -yay- turned out the singer was secretly married and no one knew -Becky- is the one who’s career was effectively ended and not the dudes. She has had a come back but it’s probably not even worth half of what it was.

or Miyasako the comedian. Cheated on his wife with another woman. While also cheating on his mistress with another younger woman. Both ladies had their names, info and careers blasted on tv as homewreckers and manipulators despite the guy being one of the most popular and influential tv personalities. His comeuppance? He got to joke on tv about it at the expense of his wife and two woman who’s lives he destroyed and didn’t even defend.

they might get called out or take a break. But it’s definitely not the same

6 ( +8 / -2 )

A lot of fuss over nothing, only a matter for the people directly involved.

However, she broke the 11th Commandment: Don't get caught.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Make rules for betas, break rules for alphas.

Japanese men need to start taking control of their lives if they want to have better relationships.

Stop putting your boss and your company before your partner and/or family.

Demand higher pay and more time off.

Stop allowing women to push you around and make all the decisions.

Set boundaries with people around you.

Realize you are in the Matrix and that the rest of society is not concerned about your well-being.

It is pretty hard to sympathize with them. They're not helpless.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Adultery is a matter between her and her husband. No one else's business

You wouldnt happen to be a celebrity chef would you?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Just leave her alone please

2 ( +3 / -1 )

She also received the 'Best Mother Award' last year,

Oops! Similar things have happened with footballers in the UK. I don't resent famous people their fame, wealth, or success, but let's not pretend they all have picture-perfect private lives and hand out awards.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So many misogynistic comments here.

That explains also why ladies don't have kids for many.

Why would get into serious business with a man that treats you like dead meat, never standing for a woman he was supposedly in love ? That is so hateful behaviour and stands at the animal level.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"My thoughtless behavior has caused trouble and worry to many people."

If so, they *really*** need to take a long, hard look at themselves and consider what they are doing with their own lives. Perhaps... (gasp) they might consider **getting one!

"I let my fans down."

No you didn't, and you don't believe that either. You're just trying to salvage your pathetic career. Maybe Hirosue san could take this as cue, i.e. this is a good time to branch out in a new direction in life. Find something fulfilling to do, take part in a community somehow.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I guess its only Japan... cheating is bad but its a personal matter

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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