
N Korea criticizes Japan over abduction symposium


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like calling for bringing the dead back to life

Are they saying something with this particular comparison?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

When is the last time anyone has heard NK not complain about something?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

North Korea complains they broke international law. Sort of tells you alot about the country.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

North Korea forcibly kidnapped Japanese citizens, some were just teenagers, from Japan's coastal areas and disappeared on North Korean speed boats. Of course the Japanese are never going to forget about it. It was a disgraceful act.

9 ( +11 / -2 )


Same logic.

What will China's reaction be if overseas Chinese have a symposium about Tianamen or the freedom of people in Hong Kong, Tibet or Xinjiang?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

North Korea criticizing, imagine my shock.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

NK is completely ridiculous.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

If the abductees are all dead then all NK has to do is to provide proof, and this issue is gone. Shouldn't be any skin off their backs. While Japan's abductees have gotten the most press coverage the issue is bigger. South Korea has over 400 abductees. NK really needs to get off this ridiculous lashing out in anger at everyone and everything approach.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

It is totally unacceptable. We will make utmost efforts to realize the return of all abductees as soon as possible

Ha! What will you do, invade and start a war with North Korea?

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

"How dare you tell the truth! We won't stand for it!"

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I remember that when Japan first accused North Korea of abducting their citizens, the North Koreans replied, 'But what about all the people Japan abducted from North Korea before and during the war?' However Japan simply told them not to change the subject.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

It has been completely, finally and irreversibly settled, thanks to our magnanimity and sincere efforts,

You have to love the colorful language that dictators, or spokesmen for dictators use. These nutcases truly believe they can unanimously decide something, ( magnanimously ) to be true, just because they say so.

For the poor sods under their delusional reigns of terror, speaking up can cost them their life, but for these fools to think the same techniques will work for the free world just shows how out of touch they really are. As with any megalomaniac dictator type, both small and large ( and yes every place has them ) , you done drunk your own kool aid.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Hello Kitty 321Today 11:24 am JST

I remember that when Japan first accused North Korea of abducting their citizens, the North Koreans replied, 'But what about all the people Japan abducted from North Korea before and during the war?' However Japan simply told them not to change the subject.

That would be pretty impressive considering Japan was a passive participant in that war and there was a prisoner exchange where that was presumably sorted out.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Hello Kitty 321Today  11:24 am JST

I remember that when Japan first accused North Korea of abducting their citizens, the North Koreans replied, 'But what about all the people Japan abducted from North Korea before and during the war?' 

I don't think there are any. Withdout doubt there was forced labor which is an issue, but people weren't abducted, Similarly, many comfort women appear to have been deceived into the military brothel system using Korean agentrs, but again there is no evidence of abduction. The only mention of "abduction" comes from some former CW testimony which has been deemed "not credible" by Prof Ahn of Seoul University who interrogated 50 surviving CWs in the 1990s.


So yes, these are legitimate issues. But "abduction" is a fallacy.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


I was talking about the World War II when Japan was anything but passive.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


The American History Channel is saying women were kidnapped for the brothels


-6 ( +1 / -7 )

@What ol' Jack Burton always saysToday 02:17 pm JST

Oh let's all hate North Korea how pathetic.

I know you maintain that concentration camps are a North Korea cultural practice, but others of us want there to be some standards for countries to abide by.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Japan's call for the repatriation of all of the abductees is "no more than a daydream like calling for bringing the dead back to life."

Sadly this is the truth.

Kim Jong Il gave the full account of the fate of all Japanese abductees to Koizumi in anticipation of a diplomatic normalization and full compensation estimated to be $20 billion in 2006, there are no more left.

All "unaccounted" abductees are those who went missing in Japan.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Hello Kitty 321Today  03:32 pm JST


The American History Channel is saying women were kidnapped for the brothels

The AHC just like many other "sources" simply repeat what they have heard fr other sources that repeat the narratove themselves. Were you aware that Police Officers in Korea 1910-1945 were Korean Men? Do you believe they stood by as their girlfriends, wives were being kidnapped? Why are there no records of any "abductions" until some CW survivor made that claim?

Read "The Comfort Women" by Professor Sarah Soh of San Francisco University.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

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