
NASA lab hopes to find life's building blocks in asteroid sample

By Moisés ÁVILA

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If not now, eventually evidence of early life will be found in the solar system due to the bombardment of the early Earth flinging life material out into this system and also into deep space. These are exciting times.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

And then what? Life on Earth will dramatically change for better? No! Global warming will stop? NO! Poverty will be eradicated? NO! So what is the point? Concentrate on problems that effect life on Earth!!!!!! Stop wasting money!!!!!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

And then what? Life on Earth will dramatically change for better? No! Global warming will stop? NO! Poverty will be eradicated? NO! So what is the point? Concentrate on problems that effect life on Earth!!!!!! Stop wasting money!!!!!

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I like the names borrowed from Egyptian mythology.

It will be interesting to see what they find out.

Stop wasting money!!!!!

NASA funding is something like 0.44% (?) of the U.S. budget for 2023.

what's a heaven for?


0 ( +1 / -1 )

And then what? Life on Earth will dramatically change for better? No! Global warming will stop? NO! Poverty will be eradicated? NO! So what is the point? Concentrate on problems that effect life on Earth!!!!!! Stop wasting money!!!!!

One thing is for you not being able to imagine how scientific knowledge can be used for the betterment of life, another completely different that the scientists doing this work can't do it either.

This would not be the first time something that can look completely irrelevant to laymen ends up supporting advances of technology with important and practical applications on agriculture, medicine, etc.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

And then what? Life on Earth will dramatically change for better? No! Global warming will stop? NO! Poverty will be eradicated? NO! So what is the point? Concentrate on problems that effect life on Earth!!!!!! Stop wasting money!!!!!

It it not a waste of money. At some point our Sun will consume it's hydrogen, balloon into a red giant and all four inner planets in our solar system including Earth will be incinerated. There is no way Earth escapes being destroyed. For man to perpetuate itself it has to become a multi-planet species. Fortunately man has a lot of time to master long distance space travel and figure out how to bio-engineer worlds to make them livable for humans. Along the way man may very well find themselves face to face with other forms of life, perhaps intelligent life and having an understanding of the process of how this could happen is not a waste of time or resources.

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I am all for scientists exploring the universe and finding new things, but if I was an extra intelligent life form with a society far more advanced, I would not want any contact with the human species. Why?? Just look at what we have done whilst we have been here, yes, we may have advance technically, but in reality, we still love killing each other and making wars every where. And this is how we would carry on on any other planet.

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Fortunately man has a lot of time to master long distance space travel and figure out how to bio-engineer worlds to make them livable for humans.

Maybe we need to start by figuring out how not to make the planet we have unlivable for humans.

Along the way man may very well find themselves face to face with other forms of life, perhaps intelligent life 

Any truly intelligent life we encounter will do the intelligent thing and make sure the human race does not expand to pollute other planets.

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Maybe we need to start by figuring out how not to make the planet we have unlivable for humans.

There is no possible way to stop the Sun from becoming a red giant. Earth will cease to exist in a billion years or so. But even before that happens as the Sun continues to fuse hydrogen into helium it will grow hotter. As it does the temperature of the Earth will eventually become so hot that liquid water can no longer exist. Earth will become uninhabitable. There is no way to get around this. Stars do not stay in what is called the "main phase" forever. The Sun will balloon into a red giant and eventually throw a nebula and collapse into a white dwarf. Earth and all the inner planets will be long gone.

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Earth will cease to exist in a billion years or so.

Seriously, you're worried about what might happen a billion years in the future? When we're on the brink of making the planet unfit for human habitation within the next century or so?

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