Photo: Suntory
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New Legend of Zelda Boss is a canned coffee, gives you a chance at awesome jacket loot

By Casey Baseel, SoraNews24

Like most action/adventure games, Nintendo’s "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" contains a number of powerful enemies which are called “bosses.” But while players have become accustomed to doing battle with video game bosses, the new Zelda Boss represents a much less adversarial relationship, by way of being a coffee.


Beverage maker Suntory is adding a new blend to its Boss brand of canned coffees, which it’s apparently calling Legend of Coffee’s Origin in English and Densetsu no Josho, or “Prologue to the Legend,” in Japanese. Whichever name you use, though, featured on the can is Zelda’s eternal protagonist Link, as well as the franchise’s English font and Hylian script.


The makers describe Prologue to the Legend as a blend that “ignites the spirit to keep challenging oneself to take the next step.” The “Coffee’s Origin” part comes in to play with the use of coffee beans from Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. Suntory describes the blend as having a fruity aroma and robustly rich flavor.

In addition to Prologue to the Legend, Link and other Zelda characters will be appearing on some of Boss’ preexisting canned coffees for a limited time.

▼ Clockwise from top-left: Link, Zelda, Sidon, Tulin, and Riju



Though Boss has been one of Japan’s favorite canned coffee brands for decades, it’s almost as well known for its jackets, given away as promotional prizes. So sure enough, there’s a "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Boss" jacket, with some very cool nods to the game in its design.


The biggest change to Link’s character design in Tears of the Kingdom is his asymmetrical arms, so that’s accounted for in the jacket, along with rune-like markings that glow in the dark.


▼ The jacket also comes with an IC card case modeled after the glowing glyphs that Link interacts with.


A total of 30 jackets are being offered in a lottery, enterable by those who purchase 10 six-packs of Boss coffee with Zelda packeging between now and November 30, with another 10 jackets as prizes for a no-purchase online lottery which can be entered here between now and the end of the month. The Prologue to the Legend coffee will be available in stores on September 5, priced at 140 yen a can.

Source, images: Suntory Press release

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