
No sign truck used brakes in Hokkaido collision that killed 5: police


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Did the driver have a heart attack? The fault of the truck driver.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Maybe he dozed off.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I love watching the theatre of the police and prosecutors filing into the company's offices with loads of empty cardboard boxes ready to fill them with nothing, just to show that they are doing something. If the truck driver veered into the oncoming bus, as has been admitted, either he lost consciousness, was distracted, or something else happened. I think there was not a lot the company can do in this situation, other than apologize.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Maybe on his phone?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

the 65-year-old truck driver Makoto Kajiya was an experienced delivery driver with a clean record, who had stayed with the company past its retirement age of 60.

Well, there's your problem. Five years past the point at which he should have retired.

Its website has also cautioned drivers to be careful about dozing off on the road

People shouldn't need a webpage to tell them not to fall asleep while driving.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

If the truck had ABS brakes there would be no skid marks if he used them.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I wonder if the driver's remains are intact enough for pathologists to determine if the driver had a heart attack, stroke, or other sudden health emergency.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Well, there's your problem. Five years past the point at which he should have retired.

Yes, yes, we all know Old People are the cause of all the worlds troubles. Can't trust anyone over 50, they might have more life experience and know more than us.... and (shudder) they don't spend 90% percent of their waking hours on a smart phone.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Smartphone like I see a lot of truckdrivers using on the road?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I've recently seen truck drivers on the phone, not hitting the breaks sounds like that's what happened. I'd imagine someone having a heart attack still might break.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

You could also have a heart attack at 25 as one friend did.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The pigs could have moved to unbalance the truck.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Five years past the point at which he should have retired.

To zero income. You don't get your pension until 65. If its fully paid up kokumin nenkin, that's 70,000 yen a month, so most folks have to work.

Be grateful 65 year olds are still driving trucks. There aren't enough under 65s who want to drive them. Young drivers will all be creamed off by high value transport like Amazon, courier mail, convenience stores etc. Good luck to any trucking company moving low value stuff like sand or waste materials.

This was a terrible accident and RIP to those involved. Hokkaido does have long straight flat roads, which you don't really see in other parts in Japan.

9 ( +9 / -0 )


if they paid truck drivers a reasonable age, gave proper time off and benefits like they did in the west, I would join right away. Starting salaries are less than 1200yen/h night shifts at 7/11.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It’s likely he was distracted by his phone or something else. I remember pulling Ip next to a truck driver and I could see him playing Pokémon Go on an iPad sitting on the steering wheel. (I had a high car)

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Lindsay: "It’s likely he was distracted by his phone or something else."

Is it now? You have ZERO proof that is what happened and can only relate to some allegory of something you claim to have seen once. Maybe he had a heart attack. Seems just as likely. Or heck, maybe an alien was in the process of taking over his body. Point is we don't know, and it is stupid and unfair to assume the man was engaged in illegalities.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

The sign of no brakes likely points to a medical emergency.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Asleep, Drunk, Texting, Or Chating!???

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

No sign of used brakes AND also no sign of any handle movement. Watching the scene on TV, the driver moved constantly straight ahead although in the beginning of a road curve.

The pigs could have moved to unbalance the truck.

Somehow I like that funny one, although it’s complete nonsense as it would require collective consciousness and synchronized acting.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Not if something panicked the pigs causing them to go to one side.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Lindsay: "It’s likely he was distracted by his phone or something else."

smithinjaoan - Is it now? You have ZERO proof that is what happened

You have zero proof that is not what happened so right back at you. If you actually drive in Japan you’ll see at least 50% of the drivers in their phones, reading newspapers, shaving or putting on make up while they drive. My proof is based on experience. Yours is only based on the need to argue a point.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I love watching the theatre of the police and prosecutors filing into the company's offices with loads of empty cardboard boxes ready to fill them with nothing, just to show that they are doing something. If the truck driver veered into the oncoming bus, as has been admitted, either he lost consciousness, was distracted, or something else happened. I think there was not a lot the company can do in this situation, other than apologize.

As someone with some familiarity with mishap investigations (former US Navy Safety Officer) you gather those box loads of documents looking for evidence the driver involved in the mishap was working more than the legal hours, if other drivers were working over hours and you are going to study the maintenance records, including parts purchase histories, to see if the vehicles in their fleet are being maintained properly.

Some drivers will deliberately falsify their drivers logs to hide their working more than the legal number of hours. A way to find cheaters is to compare time stamps on things like bills of lading (when the truck was loaded and unloaded, often the shipping papers will have time stamps) or other times someone will sign for a load and mark the time and date. If those times don't match the log book, and especially if a bill of lading or some other loading/unloading document, or a tool booth record shows the truck on the road or at a delivery when the driver logs he or she is off duty, you know something is up. It is not a game but very serious business and especially so when there were deaths.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No sign of used brakes AND also no sign of any handle movement. Watching the scene on TV, the driver moved constantly straight ahead although in the beginning of a road curve.

Most modern trucks have recording devices on them. It will be interesting to know if this one did and what it showed in terms of truck speed, throttle position and brake use.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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