
North Korea says ICBM test was aimed at striking fear into enemies


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Still don't care.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

strike fear into the enemies

Well, I didn't see anyone trembling with fear. I guess that must have been a rhetoric to look strong to his own people.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

North Korea said Friday it fired an intercontinental ballistic missile to “strike fear into the enemies”

NK formally admits its enemies are fish in the sea. They launch ICBM to put fear into the little fish and perhaps sharks as well. This is outrageous and something must be done to protect the fish in the ocean from the mental distress caused by NK targeting innocent life forms.

Once again the cruel nature of NK is on show for the world to see. Where is Aquaman when you need him?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

How about feeding all the nk citizens with proper food n fatten them like kim himself rather than using all the money to make blank missiles n make NK citizens fear the hunger

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I can only hear Williams say to Han, "Man, you come right out of a comic book." about the Kim siblings.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

When you do something often the "scare" factor diminishes. The only thing these launches do is to give their "enemies" data to analyze and develop responses, in case one of them lands somewhere other than the sea.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

See the massive scale and frequency of drills held by US occupying force and their puppet south Korean army.

That says all!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I spend, maybe, 1 minute thinking about NK every 3-5 days, but only after they do something like this. The rest of the time, that country isn't in my thoughts and definitely doesn't cause any fear.

I suspect for many people "occupation" has an incorrect translation to their native language. There are 3 common definitions.

a) A persons normal job, usually part of their livelihood.

b) Activity for passing time. Like playing cards or chess.

c) Holding or possessing a place

So, the non-native speakers are trying to say that the US "possesses" a country which is managed by another govt, elected by local residents. That isn't an occupation unless the foreign occupying force can overrule local elections and leaders.

Perhaps some examples will clarify. The US doesn't occupy Japan, Korea or Germany. The US did occupy Afghanistan and Iraq ... and 75 yrs ago, Japan. Russia is occupying Crimea and other parts of Ukraine. China occupies Tibet and wants to occupy Taiwan. China does not "occupy" Hong Kong, though they do overrule elections and local leaders there from remote Beijing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Kim's are clueless. Remember a long time ago when some Islamic Extremists video taped them murdering an American by beheading, to "strike fear" in their enemies? All it did was make a LOT of people VERY ANGRY.

What NK is doing is not creating fear, but making a lot of people VERY ANGRY. Note to NK, learn from other's mistakes. Don't p/o people that can end you.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

North Korea says ICBM test was aimed at striking fear into enemies

Now who's rattling the calm, warmongerer

See the massive scale and frequency of drills held by US occupying force and their puppet south Korean army.

That says all!

They're held once a year, and telegraphed to the whole world well in advance

How many times have puppet Kim fired unannounced ballistic missiles towards his neighbors just this year?!

That says a lot lot more!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

More CLEAR Putin weapon's proliferation, ONLY accelerating due to NATO proxy war in Ukraine. NK probably will be testing hypersonic weapons soon, capable of being nuclear tipped naturally like these cruise missiles!

Feeling so MUCH safer in Tokyo thank you EXILED Oligarchs for helping incentivize Putin to proliferate everything to NK, Iran, China, etc. We all appreciate your contribution to destabilizing the entire world in your proxy war effort to seek revenge against Putin and his 85%+ popularity rating!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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