Photo: PR Times
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Poop-themed Japanese drill books for children


Selling over 10 million copies in Japan, these poop-themed drill books are an attention-grabbing way to get your kids to learn hiragana and katakana.

Published by Bunkyosha Co Ltd, these Japanese language drill books are made to suit young children of all ages with an overarching theme of, you guessed it, poop. Recently, a new series of hiragana and math books for children ages three to six has been released to help jumpstart their schooling. 

So what exactly sets these books apart? First, the concept of poop is unique, easy to understand and can maintain your kid’s attention as you look through each poop-related sample sentence and drawing. Next, these workbooks are routinely checked by nursery school teachers and adjusted according to their feedback. Lastly, the series is made in such a way that it’s easy to progress from level to level without losing momentum.  

Priced at ¥1,078, these 64-page workbooks cover other topics like math and kanji (Chinese characters used in Japanese) for more advanced learners.

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What is it with obsession of poo here?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

For a nation that stands above many in illustrative animation, this says it all when it comes to nowadays talent creativity! (frown face) What next...a urine character next?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It might seem like a load of crap to some but if it helps kids learn and have some fun then why not?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

These books could be a great aid for kids who are having some defecalty with their math and Japanese.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why is the poo yellow? That doesn't look healthy at all. It reminds me of the time I caught hepatitis some years ago.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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