Photo: PR Times

Sample best of Japanese cheese at Hokkaido Local Cheese Fair in Shibuya Hikarie

By grape Japan

Shibuya in Tokyo is set to host the largest cheese fair in the city, the Hokkaido Local Cheese Fair.

This year marks the fifth time the event will be held.

With the growing popularity of cheese fondue, cheese-flavored snacks and cheesy dishes both when dining out and at home, Japanese people are becoming increasingly familiar with cheese in their everyday lives. However, it still plays a minor role compared to many other countries of the world, especially outside of Asia. The Japanese cheese industry is therefore eager to promote cheese consumption at home. That explains why the theme of the festival will be: "Everyday happiness, say cheese!"

Foreign visitors who are staying in the Shibuya area can think of this as an excellent opportunity to sample some of the best cheeses made in Japan, since Hokkaido, with its prominent dairy industry, is known as a cheese haven. At the fair, cheese lovers will have the choice of around 300 varieties of cheese from 46 Hokkaido dairy farms.


The fair will offer a variety of ways to experience the charm of cheese, including a retail corner where you can talk to the vendors and purchase cheese to take home (or enjoy in your hotel room), as well as on-stage events with cheese specialists.


Of course, you'll also be able to savor delightful cheeses on the spot when you visit the fair.

You can either opt for the "Select 5" menu, in which you can have your choice of five different cheeses, or if you're not familiar with Hokkaido cheese, you can get the "Set 5" menu, a curated sampler featuring five recommended varieties. Both options cost only 500 yen, tax included.

Whether you're a cheese connoisseur or a beginner, this cheese festival is sure to provide a fun and exciting experience. Don't miss the chance to fully immerse yourself in the world of Hokkaido cheese at the Hokkaido Local Cheese Fair 2023 at the Hikarie Building, which is linked to Shibuya Station through a direct connection, allowing comfortable access rain or shine.


Name: 『北海道地チーズ博 2023』 Hokkaido Local Cheese Expo 2023

Period: February 10-13

Hours: 11:00 - 20:00 (11:00 - 18:00 on the last day only)

Venue: 9F Shibuya Hikarie, Hikarie Hall A

Address: 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (東京都渋谷区渋谷2-21-1 渋谷ヒカリエ9階)

Admission: Free

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© grape Japan

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Hokkaido cheese is so damn good.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Coming from a country that prides itself on the varieties of it's cheeses in the UK. I would have loved to taste the best of Japan's cheese.

Would they be able to match the Queen of the worlds cheeses, namely Stilton. I really hope they can.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why are they charging you to taste their products. At the Sturminster Newton Cheese Festival I went to some years ago they gave you bits free to try, albeit they were very small but enough to get the taste. If people can taste your product they are very much more likely to buy it. This practice in my experience is ubiquitous at all such food fairs and county shows in the food tents as it is so effective a marketing technique.

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