
Senior Japanese diplomat in Oregon attacked in alleged hate crime


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Don't blame mental illness. Give some real jail time.

18 ( +27 / -9 )

Portland has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

18 ( +29 / -11 )

Is she a one-off, or is she simply an American who acted without a filter?

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

Regardless of cause throw the book ar her. Racism is a cancer on American culture.

16 ( +26 / -10 )

When I drove through there, there were swarms of homeless all over the place.

Don't stop, keep driving.

21 ( +25 / -4 )

Gosh I sure do love those far-left progressive laws they have in place there in Oregon. Just unbelievable!

The progressives living here in Japan live the safety of this country. Such hypocrisy.

-2 ( +19 / -21 )


Portland has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

Correction: The US has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

6 ( +17 / -11 )


Gosh I sure do love those far-left progressive laws they have in place there in Oregon. Just unbelievable!

Really? I'm all ears. Please quote one...just one...of these "far-left laws" they have, as an example, so that we can truly understand what a den of iniquity it is up there.

-2 ( +15 / -17 )

She's targeted Asians before

Suspect mugshot

9 ( +13 / -4 )

And there you have it folks:

Thanks for that HELIX.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Racism is a cancer on American culture.


3 ( +11 / -8 )

Sickening racism. Give the street-trash several years prison - and let's hope she cops it big time in there.

Homeless loser.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Correction: The US has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

Correction: Democrat-run cities have had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

1 ( +16 / -15 )

@OssanAmerica an your discriminatory statement isn't?

Regardless of cause throw the book ar her. Racism is a cancer on American culture.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Interesting, a Japanese diplomat was attacked in Portland the liberal heaven and not some rural area?

In case you don't get the context, Oregon is a liberal city mashed together with Trump-voting red state conservatives put together that tend to elect liberals due to Portland's population advantages.

Oregon rural voters are so furious they want to leave Oregon to join Idaho.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

@Fighto! Are you sure the picture is of a women? What a blatant remark

@ Kaimycahl - Well the rap sheet says "F" for female.

But yeah. Seriously ugly thing it is.

As Jerry Seinfeld once stated : "You don't see any handsome homeless". He's spot on!

I just hope and pray the poor, innocent Japanese diplomat isn't too traumatised by this outrageous offence.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Jeez, I thought we were passed the Trump induced anti-Asian hate. My guess is more of a homeless and mental illness problem. Here's hoping for a full recovery for the diplomat.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

The once beautiful city of Portland has become a den of drug abuse, homelessness, and general lawlessness.

Addicts and insane live and walk in the streets.

Thinking you are safe because you are a diplomat, is folly.

There is no law or order, in democrat-run cities.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Portlander here, and while the city isn't the dystopian nightmare some folks (who, invariably, don't live here) like to paint it, there are definitely widespread serious problems. Homeless people, many of whom are in serious need of mental health care, are everywhere. The police (who are NOT "defunded") have reacted to greater levels of civilian oversight by largely not bothering to do their jobs: it's almost impossible to get a car theft investigated, they do nothing to stop street racing "takeovers," traffic enforcement consists solely of revenue-generating speed traps, and so forth. The city government is comprised almost exclusively of incompetent, pandering simpletons. They get re-elected because no one capable runs for office: their opponents are for the most part even more hopeless. The city's not what it was, and that's a shame. I'm not in the least surprised there was this sort of racist assault.

FWIW, soon-to-be Sapporo-ite here...

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Portland has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now..

Based on what metrics? Portland doesn't fall within the 15 most dangerous US cities with populations over 300,000 nor does it fall within the safest 15 cities. It is somewhere in beteen.

It will probably surprise some who post here to see three California cities among the safest in the US.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

The city government is comprised almost exclusively of incompetent, pandering simpletons. They get re-elected because no one capable runs for office:

Quit whining and run for office then.

I know what really happens. Once you are inside and find out how the laws and budget process work, and run face first into the buzz saw of competing interests nearly all of whom have well renumerated and politically connected backers you find out how constrained you really are. Generating a municipal budget and meeting the public reporting requirements is not such a simple thing. I was on a tax oversight committee in my own city and it was eye opening. Most lay people do not realize where the revenues come from and the various restrictions the voters and state legislatures have placed on how those revenues may be spent.

Cities also operate under various court orders or consent decrees as a result of being sued, and right now the 9th Circuit Court is not letting cities ban outdoor sleeping unless they have a shelter bed for them. Boise Idaho took the matter all the way to the US Supreme Court and lost so cities hands are tied until they can produce a shelter bed for all of their homeless. Can't blame that on the city council. Same thing happened in California when the Federal courts ordered the state to reduce their prison population. California challenged the appeals courts twice to the US Supreme Court and lost both times. The judges involved even threatened to start charging state legislators with contempt the dispute became so bitter.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Lots of Black people have been commiting this type of crime against Asians lately. It been stirred up by the Loony Left you see.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Yuzo Yoshioka, 62, head of the Consular Office of Japan in Portland, was pushed to the ground by the woman while walking alone

There is absolutely no doubt about what kind of savage commited this act, similar episodes are all over Youtube. The same types who invented the knock out game. What a curse!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Suspect mugshot

Yep. Another puzzle solved.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

America's problems are getting worse because politicians are too busy point-scoring against each other, rather than fixing the problems in front of them. Republicans and Democrats want to build their ideology-based utopias rather than just reduce the day-to-day suffering of ordinary people. They aren't the only government in such a mess. The modern version of fiddling whilst Rome burns. Literally, in the case of heat waves and wild fires. We really should elect much better leaders.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Lots of Black people have been commiting this type of crime against Asians lately. It been stirred up by the Loony Left you see.

Because trump didn’t completely stoke up anti-Asian sentiment into an inferno, right?

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

Racism is a cancer on American culture.

Not only on American culture, it’s a global cancer.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


The spate of attacks started well after he left office.

I report,you decide and that's a wrap.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )


Lots of Black people have been committing this type of crime against Asians lately. It been stirred up by the Loony Left you see.

Also in part of the deadly fentanyl epidemic usage among the societal "yuppies."

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I have a green card but I don't wanna live there. I hate crime and racism

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Yes, put your paper laws to work.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The spate of attacks started well after he left office.

Waving the bs flag. Anit-Asian attacks accelerated when Republican politicians started calling SARS-Cov2 the "China Flu", "Kung-Flu" and other racially charged names while blaming China for deliberately manufacturing the pandemic. You know that is the truth too.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Anti-Asian attacks accelerated when Republican politicians started calling SARS-Cov2 the "China Flu", "Kung-Flu" and other racially charged names while blaming China for deliberately manufacturing the pandemic.

Republicans were not completely wrong, but since that affects you personally you will continue to go ahead with the dubious claim that the virus originated elsewhere and was spreading in the US already before the first cases were discovered in China.

Anti-Asian attacks happened under Obama also but don't see anyone blaming Obama for the same.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

and when lil kim makes his move, and perhaps US caught of guard , like in pearl harbpr , then one of the real boogy men will be known to mankind.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@blue in green

The once beautiful city of Portland has become a den of drug abuse, homelessness, and general lawlessness.

Addicts and insane live and walk in the streets.

> > Much thanks for confirming what JerseyDevil said!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Dr MaybeJuly 19  06:45 pm JST


Portland has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

Correction: The US has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.

The US has had an out-of-control crime problem for a long time now.............Yes, and it starts at the very top, in government, politicians, CEO's and corporations. That is what they do, all over the country.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

It should also be a Hate crime as the assailant has a history of attacking Asian people.

Unfortunately, Oregan is one of the 'Defunct Police' state and the assailant has more rights than the victims and will walk free.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Suspect mugshot


Thank you.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

kaimycahlJuly 19  10:05 pm JST

@OssanAmerica an your discriminatory statement isn't?

Regardless of cause throw the book ar her. Racism is a cancer on American culture.

No it's not. Hate Crimes are a prosecutable offense in 49 States and territories in addition to Federal Hate Crime Laws. Please get educated.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Anti-Asian attacks happened under Obama also but don't see anyone blaming Obama for the same.

Based on page 3 of the document in the link below, the years during which Mr. Obama was President represent the period of time where anti-Asian hate crimes were lowest. Not zero but lower than today or prior.

Since 2019 the rate of anti-Asian hate crime has greatly increased.

Mr. Trump and his major supporters normalized bigotry and held it up as a behavioral model. You know that too, so don't claim otherwise.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

What I never get is why the same people come here and talk about why we are all racist.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

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