
Sick of hearing about record heat? Scientists say those numbers paint the story of a warming world


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She and other climate scientists say long-term warming from burning coal, oil and natural gas is the chief cause of rising temperatures

Yet there will be always people that irrationally, irresponsibly say this is not news, not true, not bad or not because of human activity. At some point the media will have to take responsibility for letting people pollute the conversation by repeating disproved falsehoods to mislead others in to the same mistaken beliefs.

Long is the time where climate change was still just a possibility, or when human activity was just one of the possible reasons. At this point there is no longer a real possibility this disaster is not already here causing problems or that it is a consequence of industrialization.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

There was an article on the web this morning detailing how candidate Trump is campaigning on rolling back the programs President Biden has advanced to fight global warming. Very alarming.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Stubborn fools would rather let the world burn than admit they were wrong.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

There was an article on the web this morning detailing how candidate Trump is campaigning on rolling back the programs President Biden has advanced to fight global warming. Very alarming.

Ah, that leading climatologist Mr. Trump. It’s interesting how his adherents will believe all the unfounded things that come out of his mouth, yet quickly dismiss evidence (provided by actual scientists) for the human effects on climate change without ever providing any compelling evidence of their own. I’ll just take my random downvotes and go before the usual crowd for these articles shows up, since it’s a frustrating and endless song and dance trying to reason with unreasonable people.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

It’s interesting how his adherents will believe all the unfounded things that come out of his mouth, yet quickly dismiss evidence (provided by actual scientists) for the human effects on climate change without ever providing any compelling evidence of their own.

Any time you are asked to change your ways, to change your habits, or to change your mind, there will be someone to reassure you that you don't have to.

For a fee, of course.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

We need a WWII mobilization, NOW against climate change. Move to nuclear, and renewables within 5 years, all coal burning must stop. Reforestation must be undertaken by the military and the Amazon rainforrest should be forcefully protected by NATO troops.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

El Nino. Yawn.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

 "long-term warming from burning coal, oil and natural gas is the chief cause of rising temperatures"

This seems to be a fundamental problem, talking of long-term warming.

The scariest part of the climate crisis is how fast the changes are happening - acidification of the oceans, rise in CO2 levels etc.

In geological terms, it's all happened in an extremely SHORT time frame. Corals, and other natural systems just won't have the ability to adapt and survive.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

People hate two things. They hate the way things are, and they hate change.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

My calculations suggest that there’s, right now, a 50-50 chance.”

Can't go wrong with those odds on anything.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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