
Taliban ban women's beauty salons in Afghanistan


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Close all barber shops too. Taliban need to be fair.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Whatever limitations are put on women, must also be put on men!!!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There is and will not be any "more moderate rule" of Afghanistan.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Women will be strictly banned go out of home walking in the street in Afghanistan.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The women have lost everything.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

SpeedToday  10:48 am JST

There is and will not be any "more moderate rule" of Afghanistan.

The USSR invaded and conquered Afghanistan in late 1979. That wasn't 'moderate' unless you consider that under Communism everyone not in the Party is equal, dirt poor equal that is. But females are respected under that, give them credit. The Communist leader was overthrown and killed in 1992, 3 years after the Soviets left. Then came anarchy, chaos, Taliban wins. Oppression for everyone, esp. for women. More civil war, US gets entangled and then leaves. Taliban takes over again, women gets treated as objects, machines again. Not as people.

elephant200Today  11:42 am JST

Women will be strictly banned go out of home walking in the street in Afghanistan.

Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are exactly like this. They have to have males with them. And they have forced child marriages to boot. That is a big reason why I opposed the 1991 Gulf war. Rotten as Saddam Hussein was (and he was), women in Iraq were treated equally with respect. Not so in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Their regimes are not worth defending and are not worth the spilling of American or any other foreign blood. I am a veteran who served near the end of the Cold War and I was disgusted and pissed off to see OUR troops' blood spilt to defend these unworthy regimes (but I never had any love for Saddam either).

> wallaceToday  11:50 am JST

The women have lost everything.

They never really had much for a long time. What little they did have is gone gone GONE.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@starpunk: The Afghanistan war in 1980s against the Soviets was part of the cold war chess game. America has nothing moral or holy to help the Afghans but using them as proxy on the chess board. Most of the Mujahideen were terrorists, criminals, thugs in the holy name of Jihadist. Under Ronald Regan's ultra right wing anti Soviet policy doesn't cares this. "Karma" came 9 years after the fall of Kabul and you guys deserved what you sowed!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I can't fathom having so much hatred for a person that you want to control every aspect of their life. And disobience leads to torture or death.

You can be antiwar. You can hate America. You can hate American foreign policy.

But at least America attempted to put these women on equal ground with men.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I think it all comes from deep down subconscious feeling that you as a men are inferior and that if women are educated, they will be more intelligent than men. This is what men are afraid of, a clever woman that thinks for herself and is sick and tired of your BS and cleaning after you.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It comes from a strict interpretation of the Quran and a male dominating society. Women are shackles.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

They will now have to pluck their own moustaches.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Their country/beliefs/culture, let them be.

I suppose you are right. It's their cesspit, so why bother caring! The whole Middle East is a cesspit.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Lets all worry about issues in our own home

The problem is that matters that fester abroad can rapidly snowball and harm your home, even when it is as distant as Japan is from Afghanistan. Whether you like it or not we are all dependent upon resources, manufactured goods, food and fuel from global suppliers. What happens in the Middle East can benefit or harm Japan, and everywhere else. If the jihadis come to power, say IS sweeps away the Taliban (they are arch enemies with IS calling the Taliban "inifidels" because they don't aspire to a global caliphate, the Talibs are only interested in ruling Afghanistan) then the world will be faced with a new hostile enemy in control of resources vital to Japan. That is why a smart nation pays attention and gives a sh_t about what happens beyond their borders.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Lets all worry about issues in our own home

Like walking around wearing blinkers. The world is connected and none are in isolation. UN and NGOs working in Afghanistan stopped because of the restrictions on women.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

leo T

Ill never understand that, Im from Australia and will never move back.

You are still an Australian citizen with a passport. The laws of Australia still apply to you.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

How do women's rights effect the world? Let alone how do they effect us here in Japan?

Half the world's population. Half Japan's population. Sure. No effect at all.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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