
Tech industry allowing 'deluge' of misinformation: Reporters Without Borders


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Putin brags about how effective his disinformation efforts have been. Only 1% of his fake social media bots are caught.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

ystematically involved in massive disinformation or propaganda campaigns", it said, highlighting the cases of Russia, India and China.

No surprise, considering each of the three nations is among the most authoritarian.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

The US's overall ranking is 45. Russia's is 164 and China is 170. Russia would like to be lower but it has some stiff competition.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I've read the article three times, but I can't find Japan. JT, where is Japan in this ranking?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

where is Japan in this ranking

It seems Japan ranks at 68 overall.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

This article is dubious at best.

You can't tell me that New Zealand is ranked highly I read the local dominion post everyday here and it's completely biased the same as the ABC in Australia. The tactic of labelling anything counter to the prevailing narrative as misinformation or disinformation is just seen as a boring old ploy nowdays. You don't read the paper to find out what's happening because it's just one giant editorial nowadays, everyone knows the stories are garbage and biased at this point that's why most media outlets are dying and why they promote extremes of both sides.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Canada is ranked as high as #15? Does government funding of all the large private media organizations there not factor into RSF's ranking criteria?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Lots of misinformation is posted here,but the truth is usually silence

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

The tactic of labelling anything counter to the prevailing narrative as misinformation or disinformation is just seen as a boring old ploy nowdays. You don't read the paper to find out what's happening because it's just one giant editorial nowadays, everyone knows the stories are garbage and biased at this point that's why most media outlets are dying and why they promote extremes of both sides.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What it really means is, people have lost all of their abilities to think and rationalize, they are being fed or bombard with so much information, it leads to confusion and that is what those in CONTROL want. What ever happened to people having COMMON SENSE???

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Social media was a huge mistake. People should never have been able to go to places like that for news. I don't know what the answer is other than threatening them with regulation until they fix their algorithms.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

One person's truth is another's misinformation. If history has taught us anything, it is that governments and journalists do not have a monopoly on truth.

So now journalists are calling for people to be censored?

The tech industry are doing what the printing press did from about 1454 - allowing greater and more diverse communication. It set off a moral panic and calls for censorship from those who feared losing their monopolistic positions in society: scribes, the Church and governments. Thankfully, their attempts failed and we all got to benefit from what followed.

Journalists should accept change. And accept that they have to earn trust in a new way.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


You can't tell me that New Zealand is ranked highly...

So, because the information doesn't fit your own biases, you won't believe it. Read the Reporters Without Borders source material.

The tactic of labelling anything counter to the prevailing narrative as misinformation or disinformation is just seen as a boring old ploy nowdays.

Nobody is doing this. Misinformation and disinformation have a distinct definitions and it doesn't include opinion pieces that are counter to the prevailing narrative. The closest thing I have seen to this happening was when Trump labeled MSM as 'Fake News', which is a blatant lie.

You don't read the paper to find out what's happening because it's just one giant editorial nowadays,

Opinion pieces and factual pieces are clearly labeled such in reputable newspapers.

everyone knows the stories are garbage and biased at this point that's why most media outlets are dying and why they promote extremes of both sides.

Fox News, which most of its content is opinion shows may fall into this description. Most MSM organisations don't.

0 ( +2 / -2 )


One person's truth is another's misinformation. If history has taught us anything, it is that governments and journalists do not have a monopoly on truth.

No. This is incorrect.

Journalists are required to check facts and sources, they are providing a verification service and if they make a mistake, they will admit it.

Misinformation is plain lies made to look like truth.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

One person's truth is another's misinformation.

No, the truth is the truth. It stands up to scrutiny forever or it is replaced with a more accurate truth that will.

Journalists should accept change. And accept that they have to earn trust in a new way.

People should not be allowed to accept their crackpot neighbor or worse a crackpot populist as their source of truth. If they need to have warnings of misinformation littered all over their posts to make that happen so be it.

So now journalists are calling for people to be censored?

Every idiot can be allowed to speak, but not every idiot should be allowed to have a megaphone unchallenged.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

One person's truth is another's misinformation.

No, the truth is the truth.

Yes, but what many call misinformation IS the truth.

It stands up to scrutiny forever or it is replaced with a more accurate truth that will.

I agree, that is why one side of an argument (AKA "misinformation") ends up being censored so that it will not be scrutinized.

The tech industry does allow a deluge of misinformation, just like the MSM, but it also allows the truth to slip through. That is what the controllers fear.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Wick's pencil

One person's truth is another's misinformation.

No, the truth is the truth.

Yes, but what many call misinformation IS the truth.

You'll have to provide some examples. Misinformation can be proven to be such.

I agree, that is why one side of an argument (AKA "misinformation") ends up being censored so that it will not be scrutinized.

Again. Any examples?

The tech industry does allow a deluge of misinformation, just like the MSM, but it also allows the truth to slip through.

MSM almost never allows misinformation. Maybe, Fox News could be called MSM, so there's some.

That is what the controllers fear.

Who are the controllers?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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