

The law often shields police officers from accountability

By Rashad Shabazz
Rodney and RowVaughn Wells, the parents of Tyre Nichols, listen during a news conference about a lawsuit filed against the city of Memphis and police officers on April 19 in Memphis, Tenn. Photo: Mark Weber/Daily Memphian via AP

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"Often" is a euphemism, to put it mildly. "Almost always" is the more truthful adverbial qualifier to describe how the "guard dogs" of the authorities, or indeed those of any government in the world can be sicced on citizens with impunity. "Democratic values" are still just a beautiful idea with a long way to go before the poor and disenfranchised will ever get a taste of them.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The American police also target Native American people. This from the Wikipedia article on police brutality against Native Americans:

Native Americans ages 20–24, 25–34, and 35–44 are three of the five groups most likely to be killed by police.[1] In her book Silent Victims: Hate Crimes Against Native Americans, Barbara Perry interviewees frequently reported "police misconduct … running the continuum from negligence to extreme forms of violence." She concluded that, "they can neither trust the police to respect their rights, nor to protect them when others violate their rights."

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Wikipedia article referred to above is entitled, "Police brutality against Native Americans."

2 ( +2 / -0 )

People of all races are injured and killed by police. But most killings of blacks are black on blacks murders, and have nothing to do with police. 53% of murders in the US are committed by black males, only 6.5% of the population. The School of Social Transformation should write more about that if the goal is to save lives.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The police, bankers, and CEOs, their respective roles are to protect, to account, and to generate wealth for the 1%,. Then the politicians to enact laws that shield all of the above. It's all by design.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

People of all races are injured and killed by police. But most killings of blacks are black on blacks murders, and have nothing to do with police. 53% of murders in the US are committed by black males, only 6.5% of the population. The School of Social Transformation should write more about that if the goal is to save lives.

Sad, but 100% correct.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The Black population is 14% not 6.5%.

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wallaceToday  09:15 pm JST

The Black population is 14% not 6.5%

Black males, as I wrote, are 6.5%. Black women are not doing the shooting. It’s a sad thing for the victims and the Black community.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@wallace; I believe Peter said 6.5% of the population are "Black Males" which sounds about right out of a total population of 14%.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The Black population is 14% not 6.5%.

And still have the highest crime rates, why is that?

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The vast majority of deaths by police are armed people. On average, police are confronted with 27 instances per day of deadly weapons attacks.

Unarmed deaths of Blacks by police are about a dozen of the total 7,300+ homicides of Blacks. Unarmed Whites killed are double the amount of unarmed Blacks.

Statistics show that White officers are no more likely to shoot than Black officers.

With Blacks committing over half of all murders and robberies, there is a higher likelihood of violent encounters with police.

43% of police officer deaths were by Blacks.

All of the statistics are troubling for everyone, especially the Black community since so many of the victims of Black crime are Black.

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