
quote of the day

The prime minister might have wanted to avoid bearing the brunt of the criticism, but this gives the impression he’s leaving everything up to Mr Kono.


An LDP lawmaker, referring to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's response to the flak over the government's handling of My Card problems. Kishida has asked digital transformation minister Taro Kono to review elements of the system to regain public trust.

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to regain public trust

That seems to be a job way beyond digiTaro. Way beyond anyone, in fact. It's not something they can hope the people forget about, like all the other stories, because it is affecting people every day.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

You are right Moonraker, once Japanese get something into their minds, whether it is right or wrong, they seem to never forget. Look at the HPV vaccine, and how after misleading news and rumors, nobody would get it. I think still now Japan has the lowest incidence of this vaccine use even though it was proven safe.

So good luck with all the bad press the my number cards are getting to rehabilitate its image.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Kono Taro,not Taro Kano.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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