
quote of the day

There has been a noticeable increase among Vietnamese people getting their tattoos removed since Japan lifted its COVID-19 restrictions.


An official at a Hanoi-based organization that dispatches technical interns to Japan. He said Japanese companies tend to shy away from hiring tattooed job seekers because of tattoos’ association to yakuza and other anti-social organizations.

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unfortunately for them, theres no such thing as "tattoo removal"

At best, you just scar the hell out of your skin to obscure the original mistake

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Two days ago there was an article of how Japan is failing to attract foreign workers (which some commenters said "time to move to Vietnam or Thailand") , now we have one in which foreign workers are willing to remove tattoos to have an opportunity in Japan. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that the foreign worker visa line isn't getting any shorter.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

He said Japanese companies tend to shy away from hiring tattooed job seekers because of tattoos’ association to yakuza and other anti-social organizations.

Japan needs to get over their stigma of tattoos. Honestly it's ridiculous and pathetic how they keep clinging to the nonsensical excuse of how tattoos mean you're yakuza or some kind of thug. News flash: a white person with an arm sleeve made up of Simpson characters or a dainty lady with a butterfly on her shoulder most likely isn't a notorious member of the Japanese mafia. Get a grip.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

 News flash: a white person with an arm sleeve made up of Simpson characters or a dainty lady with a butterfly on her shoulder most likely isn't a notorious member of the Japanese mafia.

Yakuza, no. Trailor trash, yes.

And Japan should not lower its morals to attract more of these people.

-11 ( +9 / -20 )

Babe - Trailer trash ?

Just a handful of prominent folks with tattoos that are / were probably not immoral.

A quick sample of sports stats - Beckham; Lebron; Messi; Wawrinka; Pliskova.........

A quick sample of entertainers - Scarlet Johansson; Rihanna; The Rocj; Angelina Jolie; Gaga; Ed Sheeran.......

A quick sample of assorted folks - Prince Frederik of Denmark; Winston Churchill; Ted Roosevelt; Justin Trudeau; Princess Stephanie; King Edward 7th........

All an indication that having a tattoo doesn't neatly fit some folks pigeon holed view that sporters are somehow low life or crims.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Tattoos have absolutely nothing to do with how well you do your job, or the potential you have to do a job well. Employers discriminating based on body art alone, due to outdated stereotypes are fools.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


A quick sample of sports stats - Beckham; Lebron; Messi; Wawrinka; Pliskova.........

A quick sample of entertainers - Scarlet Johansson; Rihanna; The Rocj; Angelina Jolie; Gaga; Ed Sheeran.....

Most if not all your list would qualify as fairly trashy.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Mr Kipling - Thanks for that overview.

One person's Trash is another person's Treasure.


Trash is in the eye of the Holder.


It's not a Royal Road to Trashdom.



7 ( +7 / -0 )

Tattoos have absolutely nothing to do with how well you do your job, or the potential you have to do a job well. Employers discriminating based on body art alone, due to outdated stereotypes are fools.

Fine. Try that line with a Japanese employer and tell me how it went.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Tattoos have absolutely nothing to do with how well you do your job, or the potential you have to do a job well.

Theoretically yes, but in practice it may depend on the tattoo and the job. Full face prison ink and customer service might not gel so well. The person might be fully capable of doing the job, but the customer might feel a kind of way about it.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yakuza, no. Trailor trash, yes.

And Japan should not lower its morals to attract more of these people.

Better to be trailer - t-r-a-i-l-e-r - trash than a judgemental, close-minded individual like you. Humans have been tattooing themselves all the way back to 3000BCE. It's not a new-fangled concept and having a tattoo doesn't make you more or less of a person.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Better to be trailer - t-r-a-i-l-e-r - trash than a judgemental, close-minded individual like you. Humans have been tattooing themselves all the way back to 3000BCE. It's not a new-fangled concept and having a tattoo doesn't make you more or less of a person.

wonderful! Go give that same spiel to a Japanese employer, and like @spinningplates, tell me if that caveman info changed their minds.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Better to be trailer - t-r-a-i-l-e-r - trash than a judgemental, close-minded individual like you.

Hear Hear!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

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