
Think morals are declining? So has everyone, ever, study says

By Pierre Celerier and Daniel Lawler

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The perception that morals have gone to the dogs could increase the appeal of "leaders who promise to halt that illusory slide -- 'make America great again'," the study said, in a reference to the campaign slogan of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

I trust dogs more than most people, don't denigrate dogs like that.

The problem is, especially in the US, is the hypocritical performative aspect of fervent religious belief, particularly with evangelicals. Many like the individual above profess belief in the morality of their scriptures but are some of the crudest, cruelest individuals on the planet.

Like Trump supporting, "give me money for my second jet as God is directing" Kenneth Copeland.

JC if he existed would say they are Pharisees.

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As soon as I see psychologist or psychiatrist doing a study I conclude instantly that 99.9% of the time they start with a conclusion and find ways to make the conclusion come true.

I see here this is exactly what was done how do I know this simple.

They then revealed that this is a quote from the Roman historian Livy written more than 2,000 years ago.

> "This feeling is always there, you can find quotes from any era of history where people are decrying the decline of people's interpersonal goodness," Adam Mastroianni, a researcher at New York's Columbia University and the study's lead author, told AFP.

Adam Mastroianni, a researcher makes it sound legitimate makes it sound like an expert on history of historian.

In fact he is only a psychologist with no training in history or historical facts.

Livy or more precisely Titus Livius.

Was an extreme conservative, his writings by actual historians are said to be taken as being extremely bios.

He was opposed to extending Roman citizenship beyond the borders of the Italian peninsula.

This is not somei6you can use in judging the view of the people.

Then again context, Livy was smack in the middle of Julius Caesar, the Roman civil war and the end of the Republic and beginning of Imperial Roman Empire.

He was also for hire!

Which basically means you could pay him to write up the "History" of your family, city, region, etc..and be assured he wasn't going to put anything negative in the history.

So this "research" instantly smells like a forgone conclusion by the author to make the point he wants.

Take what this study claims with a tons of salt!

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When an American woman who happens to be black goes to confront her racial ignorant neighbor about breaking her child's iPad and gets shot dead there is a real issue in America. In Japan, I think this could be a real issue, too, if there were not a strict gun law in place.

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Now that I took a closer look at this so-called study, I am even more certain about my my previous comment.

It is similar to to same type of "research" that was said to show homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece.

Where quotes used out of historical context, out of order and cherry picked to come to a predetermined conclusion by sociologist psychiatrists and psychologists but no historians.

The best part was leaving our the fact that anyone caught in a sexual relationship was condemned to death including in the writings of those they claimed wrote about the acceptance of homosexuality.

(Note I have nothing against homosexuality this is just one of the best examples of manipulation of facts that give the impression ancient Greece was safe for homosexuals but in fact was very much the opposite)

This "study" is no different, cherry picked quotes, cherry picked people from history in order to get the conclusion the author wanted to prove.

The problem with psychologist sociologist and psychiatrists and their theories is a tend to try and prove it and ignoring anything that disproves it and the fact that this is not science means that they can make 1+1 equal 1 million if that's what they want because it's not scientific because it's not factual it's opinion.

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It said the same when I was young more than 50 years ago.

In Ancient Greece, it was perfectly acceptable for older men to have sexual relationships with young boys, a practice known as pederasty. When two men of similar age shared a similar relationship, it was deemed taboo and, in fact, perverse.

Why we romanticise ancient Greek homosexuality, but snub Rome’s role in popularising queer love

Rome has a richer history of erotic language but is often described as ‘obscene’.

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Could it also be that when people perceive morals to be improving that they don't write about it nor mention it all that much?

I do think there have been periods throughout history where society's morality actually improved. We just don't hear about it.

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Plato: published work known as The Laws homosexual sex will be treated the same way as incest. It is something contrary to nature, he insists, calling it "utterly unholy, odious-to-the-gods and ugliest of ugly things"

Plato's laws have far more,

Xenophon: physical contact between teacher and student was unacceptable, and given in to unnatural lust.

Plato: sexual pleasure is held to have bewn granted by nature to male and female when conjoined for the work of procreation the crime of male with male or female with female is an outrage of nature and a capital surrender to lust of pleasures.

Aristotle: our brutish characteristics and other such characteristics shall rise through illness as well as through madness in some cases like the man who made a sacrifice of his mother and ate her and in addition to these the pleasure of sex with males.

These are the facts that the people left out of their research.

And all specially point to pederasty as the lowest and worse form on male on male.

Claudius Aelisnus: Spartan had nothing based because neither the boy dared to accept lewdness nor the liver dared to be lewd since it was no good for any of them to dishonor Sparta, if this ever happened they were exiled or killed.

The manipulation of facts can be a dangerous thing and as the above shows the popular beliefs and the reality of the times are very different.

The same goes for the above article. The so-called researchers looked for things to justify a preconceived conclusion using dubious quotes from hardline concervatives of the times, taken out of context and without explaining the social situation going on.

Livy was hardline concervatives, against change, living at the height of turmoil, end of the Republic, 2 civil wars, the birth or Imperial Rome, etc..

I could create my own totally different conclusion by picking things Livy wrote exalting how magnificent times were!

Don't listen to anyone with a PhD in sociology psychology or psychiatry if they are trying to point to history, look for a real historian without bias that have no social agenda.

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But rather than morals steadily falling throughout history, the researchers suggested this perception is an illusion caused by rose-tinted memories of the past and a focus on the grim news of the present.

Next thing to do then is establish that it is an illusion

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The rise of Postmodernism, the belief that objective reality does not exist including objective morality, in America has led to a decline in the quality of the social fabric. When people march to the beat of their own subjective moral drum, sociopathy rises. A wise person once said, “The difference between ‘doing what comes naturally’ and principled self-restraint is called ‘civilization’.”

Let us pray that people learn to recognize the falsehood that is Postmodern thought.

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The rise of Postmodernism, the belief that objective reality does not exist including objective morality, in America has led to a decline in the quality of the social fabric.

Is this what people are discussing on the streets now

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Every generation thinks morals are decreasing. Even the ancient Romans and Greeks wrote about it.

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as expceted from academia. a few years ago a study in a university in Germany concluded that Marco Polo was in fact an imposter who never visited China!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason: He never mentioned in his book that Chinese use chopsticks to eat!!

Ask anything from academia and give them enough money and they will submit a paper with the results you asked for. peroid.

bye bye science hello fanaticism.

"... should be a high priority for the government, even amid serious crises such as climate change."

yeah, as expected, that's the point of this article: to hell with morality the real problem is climate change.

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Look at the picture above and see a perfect example of how bad morality has been going to an all-time low. Since when has rape, incest, pedo, stealing, lying, personality cults, an antichrist, a Caligula, fascism, ego, human rights violations, hatred, and subservience to these things and the people who do them ever been alright? Since when has violence and war been 'alright'? It's everyday entertainment now.

If America had any moral fiber, guts, brains or a spine at all; they would've never accepted Donald Jerk Trump as a 'leader' in anything. Not even at the very first minute,

The Bible states that one should not be deceived by those who use God's name for evil. But America has. They bought it all up - hook, line and sinker. Human life has become cheapened here. Technology has greatly advanced since the Cold War ended in 1989 but people have become colder, dogma + doctrine fixated and divided, hostile to each other, desensitized and less than human in their hearts.

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If America had any moral fiber, guts, brains or a spine at all; they would've never accepted Donald Jerk Trump as a 'leader' in anything. Not even at the very first minute,

He never won a popular vote, even in 2016.

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@AntiquesavingJune 10 12:54 pm JST

A bunch of people who were perfectly fine with slavery and in some cases suppressed science. Forgive me if I don't consider them the end all and be all of morality.

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A wise person once said, “The difference between ‘doing what comes naturally’ and principled self-restraint is called ‘civilization’.”

No, writing is the defining characteristic of civilization. That's it. All the rest is just exercising power over others.

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