
Thousands of Afghan beauty salons to close as Taliban deadline bites


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nice result of pricey "war against terrorism"...

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Thousands lose their incomes.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Long-term, the feudal Taliban are on a losing wicket against the passage of time and the inexorable changes in society. Maybe only online porn will bring about the downfall of the sex-starved Taliban men patently terrified of the power of their womenfolk.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The Taliban just like hairy girls that smell of goat perfume.

What a strange culture they have. What a turd regime.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

EastmanToday 02:50 pm JST

nice result of pricey "war against terrorism"...

I'll wager there were no beauty salons before the Afghan war, but don't let facts stop you.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

More reasons why Afghanistan needs to be conquered once and for all. The UN must declare Afghanistan a failed state and move in to stabilize and modernize this unfortunate place.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The Taliban are scumbags of the highest order. Why are they so beastly to females, it’s awful and nonsensical to me. They also fibbed to the World that they had changed there ways and would have a more progressive approach to females.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

This won't give the PRC any qualms about sticking deals to expropriate their mineral resources.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Good for them not backing down from their beliefs/culture, just because the west doesn't think its "fair"

Nobody is forcing men to visit any beauty parlors. If they don't like it, don't go. Taliban needs to shutdown barber shops - oh - I see they've done that already looking at all the scraggly beards there.

Taliban are proven liars. We only need look at what they claimed they'd do 6 months before the collision left and what they've actually done since. Seems women are along allowed to be pregnant and stay in the home anymore.

Afghanistan is the worst country in the world to be a woman. That's a fact. Thousands of women who could leave, did. Thousands of parents sent their girls out of Afghanistan when it was clear the Taliban were liars and planned to oppress 50% of the people in their country.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

More reasons why Afghanistan needs to be conquered once and for all.

Afghans need to deal with their own problems. They had a chance and people grabbed what they could rather than dealing with the root problem of Taliban when they had the chance. They can live in the middle ages, since it seems that is what the society prefers.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When I watch Baywatch I think the Taliban may have a point.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

we say hey, their culture/society

Surely the culture/society can sort itself out, without some group of out-of-touch bearded weirdos (they get uncontrollably turned on by the sight of women's hair, and think people without a penis are incapable of deciding for themselves how they want to live their lives) laying down the law about actions and practices that do not cause any harm to others.

Tens of thousands of breadwinners forced out of employment, half a population held under a righteous bigoted and perverted thumb.

The Taliban are a bunch of frustrated incels. Women scare them.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

No we say hey, their culture/society.

The Taliban are a minority, armed to the teeth. Their culture is not the preferred culture for the majority of Afghans at all. Many men there are happy to have their women subservient that is true, but they had no problems with allowing education, beauty salons and many more freedoms for females when the Taliban were held at bay.

They had no way to sustain their armed forces as they were not designed to be anything other than support for international forces while they were there. No engineers trained, no mechanics etc to maintain equipment. For twenty years the free Afghan forces were simply not shaped into a force that could stand alone, and without the direct support of international forces it was never going to be able to stand up to the Taliban. Poor planning by every single nation involved in the twenty year occupation.

If it had been done properly, Afghanistan would be free, democratic and trading commodities with the world to continue to benefit its people and drag itself into being a modern Islamic society. And the Taliban would be a fringe force living in mountains and barely surviving as a tribe that would eventually hold no power at all.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

RodneyToday 12:25 pm JST

When I watch Baywatch I think the Taliban may have a point.

That offended by the natural state of humans, huh? Checks out.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Peter14Today 03:42 pm JST

If it had been done properly, Afghanistan would be free, democratic and trading commodities with the world to continue to benefit its people and drag itself into being a modern Islamic society.

Ukraine did spontaneously what the Afghans failed to do over 20 years despite the best minds in nation building opining on it. You have to be able to explain why the Afghan army fled before the Taliban who had less training and less equipment. At a certain point we have to admit that certain countries aren't ready for modernity.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I think you mean when the US was trying to push the American culture on them

Nope, not what I mean at all.

Ukraine did spontaneously what the Afghans failed to do over 20 years despite the best minds in nation building opining on it. You have to be able to explain why the Afghan army fled before the Taliban who had less training and less equipment.

The international forces supplied intel, leadership, equipment, ammunition, experience, planning, but did little to ensure the Afghan forces could do any of that for themselves. They trained Infantry and a small group of special forces who did actually resist the Taliban until they ran out of ammo and logistical support.

The Taliban had been doing it all for themselves for decades, and though they had less equipment, they had leadership, planning and the ability to go it alone.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Where the Republican Party wants to take the include closing Libraries, women's health centers, and DisneyWorld....

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Peter14July 26 05:34 pm JST

The international forces supplied intel, leadership, equipment, ammunition, experience, planning, but did little to ensure the Afghan forces could do any of that for themselves. They trained Infantry and a small group of special forces who did actually resist the Taliban until they ran out of ammo and logistical support.

I think everything you described can be attributed to corruption, not some sort of bad plan on behalf of the coalition.

And that isn't to dog on Afghanistan for being corrupt. It is a function of their current economic state. I think the coalition was looking at a society so far below the requirements of a nation state that failure was almost inevitable. Of course we could have spent 10 trillion educating students and professionals but I don't think that was ever in the cards. And it isn't clear even 10 trillion would have been enough.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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