
3 arrested for 'sushi terrorism' pranks


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"forcible obstruction of business"

This again. Japan should start questioning this violation because it is too vague.

-19 ( +6 / -25 )

Prison time is called for.

26 ( +33 / -7 )

Everyone under 25 should only be allowed to have a nokia brick phone. People younger than that are too immature to carry around a device that can film their stupid acts and make them immortal online so easily.

20 ( +28 / -8 )

Similar videos filmed at different chains surfaced last month on platforms including Twitter and TikTok, with some apparently weeks or even years old.

Like I wrote in a previous reply on a recent article about this "sushi-terrorsim" it's been going on for a hell of a lot longer than just recently, and it isnt just kaiten sushi either.

Nobody complained about the women, and sometimes men, who literally fingered all the cooked food in the deli aisle at the local grocery, and what about the folks who serve food and stick their fingers in the food after picking their nose or wiping their arses! It's about time people biatched about this crap too!

A police spokesman said 21-year-old Ryoga Yoshino and an unnamed 15-year-old girl were arrested Wednesday, while the group's third member, a 19-year-old man whose identity was also withheld, was collared last month.

Huh? 19 years old? He's legally an adult! Name and shame!

8 ( +14 / -6 )

"The arrests are believed to be the first in the saga which caused an uproar in Japan, a country with famously high standards of cleanliness."

Don't exaggerate.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Silly pranks making fool of oneself are somewhat understandable, but try to guess the mindset of someone who craves for attention from total strangers on the internet by making everyone disgusted. Sorry but its beyond comprehension.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

Again, most of this could have been avoided if, like a proper sushi train should, they installed an "express lane" conveyor belt and switched entirely to pre-ordered dishes, which wouldn't allow anyone but the diner to get their filthy body parts on it.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

Whenever we go to kurazushi we just order off the menu and it comes on the high speed delivery belt unmolested. Never liked the idea of eating anything off the futsu belt.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

What a bunch of absolute prankers.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The Saddest part is that Social Media has contributed so many good things to societies, in fact it helped so may people overcome many obstacles and issues in their lives, but as always the SCUM of the earth will find away to abuse and misuse the good things in life.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Many years ago, and before social Media took hold many TV shown had similar Pranks on comedy shows.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

""Everyone under 25 should only be allowed to have a nokia brick phone. People younger than that are too immature to carry around a device that can film their stupid acts and make them immortal online so easily.""

There are discussions now about limiting the age of smart phone owners or limiting access to certain media sites, not long ago the U.S supreme court rejected the motion that media operators can be held liable so the next move will be limiting access.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

a country with famously high standards of cleanliness.

Completely unnecessary and anyone who's ever visited a men's public toilet would know it's untrue.

The youngsters' behaviour would be unacceptable anywhere. Kaiten zushi places are one of the best things about daily life here, but there's no need to appeal to Japanese exceptionalism.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

A police spokesman said 21-year-old Ryoga Yoshino and an unnamed 15-year-old girl were arrested Wednesday, while the group's third member, a 19-year-old man whose identity was also withheld, was collared last month.

I’m not sure I am in favor of the arrest of the 15 and 19 year old. While they were present and clearly in on the stupidity, they didn’t actually lick anything themselves. Given their young ages I don’t think they should be facing prison for this.

I think this stupid incident is getting blown out of all proportion. Yeah, its gross and yeah there need to be consequences to deter this behavior, but this was just some young idiot doing a dumb prank, its not terrorism and it shouldn’t be making international headlines.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

These muppets are so ignorant in their actions plus they are filming themselves. Now as a result they have hurt the industry and chains are re-thinking their business model affecting many including myself and friends with families who used to enjoy going but now cannot because of the sheer stupidity of these perps.

Maximum fine and prison time should be enforced and nice too see their videos have gone viral worldwide, so should bring shame to these punks who now will hopefully have a hard time showing their faces in public.....good riddens!!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

BT Today  06:27 pm JST “ These muppets are so ignorant in their actions plus they are filming themselves. Now as a result they have hurt the industry and chains are re-thinking their business model affecting many including myself and friends with families who used to enjoy going but now cannot because of the sheer stupidity of these perps. “


the scum of society…; lock them up and throw away the key.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

@Yubaru You must be 20 to purchase alcohol in Japan. There is literally “Adult Day” for people turning 20. How is 19 legally an adult, again?

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Went to one of these last Sunday. Almost empty inside. No moving belt, and no ginger, which had to ordered. Long, long waits for orders, and finally we left without ever getting the ginger.

I guess the kitchen staff were busy hand-making everything as orders came in, but our table orders seemed to be competing with large numbers of telephone orders and people waiting in their cars.

Really sad that it’s come to this. Not very amusing for 99.999% of people.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

I came to Japan 20 years ago - you would never hear of such things then - my favorite thing about Japan when I 1st came here was how civilized and polite everyone seemed to be...this is very unfortunate...the shame these (insert word) have inflicted on their families...

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Toriton in Higash Sapporo is the best, lovely and fresh, my favourite ever and none of that beastly health hazard you find in the common places.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Good, these stupid pigs need prison time to learn some respect!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


There’s stupidand then there’s stupid.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

You must be 20 to purchase alcohol in Japan. There is literally “Adult Day” for people turning 20. How is 19 legally an adult, again?

Because it is. Since this year.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The whole business model is suspect.

I agree, it kind of feels a bit unhygienic in these post COVID days.

Robot waiter would be better.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

The Yakuza needs to get involved. Have a couple of Yaks stationed at each restaurant for a few months, sitting out back watching the cameras. If someone spits on some sushi, it's in the back room they go, for a little pep talk with their hands held down on the edge of a whirling table saw.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I came to Japan 20 years ago - you would never hear of such things then

It doesn't mean it never happened though.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Everyone calm down. This is an example of a knee-jerk response threatening the everyday pleasures of the majority, when only a small number of incidents are taking place, and always have done.

And it is not the fault of phones or social media, but the perpetrators.

Two guys, 19 and 21 hanging out with a 15 year old girl? Maybe a few more charges to be added there.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

While unsavory, calling such pranks "terrorism" seems a bit much and over-the-top.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

It’s terrorism since it threatens public health and it harms all sushi business in entire japan. Some people would be reluctant to go to sushi places after this news. So the damage to business is substantially more than just the sushi shop they caused harm.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Some of these comments here are pretty disturbing and cruel. Everyone has done some dumb things before without much thoughts in their youth. These kids probably did it to gain a bit of fame on social media not knowing how huge the whole thing would become and the consequences. A hefty fine for ruining people business is one option. Maybe put them on community service to allow them to learn how to be more responsible in their actions from now on. They still got a whole life ahead of them.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is sorta similar to saying make sure you tip the waitress so that next time they won’t spit in your burger you ordered. Either way that is nasty. I wouldn’t want to eat at any restaurant as you would not know if you’re dealing with an under paid miserable cook or staff.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

forcible obstruction of business" can involve stiff penalties under Japanese law -- including a potential three-year prison term.

they are tougher but when a mother kills two of her own kids only has to 3.5 years in prison???? What is worse murder or tapering food?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

They are young yes, but it is part of Internet 101 is that what is posted on the internet is there for perpetuity (forever). These young kids may get the clicks and think it is fun and cool, but in actuality it is dumb and foolish. Also, they think they can get income from this from the clicks they get from people watching their videos, but actually in the end, once they are caught, I bet all the money they received will not cover what they will have to pay to the company that was damaged, not to mention probably being blacklisted from ever entering that establishment again as well as their parents having to pay restitution to cover their sorry butts and also being blacklisted as well. Think how unsanitary that is and people who feel sorry for them should not feel sorry. What happens if you are affected by this and get sick and nowadays you do not know what sort of illnesses/diseases they carry.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Didn’t Japan “update” the law and change the age of adulthood to 18? Recently, on various sites, they don’t name those under 20. Is there a reason for that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Wait!!! A 19-year-old man whose identity was also withheld, was collared last month. If Japan can't post their names because the are considered juveniles then why call them ""MEN". The article should have said "a 19-year-old BOY whose identity was also withheld, was collared last month. BUT... they were quick to write "an unnamed 15-year-old GIRL was arrested Wednesday,

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I said it before and I will say it again. All social media is a disease and should be banned! It allows morons like these to spread their moronity globally and attract more morons!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I said it before and I will say it again. All social media is a disease and should be banned!

...he posts on a social media site.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

@ Hiro "Some of these comments here are pretty disturbing and cruel." The comments are cruel but this is Japan and if people thought this type of conduct was rampant then the whole conveyor sushi business might go bankrupt. I don't like it much but these idiots need to made an example of. Japan is a country of rules... just yesterday I was told I had to walk back around the whole Belluna Stadium because they would not let me walk through the area behind home plate to get to my seat near 1st Base. I laughed and said OK, I could use the exercise. My point, I followed the rules, if I hadn't security would have had a field day with me. These sushi licking idiots deserve severe punishment because they were hurting an entire industry.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

And I stop going to the sushi chain restaurants since the first news came out.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Many are stopping the use of the conveyor belt and replaced with table orders.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Again, most of this could have been avoided if, like a proper sushi train should, they installed an "express lane" conveyor belt and switched entirely to pre-ordered dishes, which wouldn't allow anyone but the diner to get their filthy body parts on it.

How is this going to stop the idiots who licked and drank directly from the soy sauce bottles?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You must be 20 to purchase alcohol in Japan. There is literally “Adult Day” for people turning 20. How is 19 legally an adult, again?

So based upon your statement here, one has to be legal to purchase alcohol to be considered an adult?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You can buy alcohol from a vending machine without age verification.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There is literally “Adult Day” for people turning 20. How is 19 legally an adult, again?

Coming of Age Day is cultural, not legal. Again.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Problem solved:

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Give them a big lesson..

0 ( +1 / -1 )

You can buy alcohol from a vending machine without age verification.

I do believe those machines no longer exist, just like the tobacco machines, you need a TASPO card to purchase it. Leastwise all the one's I have seen in hotels and a couple on the street next to liquor stores.

Alcohol, particularly beer, vending machines are hard to find, compared to the past here. Due to the increase in convenience stores!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

There is literally “Adult Day” for people turning 20. How is 19 legally an adult, again?

It's a national holiday, but the celebrations this year, and next year, are no longer called "Coming of Age", as that is now 18.

And as noted, it's a ceremony, nothing "official" connected to them in any way!

Oh and btw, 19 year old people attend those ceremonies as well, leastwise those who have not turned 20 yet. The cutoff date for the ceremony is for those born up to April 1st of that fiscal year. And since the ceremonies are in January, that means everyone with a birthdate AFTER that are still, or were still, from a "legal" standpoint, still underage.

The ceremony alone does not make the woman or man an adult. Nice try though!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Although some will say its a bit steep, I would have no problem seeing these 3 animals spend a year in prison.

They have not only damaged the reputation of the restaurant business which has no doubt suffered financially, they have eroded public trust in general.

This should not be taken lightly at all. Throw the book at them.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Like it or not this is how impressionable youths become influenced by social media.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They have not only damaged the reputation of the restaurant business which has no doubt suffered financially, they have eroded public trust in general.

And if they had worked for a major international corporation they might be charged with "Betrayal of the public trust!"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Like it or not this is how impressionable youths become influenced by social media.

If you think this is just youths you are sadly mistaken. Oh and btw, it's been happening a hell of a lot longer than you seem to think. This really (sadly) isnt anything new!

What this is doing is eroding the belief that Japan is "different" and immune from crap like this. All along I have been saying, Japan and the people here are no better and no worse than just about anywhere else in the world. They just project a different image, and that is what stings the feelings of many people, that the image is being damanged.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

And if they had worked for a major international corporation they might be charged with "Betrayal of the public trust!"

if that floats your boat..

What this is doing is eroding the belief that Japan is "different" and immune from crap like this. All along I have been saying, Japan and the people here are no better and no worse than just about anywhere else in the world. 


You, and more importantly my wife and children, can safely walk any street in Japan at any hour, from northernmost Hokkaido to southernmost Okinawa and everywhere in between and I wouldn't give their safety a second thought. One of the reasons is animals like these are named and shamed before the country like the animals they are.

It is a superior country.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

What this is doing is eroding the belief that Japan is "different" and immune from crap like this. All along I have been saying, Japan and the people here are no better and no worse than just about anywhere else in the world. They just project a different image, and that is what stings the feelings of many people, that the image is being damanged.

I somewhat agree with master, in that I do think that in general the Japanese are better, at least when it comes to decency, politeness, and civility. Of course, they have their problems too, but the country is very safe, and very civil. This whole issue of sushi terrorism is in the news exactly because it's out of character.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Something tells me you didn't realize every post of mine never focused exclusively on far-right extremism.

Go back and read it, and mind be blown.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Ryoga Yoshino

Maybe his family are fans of Yoshinoya.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


"forcible obstruction of business"

This again. Japan should start questioning this violation because it is too vague.

For example, demonstrating against zainichi in front of Korean Restaurants and ruining their business.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And I stop going to the sushi chain restaurants since the first news came out.

Good only rich people go to a real sushi restaurant and not that cheap stuff flying around on a rubbery belt for hours

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Disgusting and gross but not surprising. My young daughter saw a young Japanese teen licking tea cups and then putting them back with the clean ones behind me, and that was over 20 years ago.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@JexanMar. 9 05:20 pm JST

Gross and deserving of a penalty, Yes. Terrorism is a bit of a stretch don’t you think?

It may not be political, but it is does throw a rock in the ordre publique in Japan. While Westerners may insist indignantly they have seen Japanese throw garbage on the street and lick food et al, it's a matter of percentages and perception, and so far the reputation is good enough that things like Conveyor Sushi are a feasible idea. Thanks to these people they won't be. A heavy penalty is in order.

@JayMar. 9 05:12 pm JST

Again, most of this could have been avoided if, like a proper sushi train should, they installed an "express lane" conveyor belt and switched entirely to pre-ordered dishes, which wouldn't allow anyone but the diner to get their filthy body parts on it.

The entire idea of "conveyor belt sushi" is that it is mass-produced, which allows for a degree of scale of production efficiencies and thus allowing sushi to be sold more cheaply than if it is made-to-order. Of course, to enjoy cheap sushi using this method, a certain degree of public etiquette and order needs to be maintained, which these little kids threatened.

@rainydayMar. 9 06:26 pm JST

I’m not sure I am in favor of the arrest of the 15 and 19 year old. While they were present and clearly in on the stupidity, they didn’t actually lick anything themselves. Given their young ages I don’t think they should be facing prison for this.

Their stupid, irresponsible behavior is threatening the viability of an entire branch of modern Japanese culture. I understand your argument ... according to modern neuroscience it's possible those infertile minds though realizing its wrong didn't quite realize the full depth of their act's consequences. If anything, the fact they filmed this and blew it up all over the net turned a little piece of private pranking into something widely known, and thus with ordre publique consequences. We should at least teach kids to have the minimalistic good sense to hide themselves when they are doing wrong, rather than showing contempt for the public. Hit them. Hard.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's about time. Maybe some jail time with meals consisting of rice bowls laced with snot boogers will teach these cretins a lesson.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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