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Tidy fans


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Migrant workers from south asia make a living from cleaning up stadium, these "good" spectators they'll make these workers lost their hourly time where they can make extra money.

Also this kind of attitude that makes Japanese government do less public work, for example providing extra trash can in public spaces while still getting people money through various taxes.

-21 ( +21 / -42 )

Also this kind of attitude that makes Japanese government do less public work, for example providing extra trash can in public spaces while still getting people money through various taxes.

It's all about the look at how clean we are superiority complex of Japanese. Don't forget that.

-11 ( +27 / -38 )

Could they come and clean up my neighborhood in East Osaka next. Trash left and thrown everywhere around here!

-4 ( +27 / -31 )

Could they come and clean up my neighborhood in East Osaka next. Trash left and thrown everywhere around here!

Why don't you clean it up yourself?

-3 ( +21 / -24 )

Im so sick of these jerks. There are so many people relying on cleaning for a job and these people do it for the lols. Its the same in food courts here - dont wipe the tables! dont take the trays back! Why!? youre taking someones job away!

-24 ( +17 / -41 )

Good job! After wiping the floor with Germany, Japan cleans up the stadium.

-9 ( +16 / -25 )

Also, gold star to that dude chillin on his phone hahhaha hes like "nah brah im good"

-31 ( +6 / -37 )

t's all about the look at how clean we are superiority complex of Japanese. Don't forget that.

I didnt see any other fans clean up the stadium. Did you?

-9 ( +13 / -22 )

It's all about the look at how clean we are superiority complex of Japanese. Don't forget that.


-17 ( +20 / -37 )

Just remember that

-14 ( +16 / -30 )

This is a great custom and should be celebrated.

The only problem with it is some people take this small amount of evidence, one small group of very organized fans, and think it justifies glowing tributes to how clean Japanese people are as a nation. Litter is a problem in many places in Japan. My neighbourhood is clean but only because we have cleanups twice a year. We hold them along the main road so we can pick up all of the garbage people throw out of their car windows.

-15 ( +10 / -25 )

Great to see, now let's start on the Japanese beaches, the garbage build up is unbelievable. My wife and I can't clean all of it and the council say it's not their problem.

4 ( +29 / -25 )

sakurasukiToday  07:13 am JST

Migrant workers from south asia make a living from cleaning up stadium, these "good" spectators they'll make these workers lost their hourly time where they can make extra money.

Also this kind of attitude that makes Japanese government do less public work, for example providing extra trash can in public spaces while still getting people money through various taxes.

Nobody is loosing any pay or a job. It an excuse to just be lazy and dump your garbage with that old excuse

"it gives someone a job". it's not like Japanese fans are going around the whole World Cup cleaning up after everybody. They're cleaning up after themselves. Pity everyone doesn't do it, then we won't have garbage everywhere. Kudos to Japanese fans. Certainly better than watching Americans, Brits, Germans et al dumping their garbage so an immigrant can clean up after them. It's called Manners, and good up bringing.

9 ( +27 / -18 )

Nothing wrong with cleaning up after yourself. I think I do it after breakfast, lunch and dinner of if I go somewhere. Thanks to my parents, I don't dump trash in the street, and we don't expect others to clean up after myself. If anything it only makes others jobs easier.

11 ( +27 / -16 )

I’m seeing now on social media, people from the States talking about how good and clean the Japanese are.and they ask Wow, are they that polite?

cmon now…….unless it’s in a department store, or possibly on an airplane, the everyday average angry Taro and Karen on the street are some of the rudest, most dirtiest people about there.

yes, not EVERYONE is like that, but the majority are definitely not cleaning up after others. They will ignore trash and in some cases, cause it.

what those dudes did at the games were cool, but don’t get the reality mixed up with the perceived look.

-7 ( +17 / -24 )

I’m seeing now on social media, people from the States talking about how good and clean the Japanese are.and they ask Wow, are they that polite?

Of course shogun. This is all a PR campaign to promote Japan. They're doing this because they KNOW the cameras are rolling.

cmon now…….unless it’s in a department store, or possibly on an airplane, the everyday average angry Taro and Karen on the street are some of the rudest, most dirtiest people about there.

Absolutely! Couldn't agree more

yes, not EVERYONE is like that, but the majority are definitely not cleaning up after others. They will ignore trash and in some cases, cause it.


what those dudes did at the games were cool, but don’t get the reality mixed up with the perceived look.

But THAT'S the whole idea. To create this positive perceived look about the Japanese AND hide the reality of who they really are.

-16 ( +19 / -35 )

Mixed feelings about the cleaning army as it’s an obvious virtue signal to the world, but it’s a good one. Let them have it. If it caught on that’d be something!

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

So many insecure comments angry over Japanese people being courteous.

7 ( +27 / -20 )

I don't get all the complaints about Japan being dirty. There's way less garbage than my home in Florida, that's for sure. Tourist spots like Dotonbori and Shibuya can get filthy, but the workers can do an amazing job of cleaning them in the morning.

3 ( +22 / -19 )

So many insecure comments angry over Japanese people being courteous.

the usual suspects that blames Japan for their failures in life. Nothing new.

-2 ( +19 / -21 )

Excelent, one of the things why I love Japan and the Japanese people..

Why negative comments against people who just are civic and want to clean the stadium, setting an example to the world??..

Why don't we learn that example from them??..

We can do it..

Migrant workers from south asia make a living from cleaning up stadium, these "good" spectators they'll make these workers lost their hourly time where they can make extra money.

Hired migrants have a lot to clean up, they won't be out of a job because Japan fans help them a little..

Could they come and clean up my neighborhood in East Osaka next. Trash left and thrown everywhere around here!

We could do it too, it's easy..

Im so sick of these jerks. There are so many people relying on cleaning for a job and these people do it for the lols. Its the same in food courts here - dont wipe the tables! dont take the trays back! Why!? youre taking someones job away!

For being a good human being you are not a jerk, lets we learn from them..

It's all about the look at how clean we are superiority complex of Japanese. Don't forget that.

It is not a matter of superiority, it is a matter of education, do we have it?..

-9 ( +14 / -23 )

I’m trying to imagine the alternative scenario of a highly visible crew of foreigners, during a major world sports event, attending in similar fashion to one of the favored garbage drop spots here in Japan; ‘out of mind, out of sight’ rivers. There’s nothing Japanese hate more than to be one upped at their own game.

-3 ( +20 / -23 )

MarkToday 12:10 pm JST

So many insecure comments angry over Japanese people being courteous

I think the 'insecure comments' are coming from people on your side.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Readers, please keep the discussion civil. No need for acrimony.

Japan has very few public litter bins, which is the real reason for this behaviour. It would be nice if the media explained this. Anyone who lives here needs to get used to stuffing their garbage in their pockets or pack.

I personally hate doing that, especially if its a bento, ice cream or anything whose wrappers are covered in sticky substances.

I suspect the people overseas gushing about this would get pretty aggravated if they were ever forced to carry around garbage every time then went out in public.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Shame about their own stadiums, beaches, parka, university classrooms etc etc.

This is all for show. Still fair play to them. Most normal people would be out celebrating after a famous victory

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Good for them.

I wish other nations fans cleaned up after themselves instead of littering everywhere.

This is why baseball and soccer stadiums in Japan are spotless.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

They’re cleaning up the illegal beer and booze jugs.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Frankly from time to time I support/visit Nagoya, the fans clean up on match day, second nature.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

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