
Trump arrives in Florida to face charges; maintains lead in poll

By Jack Queen

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Some 43% of self-identified Republicans said Trump was their preferred candidate, 

Much like 45, not America’s brightest to be sure.

“Lock her up! Lock her up!”

"We can't have someone in the Oval Office who doesn't understand the meaning of the word confidential or classified."

Lock him up.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Orange man out of lawyers willing to go to prison for him, friends (he never had any to begin with) and tricks.

Time to meet accountability at long (long) last.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

His second criminal charge, with more to come.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

This is getting to be fun!

11 ( +13 / -2 )


Trump projecting again. Look what he’s done and doing to America.

Anyone who supports this schmuck is complicit in the destruction of American democracy, rule of law, and civil political discourse.

It’s a grievance cult, with its believers gaining zilch.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

"I HOPE THE ENTIRE COUNTRY IS WATCHING WHAT THE RADICAL LEFT ARE DOING TO AMERICA," he wrote on his Truth Social social-media platform before departing from New Jersey.

Biden is not a leftist.

The judge he appointed who will oversee the case is not a leftist.

It is doubtful there are many leftists in federal law enforcement.

When will half of the country stop responding and repeating these dog whistles for the cognitively -challenged that have such a regressive force on American society?

Or at least don't allow the US to match the standards of living in the democratic socialist countries of Europe?

14 ( +14 / -0 )

To be fair, not all Trump lawyers have or are going to prison. Some of them have only lost their licenses and reputations.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

The radical left didn't fill Trump's bathroom, and other places with boxes of classified documents, showing them to visitors to his club. Including top secret documents on the US nuclear program.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

"In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law."

Donald Trump

"We can't have someone in the Oval Office who doesn't understand the meaning of the word confidential or classified."

Donald Trump

Feds prosecutors have a 99% conviction rate. Nobody can excape a 37 count indictment with them odds. Two of x37's own lawyers soiled themselves and walked--slowly and oddly away. He will be facing a real jury unlike the impeachment trial jury that consisted of 49 Republican Senators.

If one really thinks about this, its a genius ploy by Jack Smith to get two crooks with one swoop....Judge Aileen will never recuse herself, and by doing so will derail her career by making judicially questionable motions in favor of Trump that upon review, prove favoritism towards the plaintiff.....she had better see the light before its too late! They do have the fact that the appeals court said she couldn't make up rules to help the defendant when they were trying to delay with the Special Master. Jack Smith stated, "we have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone."

For all the usual attempts to "whatabout" Biden and Hillary.......well, Biden, Hillary, and Pence returned all documents once they were discovered. None of them lied to the government then hid the documents in a bathroom. They were also not stupid enough to be recorded bragging to other people that he stole classified documents then said, "I should have de-classified them when I was president."

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Usually the Miranda statement says “If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided.” It might need to be amended to include “If you cannot find a lawyer WILLING to represent you, the state will provide you with one.”

6 ( +7 / -1 )

How can any sane individual want to vote for him and or any republicans at this time it is madness. Liberties are being stripped, racism at its best and gun violence because of lack of laws and republicans to scared to stand up to the NRA and or the NRA has so many of them in their back pockets.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

John Bolton says Trump kept classified documents because he thought they were 'cool' and suggests the ex-president should go to JAIL for taking the nation's 'top secrets' to Mar-a-Lago

8 ( +9 / -1 )

The Republicans claim that this is a witch hunt organized by President Biden. However, that’s highly unlikely. Think about it, most American voters think Trump and his followers are nuts. If Trump runs as the Republican candidate, Biden wins! So why on earth would Biden want to remove Trump?!

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Trump projecting again. Look what he’s done and doing to America. 

Like what? Justly stating that we have a two tier Justice system.

Anyone who supports this schmuck is complicit in the destruction of American democracy, rule of law, and civil political discourse. 

I think it’s actually the opposite

It’s a grievance cult,

No, it’s a justified concern for half the nation

with its believers gaining zilch.

Well, no, that’s why we have elections which goes back to why we are here and what all this is really about.

-20 ( +3 / -23 )

To be fair, not all Trump lawyers have or are going to prison.

For representing the man? Why? Odd…

Some of them have only lost their licenses and reputations.

Hmmm…wonder if Schiff, Nadler and Raskin will lose theirs as well…

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

For representing the man? Why? Odd…

No. For conspiring with him to hide the documents investigators were look for.

It's all in the indictment.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

After he is charged Trump will fly back to his club in New Jersey and will make a statement Tuesday evening.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Why did he keep state secrets and why did he lie in order to keep them? What did Trump want with them? It's not as if he reads stuff unless it has pictures and DONALD TRUMP written on it lots of times.

Was he selling them to America's enemies?

17 ( +18 / -1 )

No. For conspiring with him to hide the documents investigators were look for. 

So hiding classified documents in your car unsecured is no big deal, or secretly storing them on your own personal HD and hiding it in a public restroom in a restaurant as well as deleting 30,000 classified emails, but no big deal, eh? Lol

It's all in the indictment.

This is the very definition of election interference.

-19 ( +0 / -19 )

Justly stating that we have a two tier Justice system.

What exactly in the indictment do you dispute? So far the only defense I've heard from Trump and his supporters is to baselessly smear Jack Smith, the DOJ, and all liberals. And a whole lot of "whatabouts".

Hmmm…wonder if Schiff, Nadler and Raskin will lose theirs as well…

Nope. Just another absurd whataboutism.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

I fought the law,and the law won

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

This is the very definition of election interference.

To Trump cultists, yes.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

So hiding classified documents in your car unsecured is no big deal, or secretly storing them on your own personal HD and hiding it in a public restroom in a restaurant as well as deleting 30,000 classified emails, but no big deal, eh? Lol

If you steal a car, does that mean I get to steal a car as well? A crime is a crime. Donald committed a crime, and made repeated efforts to conceal the crime.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

or secretly storing them on your own personal HD and hiding it in a public restroom in a restaurant as well as deleting 30,000 classified emails, but no big deal, eh? Lol

Trump's DOJ had their chance to "lock her up", but there was no big deal to be found.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Legal experts, including Trump's former attorney general William Barr, say the case is a strong one. The charges include violations of the Espionage Act, which criminalizes unauthorized possession of defense information, and conspiracy to obstruct justice, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

Trump and MAGA-world know how much legal jeopardy he is in - for all the faux bluster and bombast, they know the case Smith has presented is detailed, devastating, and damning...

Not only his hand-picked defender Barr, but the lawyer our MAGA-friends here most prefer to quote - Fox's own Jonathan Turley has flipped after reading the indictment...

*Speaking about the images from Mar-a-Lago of the boxes of documents found in a ballroom and a bathroom, in addition to other less-than-ideal places, Mr Turley said, “It's really breathtaking. *Obviously, this is mishandling. Putting the classified documents into ballrooms and bathrooms borders on the bizarre. And these are the types of pictures that hit you below the waterline in a trial.

*“It's hard to show a picture of these boxes surrounding a toilet and saying ‘we really acted responsibly,’” he added, going on to note that *“the government is bringing dozens of counts – they only have to land one of those punches”.

“Keep in mind that every one of these counts is coming with a substantial potential sentence,” Mr Turley said.

“It is an extremely damning indictment”.

Well stated Mr Turley - like Mike Pence, too bad all the MAGA-faithful have now tuned you out...

10 ( +10 / -0 )

What exactly in the indictment do you dispute?

All of them with the exception of retention of the documents

So far the only defense I've heard from Trump and his supporters is to baselessly smear Jack Smith, the DOJ, and all liberals.


And a whole lot of "whatabouts".

You mean gloss over the same basic claims and and facts that you can apply to other mentioned violators of the same handling of documents

Nope. Just another absurd whataboutism.

No, seriously, stay focused, I wonder if these men will lose their licenses over the countless lies that they told. Let’s be fair now.

To Trump cultists, yes.

Not just to Trump voters 47% of the nation

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

50,000 MAGA supporters are expected to turn up outside the court building.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Wallace,a federal court is considered a place as high value target,the US Marshall service can call out the military as the last line of defense

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Trump's DOJ had their chance to "lock her up", but there was no big deal to be found.

And what would that have served? Yes, the woman broke every law in the rule book as Secretary of State, but jailing her helps the nation? The best way to punish her is to have her run for the Presidency, she did that and lost. The people decided, the DOJ could do the same here as well.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Bass: So hiding classified documents in your car unsecured is no big deal, or secretly storing them on your own personal HD and hiding it in a public restroom in a restaurant as well as deleting 30,000 classified emails, but no big deal, eh? Lol

Well this is part of the problem. You understand the difference between the two cases, yet you pretend that you don't.

Trump kept documents even after he was asked to return them. He told lies to his lawyers so they would lie on his behalf in order to keep them. He moved boxes around before searches in order to keep them. He asked people to remove them from searches so he could keep them. And as the cherry on top, he took these docs, that he refused to return, and brought them meetings with other people.

Surely you understand the difference because it's impossible for a normally functioning adult not to.

So what can you do? Obviously you can't defend Trump on the merits of his defense because there are none. You'd have done that already if you could. And your response won't have a defense, either, because you've nothing to say.

What that leaves is whataboutism - scratch that - disingenuous whataboutism, as the only card you can play. You'll be misrepresenting the two situations for probably the rest of your life.

You have no other choice.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

this indictment acts as if the Presidential Records Act doesn’t even exist.

If no crime, no process crimes such as obstruction of crime or lying about crime etc is even possible

-23 ( +0 / -23 )

Rather than sensitive compartmented information facilities (SCIFs), secure GSA-approved safes, and other approved classified storage areas....Trump prefers to store his classified stash at Bed (room), Bath (room), and Beyond (Ballroom)....

Which given the mountain of evidence in the indictment, will easily prove his guilt "beyond" any reasonable doubt....

Bye-Don...Hello Leavenworth...

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Well this is part of the problem. You understand the difference between the two cases, yet you pretend that you don't. 

No, I understand. Park your partisan outrage

Trump kept documents even after he was asked to return them. He told lies to his lawyers so they would lie on his behalf in order to keep them. He moved boxes around before searches in order to keep them. He asked people to remove them from searches so he could keep them. And as the cherry on top, he took these docs, that he refused to return, and brought them meetings with other people.

Ok, so you are basically admitting the cases are the same Biden and Hillary both lied and both not even being in the position to retain any of these documents as a VP or Secretary of State where they have no constitutional and presidential powers to declassify those documents.

Surely you understand the difference because it's impossible for a normally functioning adult not to.

The political bias? Without a doubt 47% of the nation does as well.

So what can you do? Obviously you can't defend Trump on the merits of his defense because there are none.

His lawyers will do that.

You'd have done that already if you could. And your response won't have a defense, either, because you've nothing to say.

I have a lot to say, as long as the left doesn’t try to block, delete or silence me or any opposing political point of view

What that leaves is whataboutism - scratch that - disingenuous whataboutism, as the only card you can play.

I can’t force the press to do their job, if they have TDS and run with it, that’s on them, but thank God there are more and more online media outlets that do bring the truth and awareness of giving the masses the facts and the other side to the argument and not just gloss over what Biden or Hillary did, but allow all of the facts in all sides to come out so that we can have a serious and healthy debate and not a one-sided liberal Marxist position of using all the powers of the government to go after one man because they know they politically are in a pickle.

You'll be misrepresenting the two situations for probably the rest of your life. 

No, not at all.

You have no other choice.

I’m an American, I always have choices.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Any federal trial in Florida may not take place until after the November 2024 presidential election

oh really? How interesting.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Here's how dangerous this cult is:

“I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden. And the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one’s for you. If you wanna get to President Trump, you’re gonna have to go through me, and you’re gonna have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And most of us are card carrying members of the NRA. That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

Kari Lake

12 ( +14 / -2 )

But the Presidential Records Act does in fact exist and a plain text reading makes it's meaning clear to anyone remotely literate.

All government records during a president's term in office are the property of the United States and must be turned over to NARA.

Stupid Voldemort has no defense, so his cultist rubes will whatabout and threaten to be violent in an effort to keep him from facing the consequences of his actions.

They are going to fail.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

The Proud Boys won't be in Miami.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

In 1978, Congress passed the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which states that any records created or received by the President as part of his constitutional, statutory, or ceremonial duties are the property of the United States government and will be managed by NARA at the end of the administration.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Not just to Trump voters 47% of the nation

Lol, where’d you pull that number from?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

this indictment acts as if the Presidential Records Act doesn’t even exist. 

If no crime, no process crimes such as obstruction of crime or lying about crime etc is even possible

Quick! Call the feds! Tell them it’s case closed, you’ve blown the lid off the whole thing!

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Not just to Trump voters 47% of the nation

Lol, where’d you pull that number from?

Out of its ample buttocks where it pulls all of its information, lol.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

“I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden. And the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one’s for you. If you wanna get to President Trump, you’re gonna have to go through me, and you’re gonna have to go through 75 million Americans just like me. And most of us are card carrying members of the NRA. That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

Kari Lake

Dangerous??? Then I guess that means the FBI and Garland are the epitome of a radiation fallout! I’m glad we have conservatives that are taking the Dems rule book and getting in the gutter. The pacifist days of the republican party are long gone and rightfully so.

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

“Trump vows to appoint special prosecutor to ‘go after’ Biden if former president wins in 2024”

Trump’s post on Truth Social represents a brazen pledge to use the levers of government to target political rivals

Oh my god, what a terrible thing. To do back to Biden exactly what is being done to him! How “brazen”!

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

Things bass is forced to talk about because he can't find words to actually defend Trump:

No, I understand. Park your partisan outrage

Ok, so you are basically admitting the cases are the same Biden and Hillary both lied and both not even being in the position to retain any of these documents as a VP or Secretary of State where they have no constitutional and presidential powers to declassify those documents.

The political bias? Without a doubt 47% of the nation does as well.

His lawyers will do that.

I have a lot to say, as long as the left doesn’t try to block, delete or silence me or any opposing political point of view

I can’t force the press to do their job, if they have TDS and run with it, that’s on them, but thank God there are more and more online media outlets that do bring the truth and awareness of giving the masses the facts and the other side to the argument and not just gloss over what Biden or Hillary did, but allow all of the facts in all sides to come out so that we can have a serious and healthy debate and not a one-sided liberal Marxist position of using all the powers of the government to go after one man because they know they politically are in a pickle.

No, not at all.

I’m an American, I always have choices.

And again, your response to me (or anyone) will in no way defend Trump. Because you can't. It's impossible. And your comments to me will say it's not impossible, but you won't actually do it. Then you'll tell me it's up to me to find ways that one could defend Trump because it's not your job.

As I've fast forwarded ahead in our conversation, have a good night.

But remember, you can't defend Trump.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

To repeat what Dagon said, Biden is no lefty.

but according to 45 and his flock, William Barr is!

so according to the flock, any who fail to worship 45 are stinking pinko commies. And then their feelings are hurt when they are called cultists…

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Trump's legal woes have not affected his popularity among Republican voters.

Impossible to sway the sheep. They want to follow the herder's orders and go over the cliff so let them go ahead. I just hope the independents can see this guy for what he really is, and that is a man who has been indicted numerous times and impeached twice, stirred up an insurrection, one who is the biggest threat to national security. He is a friend of Russia and China, a race-baiter, a womanizer, a liar, a man full of vulgarity and disregard for most others, and one clearly unfit to lead the country.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The pacifist days of the republican party are long gone and rightfully so.

How are you going to fight from Japan?

Best get back patriot. Lock and load!

The best thing about lake’s idiotic comment is it’ll really sort the wheat from the chaff. Prison has plenty of room for more patriots on a sightseeing tour. Thin the herd.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Better get those 3rd and 4th indictments up and running, we just found the Burisma guy has tapes of Hunter and “the Big guy”. 

oh Lordy let there be tapes, isn’t it?

if that’s true it would seem your best bet would be to nominate someone who can win the general so a republican AG can go get him.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

The Nixon parallels are truly amazing...

Nixon authorized a break-in at Watergate, lied to the American public that he knew nothing about it....then was caught on tape admitting to the entire criminal scheme....

Trump authorized the illegal taking of the classified documents, then lied to the American people with multiple conflicting stories (I'm authorized to take it, I gave it all back, I declassified it all, I didn't take any classified just folders)....and then is caught on tape bragging about a Secret-level document and admitting IT IS STILL CLASSIFIED AND FORMER PRESIDENT'S DON'T HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO DECLASSIFY IT...

Then there are the video tapes of multiple attempts to move classified around Mar-A-Lago trying to hide it from judge-authorized searches...

And the Trump lawyer written certifications that "there is no more classified at Mar-A-Lago"...and the FBI finds 104 one month later....

Repubs never learn - it's never the crime that gets them, it's the COVERUP...

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Mocheake: I just hope the independents can see this guy for what he really is, and that is a man who has been indicted numerous times and impeached twice, stirred up an insurrection, one who is the biggest threat to national security. He is a friend of Russia and China, a race-baiter, a womanizer, a liar, a man full of vulgarity and disregard for most others, and one clearly unfit to lead the country.


6 ( +7 / -1 )

Some 43% of self-identified Republicans said Trump was their preferred candidate, compared to 22% who picked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

61 to 23 lead in the other poll. (+38)

you know you struggling when you have to pick the one he is “only” winning by +21.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

You are correct Blacklabel.

Trump would be setting pretty, if dems and independents didn’t also possess voting rights.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Less than half of independents even support the indictment.

Among political parties, 86% of Democrats and 45% of independents said they support the indictment, while the majority of Republicans, 67%, disagree with the charges against Trump.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Democrats and independents don’t vote in the Republican primary.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

I know you’re not interested but there are people in single digits for the GOP nomination who could win the general election. That you’re only interested in the two guys who go out of their way to make themselves toxic to anyone who isn’t hard core MAGA is on you.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Blacklabel: Democrats and independents don’t vote in the Republican primary.

Not sure what your angle is here, and why you post it multiple times a day? Are people here saying Trump will lose the primary or something?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

“Trump vows to appoint special prosecutor to ‘go after’ Biden if former president wins in 2024”

This WOULD be terrifying if he were not such an incompetent buffoon.

But he is. So it isn't.

And for all of b's inaccurate and irrelevant early polls, Americans are not going to elect a sex-offender who incited a coup - no matter how badly it failed, and who is obviously guilty (soon to be convicted) of illegally taking, hiding and obstructing the recovery of national defense documents which he knew were still classified and showed people anyway.

That is just not going to happen.

80% of Americans think that illegally holding government documents purposely and obstructing their return puts America's national security at risk and the other 20% are illiterate.

As Barr put it, "If even 1/2 of it is true (it is) he is toast."

He most certainly is.

Goobers backed the wrong narcicissitc sociopath, AGAIN.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Some 43% of self-identified Republicans said Trump was their preferred candidate, compared to 22% who picked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

61 to 23 lead in the other poll. (+38)

you know you struggling when you have to pick the one he is “only” winning by +21.

Indeed. The guy that released thousands of violent criminals out on the street, outsourced COVID to Fauci, and is for amnesty for illegals, is beating the guy that's a RINO Globalist, filled Florida with misery and despair, and may be a least according to what they say about each other...

Welcome to MAGA-world...

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Democrats and independents don’t vote in the Republican primary.

Quote unquote "Black"label this blatant misinformation is embarrassing to people who may share associated ancestry with you.

Improve yourself, please.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

So Biden is supposedly going to beat Trump. Biden is supposedly going to beat DeSantis too.

but anyone else can beat Biden say our leftist friends here?

So which Dems will be voting not for Biden but for Asa Hutchinson or Mike Pence?

none, right?

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

So according to what you just posted Black, 23% of republicans, 86% of dems and 45% of independents support prosecuting 45.

and you think this is your ticket back to the White House?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

So which Dems will be voting not for Biden but for Asa Hutchinson or Mike Pence?

not a dem, so can’t speak for them, but you continue to underestimate the hell no aspect of your preferred candidates.

you ain’t gonna win the general by promising to smite more than half the country. Don’t know why this concept is so foreign to you.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

So Biden is supposedly going to beat Trump. Biden is supposedly going to beat DeSantis too.

but anyone else can beat Biden say our leftist friends here?

So which Dems will be voting not for Biden but for Asa Hutchinson or Mike Pence?

none, right?

Question for you and the other MAGA-faithful...

Are you going to vote for Trump who has assured you the COVID vaccine is "safe and it works" and "frankly" urges his supporters to take it?

Or RFK Jr who shares your belief that the vaccine is dangerous and can kill you?

Do you support the guy that tells you to take poison or the guy that tells you not to?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Try this angle Blacklabel.

you are correct that Biden is not particularly popular. Even lots of Dems are underwhelmed. Imagine the possibilities if the GOP were to present a nominee who is neither a fascist nor a theocrat!

make more sense now?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Dangerous??? Then I guess that means the FBI and Garland are the epitome of a radiation fallout! 

Are the FBI and Garland advocating violence?

I’m glad we have conservatives that are taking the Dems rule book and getting in the gutter. The pacifist days of the republican party are long gone and rightfully so.

Are you advocating violence?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Now that my favorite president, Donald Trump, is facing a 37-count indictment from the feds, I join with all my brothers and sisters in MAGA, and with all sensible Republicans, in saying this: I’m not sure I want to live in a country where a former president can wave around classified documents he's not supposed to have and say, “This is secret information. Look at this,” and then be held accountable for his actions.

I mean, what kind of country have we become? One in which federal prosecutors can take “evidence” before a “grand jury,” and that grand jury can “vote to indict” a former president for 37 alleged “crimes”? Look at all the other people out there in America, including Democrats like Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden, who HAVEN’T been indicted for crimes on the flimsy excuse that there is no “evidence” they did crimes. THAT’S TOTALLY UNFAIR!

It seems like there are two tiers according to Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee:

“Where are the investigations against the Clintons and the Bidens? What about fairness? Two tiers of justice at work.”

TWO TIERS! One tier in which President Trump keeps getting indicted via both state and federal justice systems and another in which the people I don’t like keep getting not indicted via all the things Fox News tells me they did wrong.

It’s like America has become a banana republic, as long as you do as I’ve done and refuse to look up the definition of “banana republic.”

And of course, you know who’s behind this travesty of justice, right? It’s so-called President Bye-Don, who is both frail and senile and also a laser-sharp master at conducting witch hunts.

This is a WITCH HUNT, and I believe that because Trump said so!

15 ( +15 / -0 )

So Biden is supposedly going to beat Trump. Biden is supposedly going to beat DeSantis too.

Correct. Like a damn drum.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

So Biden is supposedly going to beat Trump. Biden is supposedly going to beat DeSantis too.

Correct. Like a damn drum.

and he’s going to do that not because everyone loves him.

He’s going to do that because of whom you choose to run against him.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Things bass is forced to talk about because he can't find words to actually defend Trump:

No, there’s more to criticize the corrupt DOJ, Trump is not perfect, none of us or, but this administration, there is too much to talk about and nothing to defend.

And again, your response to me (or anyone) will in no way defend Trump.

Well, the constitution does, so you lost on that one.

Because you can't. It's impossible.

As long as the constitution is intact, it’s never impossible.

And your comments to me will say it's not impossible, but you won't actually do it.

I don’t need to.

Then you'll tell me it's up to me to find ways that one could defend Trump because it's not your job.

Well, that’s right. We both can go back and forth, but we have a constitution for a reason thank God!

As I've fast forwarded ahead in our conversation, have a good night.

You too.

But remember, you can't defend Trump.

I don’t need to, he has top lawyers to do that.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Trump was banging on about draining the swamp. All he has managed to do is drain some of the water from the swamp, so more of the cretins lurking in it have come up to the surface.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

The Republicans claim that this is a witch hunt organized by President Biden. However, that’s highly unlikely. Think about it, most American voters think Trump and his followers are nuts. If Trump runs as the Republican candidate, Biden wins! So why on earth would Biden want to remove Trump?!

75 million nuts is a lot of nuts.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

So if someone other than Trump or DeSantis runs against Biden, how would that person theoretically win?

They wont get any more Democrat votes than DeSantis or Trump will get and they will lose all the MAGA vote on the Republican side.

Who is a Mike Pence voter in a battle of Pence vs Biden?

Who is a Tim Scott voter?

A Chris Christie voter?

if someone going to lose it might as well be our best candidate, Donald Trump, not some bench warmer.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

The idea that we are looking at a Trump vs Biden rematch is shocking and sad. Biden was a "someone to beat Trump" candidate and Trump was rejected. Both parties have 4 years to find a replacement. Biden is obviously having age related problems and Trump is poison to much of the electorate. Surely the US can do better?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Who is a Tim Scott voter?

A Chris Christie voter?

people who don’t necessarily like Biden but are given no non-facsist or non-theocratic option to vote for.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

yeah those people will just not vote at all.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

that seems quite disingenuous, either Biden can do the job or he cant, hes corrupt or he isnt, regardless of the opponent.

you’re free to keep telling yourself that.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

For all the usual attempts to "whatabout" Biden and Hillary.......well, Biden, Hillary, and Pence returned all documents once they were discovered. None of them lied to the government then hid the documents in a bathroom. They were also not stupid enough to be recorded bragging to other people that he stole classified documents then said, "I should have de-classified them when I was president."

At the very least the recording has TreasonTrump caught red-handed. The Watergate tapes were a dead giveaway for Nixon's crimes. At least he resigned even if he got pardoned by Ford (and there may have been a deal beforehand on that). But Don the Con is too narcisstic and egocentric for that. Since he thinks he's so divine he never made any deals with Pence. In fact on J6 he backstabbed Pence, was going to throw him into the pit of hungry wolves.

EFDToday  07:24 am JST

Usually the Miranda statement says “If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided.” It might need to be amended to include “If you cannot find a lawyer WILLING to represent you, the state will provide you with one.”

His own attorneys are quitting on him! I wouldn't want to represent this traitor criminal piece of trash either. Who wants to take up a case for Benedict Donald? And at least 37 indictments at that!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

there will be a "reason" created why every single Republican will be unsuitable to vote for once Trump and DeSantis are out of the way first. It used to be just "anyone but Trump!" but now its both of them.

its not like if Trump cant run for some reason that Democrats will actually stop trying to destroy America and start acting in the best interests of our own country over others.

That what DeSantis voters think, they are tired of the attacks and stupidly think Dems will stop all their nonsense if its not Trump on the ballot.

come on Republicans, just vote for someone else for Trump and we can be friends! Oh but not DeSantis either sorry! and not Pence, that guy? no way. Tim Scott? no, sorry I know hes Black but you cant pick him either- hes just the Black face of White Supremacy like Larry Elder!

totally wrong to start compromising.

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

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