
Twitter users run into service issues after Musk imposes daily limits on reading tweets


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I can't nosy parker, (US persons might refer to a nosy rosie), lurk, snoop. sidle my friends twitter accounts anymore.

Musk requires lurkers to login, create there own account. Poo it is essential reading sometimes before bedtime. Gossip and stuff.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Another change, another bout of problems that again will make Twitter be perceived as problematic and unstable, so another chance for someone else to use this to profit by taking at least some of the market that simply want something more like the old twitter.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

This is not surprising as he is a power monger. Imposing restrictions and making up rules as he goes along good ole Elon is troubling the people who already use the ridiculous service. This scandal should be called Elon-Gate for being implosive and caused by Napoleon complex.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Musk openly promotes what is promotional tweets on free accounts.

Fair enough.

$44 billion, a mind numbing sum.

For such an investment, a future business model, a clear strategy to leverage future revenue requires the full commitment of your tech staff, your development crew, your sales teams.

It is your people, top to bottom, that will ultimately define/decide whether your business is successful or not.

The higher threshold allowed on verified accounts is part of an $8 per month subscription service that Musk rolled out earlier this year in an effort to boost Twitter revenue that has fallen sharply since he took over the company and laid off roughly three-fourths of the workforce to cuts costs and stave off bankruptcy.

This paragraph is proof enough, a so called, alleged billionaire and his money are soon parted.

Yes, I am huffing and puffing a tad, I can't snoop at will, worse still my friends have e-mailed me bowling raspberries.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

So rather than target the ip adresses of the data scrapers, twitter decides to reduce access to all users. Something doesn’t add up. More likely he wants to charge media companies that use twitter quotes in every story.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Musk has allowed freedom of expression on Twitter. Those who attack him are the same who want to control the narrative, and are afraid of freedom of expression.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Musk is as much about free speech as he is about celibacy.

Moreover he is proof that his image of a super uber CEO is image only.

The man is a cancer for twitter.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Twitter revenue that has fallen sharply since he took over the company and laid off roughly three-fourths of the workforce to cuts costs and stave off bankruptcy.

Nonsense. He cut three-fourths of the workforce because they weren't doing anything of value. If anyone wants the old Twitter back, they can go and make their own left-wing version of Trump's Twitter knock-off called "Truth".

For me, I prefer to avoid echo chambers as I like hearing different perspectives.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

600 tweets a day!

Think about that!

Let's say scrolling, ready each tweet at 30 sec~ 1 minute between 300 minutes to 600 minutes a day!

5 to 10 hours of scrolling and reading tweets.

Seriously if that is what these people are diin6and upset they cannot do more than they need help more than just limiting their numbers of tweets they can read.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Twitter revenue that has fallen sharply since he took over the company and laid off roughly three-fourths of the workforce to cuts costs and stave off bankruptcy.

I like fake articles by people that don't look up facts.

Twitter was in the read big time before Musk bought it.

And by the next quarter it will at worse break even or make a profit.

This is the typical MSM hit piece!

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

@Antiquesaving Let's say scrolling, ready each tweet at 30 sec~ 1 minute

I have barely ever used Twitter but my impression was that it involved speed scanning though a lot of tweets, and only occasionally stopping to engage. So more like 1 second per tweet for most tweets, then occasionally 30 sec ~ 1 minute for selected tweets. The 1 seconds tweets also count in the total.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Today 02:28 pm JST

@Antiquesaving Let's say scrolling, ready each tweet at 30 sec~ 1 minute

> I have barely ever used Twitter but my impression was that it involved speed scanning though a lot of tweets, and only occasionally stopping to engage. So more like 1 second per tweet for most tweets, then occasionally 30 sec ~ 1 minute for selected tweets. The 1 seconds tweets also count in the total

You are describing scrolling not reading and if that was the case then there would be far more than 7,500 complaints.

If it was what you described then basically everyone would be affected.

I am guessing but twitter means actually stopping long enough to read a post and not just scrolling by.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I don't read a single Tweet per day.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Sounds like Twitter needs bigger servers.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

For me, I prefer to avoid echo chambers as I like hearing different perspectives.

Oh please. Lovers of the Muskrat are all the same.

“Do you watch CNN?”

”No, they’re all liars!”

“Do you watch NBC?”

”No, they’re all liars!”

”Do you read the New York Times?”

”No, they’re all liars!”

”Do you read The Guardian?”

”No they’re all liars!”

”Do you listen to PBS?”

”No they’re all liars!”

”Then… what news do you listen to to diversify your views?”

”I listen to The Antivax Whackjob Podcast, watch KKK News on YouTube, and read It’s important to have a diverse viewpoint, isn’t it?”

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I think if you read more than 600 tweets per day, you need some help.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

All these limits introduced recently aren't helping Musk with advertisers. Expect even less advertisement income for Twitter

OTOH, all these limits also limits the spread of misinformation


Elon prior to buying Twitter - wants Twitter to become the world's biggest free-for-all town square where "matters vital to the future of humanity are debated"

Elon now - puts ticketed gates, limits how many people could listen to such conversations

Lol, imagine if Youtube required you to sign up just to watch videos

Sounds like Twitter needs bigger servers.

Good luck to that! Elon's Twitter was a deadbeat non-paying server squatter for months after Elon bought it:

Heck, maybe all these limits are connected to not paying its Google Cloud bills! Lol

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That’s ‘freedom’ is it?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Oh please. Lovers of the Muskrat are all the same.

You do a good job of discrediting your own argument. Thanks for saving me the trouble.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Holy molly, who's got enough time to read 10,000 tweets in a 24 hr period, is it even physically possible?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Twitter has started blocking unregistered users.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What kind of person gets their information from Twitter ? It's like getting your packed lunch from a proctology clinic.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Honestly, who the h*** wants to see 600 tweets a day, don't these these people have a life.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Express sisterJuly Hey, you left out Fox, Facilebook, the US house and!!.....the list is endless.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Twitter has started blocking unregistered users.

Best thing that could have happened, now hopefully I will see less twitter quotes in other media outlets.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

You do a good job of discrediting your own argument. Thanks for saving me the trouble.

That’s an interesting way to say, “I can’t challenge your post, it’s obviously correct”, but okay.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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