
UK health outcomes a 'serious concern': report


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Critics accuse the Conservative government of starving the NHS of funds for years,

They're right. But that's what you get when you vote in an inept rightwing gov. The people made their bed. Now they have to sleep in it.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

For 13 years the Tory government has not invested in health.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

So what happened to all that money that was going to go the NHS as a result of Brexit? It seems it just disappeared.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Not such a problem now. The pandemic repatriations, Brexit and strikes have left it so difficult to see a GP that we stand next to no chance of getting an onward referral to a consultant. This is a nation undeveloping and it might be you next, so pay attention. We have OTC painkillers, antihistamine etc and get our medical advice from assorted online websites. Whatever is wrong with you, you will in time either get better or you will snuff in. In both cases, you will no longer have to worry, so relax.

On a point of fact, the Covid deaths were lower than the official stats in the UK. If you got hit by a truck and had tested positive for Covid in the previous month, you were recorded as a Covid death. This wasn't a secret - even state media like the BBC noted it every time they published figures. I have no idea why they inflated the numbers, but the inquiry doesn't seem to be interested in analysing or checking them. Perhaps it is just working towards a pre-arranged conclusion.

And although the NHS has been starved of funds by the Tories for decades, Rishi is a man with a plan. He is going to magically produce a legion of British doctors, because you wouldn't want your life saved by a nasty foreign doctor, would you? Minor detail: It will take at least 7 years and (if the quest for domestic agricultural workers is anything to go by) fail miserably. So try not to get sick for about the next decade and I'm sure they will have fixed it all. He should have overpromised more. His party will be out at the next election and he won't have to stick around and make excuses for not delivering.

Government Plan B will most likely involve making healthcare app-based. That will exclude about 30% of the population, including many of the oldest and poorest who need the NHS the most. They can expire quietly in the background, whilst Chatbots replace doctors for everyone else. Think of the cost savings! For mental health problems, just take a walk 'in nature', a cure-all the BBC has been selling for months in everything from chirpy news stories to gardening programmes. At one point, they even promoted a coastal path. Not sure that is wise - encouraging depressed people to walk along cliff edges, but hey, unlike the government I'm not an expert.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

It's not easy to find healthy food in the UK. Does anyone really need to have chocolate with their Weetabix? The people who dream up these products are evil.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

So what happened to all that money that was going to go the NHS as a result of Brexit? It seems it just disappeared.

My guess?

Boris and his cronies probably liquidated all the money into 50 pound notes so they could burn them all in front of homeless people the way he and Cameron and other muppets used to do during their days in the Bullingdon Club at Oxford

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Tim Sullivan

It's not easy to find healthy food in the UK.

Yes it is... my local ASDA is full of good healthy food - fresh fruit and veg, all of the free-from items, vegan for those that want it, non dairy... masses of it.

Does anyone really need to have chocolate with their Weetabix? The people who dream up these products are evil.

Yeah... that's just weird, but I suspect you get versions of that all over the world.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's not easy to find healthy food in the UK

Yes, it is.

Does anyone really need to have chocolate with their Weetabix? 

No. Get it without the chocolate if you like.

It’s like, a choice thing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Nice post, but on this point...

On a point of fact, the Covid deaths were lower than the official stats in the UK. If you got hit by a truck and had tested positive for Covid in the previous month, you were recorded as a Covid death. 

I don't think that's quite correct. As you say, data was published of those who died within 4 weeks of a positive test. But data was also published of those with Covid recorded on the death certificate. The numbers were not so different. If anything, death certificate records showed higher numbers. The advantage of the 4-week data was that it was immediately available and so trends could be monitored quickly. Death certificate data is not available immediately.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"Healthy food" ? there is no such thing. All foods can be both healthy and unhealthy. Try just eating lettuce for a month or just chocolate...

There is a difference between a healthy DIET and and unhealthy one.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Healthy food for me means mostly unprocessed foods. Back in the 1970s, there were no wholefood foods, restaurants, or bakeries. We had to start our own.

Places like Prince of Wales Crescent in Camden London became a hub for these. You could eat two good meals a day for about 50p.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Eating meat is like smoking tobacco. Paying tax is like drinking watered down beer.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

So this is the quality of “free healthcare” euros always brag about.. lol

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"healthy food".... to a healthy person at normal weight a high fat, high sugar cream cake would be perfectly healthy after running 10 km. But unhealthy for a 300kg bedridden morbidly obese person. There are no unhealthy foods only unhealthy diets and lifestyles.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

"Unhealthy food" ... A title made up by fat people to take the blame away from their poor lifestyle choices.... " It's not me... its the food industry."

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Whole foods are better for you than processed foods. Wholewheat flour. Brown rice. More fiber. Less sugar and salt. Fresh vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet is important.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The health system in the UK has been on a severe decline reaching levels of third world countries.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

The American healthcare system is ranked #30 in the world. UK NHS is ranked #12.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The American healthcare system is ranked #30 in the world. UK NHS is ranked #12.

Yeah---I'd be sure to choose a UK hospital!!

Congrats on the below list--a UK hospital checks in at 44.

After hospitals in FInland, Spain, South Korea, Brazil, Japan, Denmark, Norway, Israel. Oh, and 12 US hospitals.

World's Best Hospitals 2021

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

American consume more painkillers creating an opioid addiction problem of more than 20 million addicts.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

"The UK performs worse than many of its peers on several comprehensive measures, including life expectancy and deaths that could have been avoided through timely and effective health care."

My condolences to prospective patients at a British hospital.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

UK Life expectancy is 80.9 years. US Life expectancy is 77.28 years. Japan 84.62.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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