Special Promotion

Unique concert unveils innovative spirit of Japanese women musicians and music technology


Japan, a nation recognized for its rich cultural traditions, ultra-fast shinkansen (bullet trains), vibrant anime culture and ubiquitous vending machines, also hides a musical gem that is just waiting to be discovered. Although global audiences might be more familiar with K-Pop, Afrobeats or rap, Japanese music has carved out a distinctive niche for itself by integrating aspects of diverse musical genres into an undeniably unique Japanese experience.

This summer, prepare to be enthralled by a remarkable fusion performance christened つCoolJapan (pronounced Tsu Cool Japan) slated for August 20. This one-of-a-kind event brings together two of Japan's most iconic, unique and authentically Japanese girl-bands, showcasing not just their musical prowess, but also Japan's cutting-edge technology to provide a uniquely engaging experience for fans worldwide.

Meet the Bands 

Japanese indie punk band Otoboke Beaver

Otoboke Beaver, a Japanese indie punk band formed in 2009, boasts a global following thanks to their trademark intensity and raw talent. Their music, videos and concerts present an alternative vision of Japanese femininity, challenging the conventional stereotypes. For the upcoming つCoolJapan event, this power-packed quartet will engage in an uncommon collaboration with a Japanese idol band, pushing the boundaries of global music norms.

Dempagumi (photo at top), an Akihabara-based Japanese idol band established in 2008, celebrates the otaku culture. Dressed in traditional Japanese maid café uniforms, each band member represents a unique color, character, and personality. Over the past 15 years, they have captured the imagination of audiences globally through tours, TV appearances, and movies.

"We don't even know what will happen when the pure chemical reaction of our collaboration hits the stage. We expect it to be beyond even our expectations... You can watch this event live on Zaiko Connect," said Aonyan (Sorano Aozora), a member of Dempagumi.

About the Event 

Leveraging the prowess of Zaiko.io, a trailblazer in Japan's digital streaming landscape, the August 20 event will be a hybrid concert that includes live NFT drops, interactive fan chats, backstage access, and other digital extras emblematic of Japan's tech-forward approach. Zaiko Connect, Zaiko's premium subscription service, offers exclusive access to this event for international audiences.

With a Zaiko Connect subscription, you will not only witness the concert live but also gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes action, mini concerts, live chat during the event, backstage access, AMAs and limited edition NFTs.

The event aims to blend the otaku and punk fan bases of both bands, and indeed, the world, through a uniquely Japanese platform, Zaiko.io.

When asked about their expectations for the event, Yoyoyoshie, the lead guitarist of Otoboke Beaver, and Kahokiss, the drummer of Dempagumi, shared their excitement.

"For Zaiko Connect Premium fans, this is an opportunity to get closer to us than ever before...both Japanese and overseas fans will enjoy an intimate experience only available on this platform, especially for those who might not be able to see us in person," said Yoyoyoshie.

"We can't wait for you to experience Japan's coolest bands,” added Kahokiss.

つCoolJapan is more than just a cultural event; it's a unique peek into Japan's pop culture scene that Zaiko.io enables for the world to embrace and enjoy. This is your chance to discover the edgy beauty and innovation that makes Japan a global pop culture mecca.

To gain exclusive behind-the-scenes access, live performances, and secure tickets for the August 20 performance, sign up for Zaiko Connect today. https://zaiko.io/event/353501

If you're an artist and are interested in using Zaiko for your events, please learn more here.

©2023 GPlusMedia Inc.

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Is there any meaning to what they're doing with their hands in the main picture?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Is there any meaning to what they're doing with their hands in the main picture?

Making a “Z”.

Dempagumi have some fun songs. Didn’t know they’ve been going since 2008. First time hearing of Otoboke Beaver but, just by the band name alone, they must be good!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Making a “Z”.

Thank you, obvious now that you have pointed it out. Duh.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Think I'll skip this one but it's great to see local Osaka underground heros Otoboke Beaver gaining more and more recognition. Been watching them for over 10 years and definitely worth checking out if you have the chance. Excellent live band.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

feigned ignorance beaver? that's a puzzle.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

feigned ignorance beaver? that's a puzzle.


They're named after a love hotel in downtown Osaka. Maybe that makes more sense now. ;)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I saw an ad for another band on a convenience store window. They looked like girls but not sure. But the band's name was Creepy Nuts. Strange name.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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