
White House adviser Conway: 'I'm a victim of sexual assault'


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Good - first assignment - go listen to these 22 women instead of attacking and insulting them...

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Just when you thought the Trump White House couldn't get any more devious. I shudder at the contents of the meetings that resulted in this gambit.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

She's a Republican so she's lying. This is a manufactured case by the GOP.

The end.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I'm not sure what her point is.

I mean, sure, she's absolutely welcome to tell her tale, even make her accusation. She's in the orbit of the most powerful person in the country, so if she wanted to pursue this she absolutely could. Maybe Kavanaugh's hearing dredged up some painful memories for her and she's just vocalizing her inner turmoil. That's okay too. But this line:

Conway suggested on Sunday that the ire of many victims was improperly pointed at Republican supporters of Kavanaugh, as opposed to the perpetrators of the assaults.

Is quite disturbing. She seems to be saying that we should be angry at rapists, not the Republicans who protect rapists from the consequences of their rapes. Now that's a twisted and vile stance, but it's also pretty incoherent. Nobody in Guardians of Perverts party actually thinks it's going to fly, do they?

I just don't get what she thinks she's going to achieve with this position.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

She's a Republican so she's lying. This is a manufactured case by the GOP.

But I thought liberals were the party of tolerance.


The end.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

whoa! so much for the myth of liberal tolerance!

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

I hope Conway can move beyond the spin and partisanship and show real solidarity with her fellow victims.

This should be above politics and all cases need investigating.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Don’t just claim a crime was committed against you. Tell us who it was and prosecute him or her. Who else has been assaulted because you kept your mouth shut about it?

0 ( +7 / -7 )

@lincoln: Good - first assignment - go listen to these 22 women instead of attacking and insulting them...

Good? So you are happy she was assaulted?

Your first assignment is to listen to just one of the women that Bill Clinton assaulted. Try starting with Juanita Broderick.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

I'd really appreciate hearing from women contributors today. Too much faux-outrage from them MCPs so far.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I watched her say that on State of the Union , and it just flowed out of her mouth without batting an eye lid or taking a breath. I don't question her statement but Conway isn't the most truthful in the WH propaganda room. She is just doing the media rounds trying to discredit the FBI investigation and push for Kavanaughs nomination. Just look at who surrounds Trump, Bolton, Pompeo, Halley, Conway ,Sanders, Kushner and least we should not forget Stephen Miller, what a bunch of Trumpets and Neocons. Politically, the US is an outcast, far removed from reality.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Good? So you are happy she was assaulted?

Just stop with the "is this what you're saying" nonsense.  Are you glad that Trump harassed and assaulted the 22 women identified in the linked article?

Your first assignment is to listen to just one of the women that Bill Clinton assaulted. Try starting with Juanita Broderick.

I did and the others - and I believed her - I didn't support Clinton after he did his "finger wave".  You see, I try to be thoughtful rather than someone who can only see the world through a black (cons) or white (lib) lens...

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I too see her claiming to stand up for women and denouncing sexual assault, going so far as to declare herself a victim, but at the same time saying don't blame the Republicans who are willing to overlook it for partisan purposes. This is the kind of thing I'd expect from someone who could conceive of a psychotic term like "alternative facts" with a straight face.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Too much partisan crap here. Anyone could have been raped or sexually harassed. Saying someone is lying just because of their politics is unbelievable.

Whether they choose to announce it to the world or not is a personal decision.

Whether they choose to press charges or not is also a personal decision. There are statutes of limitations, so sharing it after that has expired serves only a few purposes. It is either to show a level of understanding that others going through something similar would appreciate OR for some notoriety.

I've shared one of my stories here before. It was meant to say that I understood where someone else had been. I never shared the more personal events because they are personal.

It isn't just women being sexually harassed, assaulted, raped, BTW.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Hold it, only liberals are allowed to be victims, something's not right here.

BB, that's the point the're trying to make - a "squirrel!" argument to distract from the documented fact that Kavanagh is a liar.

Aside, her employment in the Trump White House places her at great risk of sexual assault.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Chances are the person who assaulted KAC is a prominent republican. I wonder how Sarah Huckabee Sanders will deflect if her dad Mike was the perp?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

So Kellyanne wants us to have sympathy for her lack of sympathy to the sexually abused, because Kellyanne was abused when she was young.

The fact that she supports rapists, pedophiles is understandable because she herself was a victim once!

Even the most degraded and debased of lawyers could not have come up with such a spin, but the GOP can.


5 ( +6 / -1 )

"Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you."

------- Donald J. Trump

And this is the guy setting the parameters for the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Now that she's gone public she should answer some questions:

Did she file a police report and go through the justice system as she states victims should?

Should a woman remain silent if the man is up for a political job? 

Should a man who has sexually or anyway assaulted a woman be confirmed by the Senate for any government job?

Dose she think the Senate and/or FBI should ignore these charges during background checks?
7 ( +7 / -0 )

She should have come forward sooner so she isn’t credible. Moving on.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

KAC is the highest profile woman in the White House after Sanders and Ivanka. Too bad if she is a victim as she says, but for someone whose job is to control political messaging, you have to wonder at the timing. Why do I have the suspicion that this claim will be unresolved, a lot like the two anonymous guys claiming to be the ones who really attacked Ford, supposedly wracked with guilt over the framing of poor Brett. So who were they and how credible was their story? That would be crazy if Conway also arranged that scam. Go FBI.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

theFuToday  09:23 am JST

Too much partisan crap here. Anyone could have been raped or sexually harassed. Saying someone is lying just because of their politics is unbelievable.

I haven't seen anyone actually say that. Some people may disbelieve her because of her documented history of outright lying to support the Trump regime (or, I'm sorry, "alternative facts". She did after all coin the phrase.)

Personally, despite her long history of lying, I am inclined to believe her. I would even venture to say that given the POUTUS has bragged about sexually assaulting women in the past and has a curious habit of choosing to ally himself with men who have problems respecting sexual consent, she is more likely to be telling the truth on this particular point despite her long history of lying.

Whether they choose to announce it to the world or not is a personal decision.

I agree. I don't see anyone here criticizing it for announcing it to the world.

Whether they choose to press charges or not is also a personal decision. 

I agree. I don't see anyone here criticizing her for not pressing charges.

What I think people are criticizing her for, at least what I'm criticizing her for, is the incongruity of her trying to use her status as a victim of sexual assault in order to protect the party that has done more to protect people who commit sexual assault from consequences than anyone else. Her position seems to amount to little more than, "Believe women, but don't be angry at the Republicans who refuse to believe them for partisan gain." That makes no sense.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I believe her, when it comes to this.

Rape and sexual assault doens't just happen to a particular type of person who follows a particular political path.

It happens to people from all walks of life. It knows little bias or partisanship, except that it seeks to humiliate, control and take dignity away from its victims.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

She should have come forward sooner so she isn’t credible. Moving on

Libs just don't understand how this works. When one of us conservatives makes a claim, evidence isn't needed and it doesn't matter how much time has passed between the act and our claim because we are inherently credible. Since you libs have credibility issues, you need corroborating evidence and best not wait long between an act and talking about it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A smart move to distract the attention of the K case as she must have thought: 'when you can beat them, join them' :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What I think people are criticizing her for, at least what I'm criticizing her for, is the incongruity of her trying to use her status as a victim of sexual assault in order to protect the party that has done more to protect people who commit sexual assault from consequences than anyone else.

Funny how different people see things completely different. I saw her announcement as showing that someone inside the Trump circle understood what was at stake and had provided input into how this situation should be handled.

It knows little bias or partisanship, except that it seeks to humiliate, control and take dignity away from its victims.

I've always felt that I wouldn't be a victim unless I allowed what happened to me to rule my life.

I feel the same about derogatory words - they mean nothing if I don't allow them to mean anything. Words only have the power we allow them to have, especially when they are said in a harmful way.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Conway suggested on Sunday that the ire of many victims was improperly pointed at Republican supporters of Kavanaugh, as opposed to the perpetrators of the assaults.

As a victim, Conway should be saying, 'If Kavanaugh is the perpetrator of sexual assault, something I have experienced and abhor, then he shouldn't be a Supreme Court justice, so let's please have an investigation, and find out the truth.'

3 ( +3 / -0 )

theFuToday  02:20 am JST

What I think people are criticizing her for, at least what I'm criticizing her for, is the incongruity of her trying to use her status as a victim of sexual assault in order to protect the party that has done more to protect people who commit sexual assault from consequences than anyone else.

Funny how different people see things completely different. I saw her announcement as showing that someone inside the Trump circle understood what was at stake and had provided input into how this situation should be handled.

It's easy to read messages differently when you leave out part of the message. From the article:

Conway suggested on Sunday that the ire of many victims was improperly pointed at Republican supporters of Kavanaugh, as opposed to the perpetrators of the assaults.

"It's not a meeting of the #MeToo movement," she told CNN."It's raw partisan politics."

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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