
Yamashita re-elected as JOC chief; voices discomfort over Sapporo bid


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Just say no to Sapporo, or anywhere in Japan, in 2030 and beyond.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Just disband the JOC, not needed thanks.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They're still going for this nonsense? Why is there even a JOC?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

1) The powers seem jealous that the Tokyo government and their business buddies cannot wet their beak or get their "brown envelopes" if its all or mostly in Sapporo.

2) On top of that if goes well, it makes Tokyo look stupid because of their failed handling with the previous Olympics.

3) Finally, it is too soon, so any attention on the Olympics reminds the public of all the previous scandals!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It happened under your watch, Yamashita San. And everybody in the business knows that bribery and corruption is Dentsu’s business mode.

but federation officials and politicians are among the first to profit.

journalists in Japan will not write the facts passed on to them as they are afraid for repercussions and missing out on invitations.

the mayor of Sapporo had already hired Dentsu again to promote the bid.

my company was bullied out of Japan because we were to efficient and refused to pay bribes.

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