
Travel from Japan to Vietnam to partially resume on Thursday


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There are just too many chances for Japanese economic expansion in Vietnam for the government to ban movement...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Keep the Borders closed!

Nobody wants imported Corona Cases in Japan.

-22 ( +0 / -22 )

Keep the Borders closed!

Nobody wants imported Corona Cases in Japan.


You don't need to keep saying same thing on each article

6 ( +9 / -3 )


Of course I need, otherwise people don't understand!

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

Vietnam has done remarkably in handling the virus. Surely they'd be more worried about infections coming from Japan. Mr Monty, do some research pal.

9 ( +11 / -2 )


The Vietnamese are most likely worrying that very same point-being infected by the Japanese!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

My opinion (And I told my opinion already many times here):

And this is MY opinion. I mean everyone have his own opinion.

Japan handles the virus very very well.

Japanese people doing best in prevention like wearing masks, washing hands, use sanitizer, keeping social distance where it is possible. Therefore the number of cases are very low. (Please don't complain over and over about numbers of tests).

Many foreign countries has many many problems to contain the virus. Especially, because the citizens behave not correctly. In many countries the citizens refuse to wear masks. Look at the pictures here at JT. Trump and 4 people in front of the black wall. Standing very close together and who wears a mask? (Just that soldier)

In my opinion, that is one of the reasons why the numbers of cases in that countries are high.

Therefore I am saying: if Japan opens the borders, the risk that the virus cases will increase by business people or travelers from abroad is very very high.

And nobody wants that the good situation in Japan is getting worse because of imported cases.

@Christopher Smith

Maybe you are correct. Vietnam is probably not a high risk as other countries. But can you trust in the numbers the Vietnam government tells you?

What I don't understand here is:

Many posters screaming for Lockdowns of Japan, crying about the numbers of tests, complaining how bad Japan handles the Virus situation, but then these people wants to open the borders??? 

So people here complain about how bad Japan is doing about the virus, but then on the same side they are OK with taking the high risk of importing cases from other countries???

I don't understand that!

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

It was not immediately clear when the first flight from Vietnam to Japan will take place.

… so how will these folks get back to Japan or is this charter something else, like Japan having negotiated for J-staff to get back to work at J-owned businesses in Vietnam....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

In reciprocity, Japan will provide favorable laws for Vietnamese nationals residing in Japan.

Out of all expats, Vietnamese probably have the easiest pathway to citizenship and permanent residency. Because the population of Vietnamese is the second or third largest in Japan, and probably become number one in the coming future. I knew a bunch of Vietnamese workers, who used to work for Japanese shipyards, gained their permanent residency for working a long time and married Japanese women here. In term of relations, both J-govt and Japanese people have a friendly tie with Vietnamese and Taiwanese for a long time. They are willing to be cordially making exceptions for Vietnamese.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

@ Xeno man - you could have summed all that up in just two words.

Cheap labor.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


Japanese people doing best in prevention like wearing masks, washing hands, use sanitizer, keeping social distance where it is possible. Therefore the number of cases are very low. (Please don't complain over and over about numbers of tests).

Can you tell us why you think number of test isn't important?

In my opinion, that is one of the reasons why the numbers of cases in that countries are high.

Do you think the number of known cases in those countries would still be high if they were not testing?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Xeno Man -

It's all about give and take

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The resumption of flights to Vietnam highlights Japan’s demographic aging and the economies reliance on cheap foreign factory workers aka technical trainees.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

At least for the Vietnamese something is happening, but how about letting working visa holders travel in and out like other Japanese can ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

440 Japanese businessmen get to continue business. If you have a foreign passport you are grounded.

As the business attache for European trade said this week, Japanese business is being handed an unfair advantage over non-Japanese business in Japan.

My post and smithinjapan's post were deleted by JT yesterday but they don't like the facts being printed - don't want to upset the authorities.

Why is it ok for 440 Japanese residents with Japanese passports to travel to Vietnam and back, but Japanese residents with any other passport cannot?

4 ( +4 / -0 )


I explained my opinion about testing already before in other of my posts, but let me explain again:

Let us guess I go to a hospital to get a test for Corona Virus.

The result turns out negative. No Corona Infection.

Then, during I talk to the doctor, the nurse, the receptionist where I have to pay the bill, in the elevator to go down, on the stairs, in the bus, in the train, in the taxi, in the Conbini….everywhere I can immediately get infected with the Virus.

1 minute after the negative test result, I can be positive.

That means that the test I just took 1 minute ago, makes no sense anymore.

This point was also discussed before many times:

Yes you are right, the tests in Japan are very low, but is that a big mistake?

I don’t think so, because the reality shows us different.

No overrun at hospitals and no high mortality in Japan.

To come back to the topic about the borders:

I agree 100% that foreigners with resident status and having families here in Japan, working Visas…whatever…they must be allowed to come back. But with a 2 weeks Quarantine AT THE AIRPORT.  Immediately after the Immigration Counter.

But Business Travelers or Tourists should be not allowed to come in. Not Yet!

That is too early.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


You don't need to jump from Website to Website just to found "facts" or "numbers" (from Media. LOL).

If you are living in Japan, go out and see the reality!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


I give you an idea:

If you are in Tokyo, go around and check who doesn't respect the prevention requirements.

You will be surprised. It's the foreigners!

90% of the foreigners here in Japan don't wear a mask or using the sanitizers.

This weekend I saw a group of 6 foreigners strolling around together without any social distance and nobody wear a mask. I can tell you many of those examples.

These "facts" you will read nowhere.

Just the reality will show you these "facts".

But maybe you are the whole day at home in your own self lockdown. Of course then you can not see that.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

So does that mean that I, as neither a Japanese or a Vietnamese citizen, can travel from Japan to Vietnam and back, with no problem? Or is it the case that Japanese and Vietnamese blood has more immunity to the virus? Just trying to understand the logic here.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Cheap labor.

Reliable, cheap labor.

There are Chinese but their government is untrusted. There are Korean but J-govt does not like them either.

Taiwan is loyal but its population is diminishing. A lot of Taiwanese firms employ Vietnamese labor, so does the Japanese.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

MontyToday  08:13 am JST

Keep the Borders closed!

Nobody wants imported Corona Cases in Japan

But I thought Vietnam hadn't had any new cases for weeks

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Andrew Crisp

But I thought Vietnam hadn't had any new cases for weeks

Maybe yes, maybe can we know that?

Believe the Vietnamese Government?  Yes OK, but then you should believe the japanese government too.

Nobody in the world knows or can be sure that his government tells the correct number of cases.

We just have to believe what they are telling us or otherwise we will fall into paranoia and deep depression according that virus, like many people already did.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Pukey, this is the argument. Its as though a Japanese passport is immune. On top of that you have to be one of the 'cash in envelope'.. sorry, trusted (Japanese) businessmen invited to the special flight.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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