
U.S. sets grim milestone with new record for deadliest six months of mass killings


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I blame all politicians regardless of color for not introducing sensible federal gun laws which cover all states. Shame on them all.

19 ( +22 / -3 )

The root of it really is both, the GOP and the NRA. The NRA is the special interest group paying the GOP to support the fire arms. My solution is there should be a limit or a cap on how much special interest groups can contribute to the politicians. It's already the law for elections. The special interest groups the really the ones making the politicians rich. Check the facts about the NRA's contributions to the politicians.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

America and its insatiable lust for guns.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

I bet you gun nutters are actually PROUD of this.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

The looser gun laws get, the more mass shootings there are.

It's almost like there's a correlation.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

The NRA is the special interest group paying the GOP to support the fire arms.

Outdated argument.

Gun loving patriots will soon move beyond the NRA. The NRA damaged itself with infighting and corruption giving an opening to the gun control crowd to push forth their political agenda.

Now there are other 'no-compromise' organizations like National Association of Gun Rights and also Gun Owners of America which will take up the mantle of keeping America free and strong.

Why do I care when I am not an American, have never been to the US and don't intend to go in the near future?

Because the US is a shining city upon a hill, a beacon of hope for the oppressed and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of the teeming shore who have been deprived of the freedoms that Americans have but don't appreciate.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Because the US is a shining city upon a hill, a beacon of hope for the oppressed and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of the teeming shore who have been deprived of the freedoms that Americans have but don't appreciate.

... only to get shot in school by a man-boy with an automatic weapon.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

"Automatic Weapon", this person had a Class III license?

I doubt it.

Obviously another person with mental health issues, which made it ILLEGL for them to possess the weapon in the first place....who / which government organization failed us this time?

RIP kids.

Strange how this never happened in the 15+ years I went to public school...what has changed since then?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

There are so many mental health issues in the US that hordes of people want to own guns to deal with them.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Obviously another person with mental health issues, which made it ILLEGL for them to possess the weapon in the first place....

Which law are you referencing here? Be specific.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

You reap what you sow.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Changes in gun legislation must be prioritized, but let's not forget the hateful right-wing racist rhetoric and inflammatory conspiracy theories, like the nonsensical but deadly "Great Replacement", peddled by Trump, GOP politicians, Q-anon and MAGA and white supremacists that have incited mentally unstable individuals to carry out mass-shootings. All the afore-mentioned have blood on their hands. American carnage - another promise never kept.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

A mass killing is defined as an occurrence when four or more people are slain, not including the assailant, within a 24-hour period.

A very strange definition, isn’t it? So in theory and to clean that statistics to zero cases it’s sufficient to convince the killers that they limit their spree to three and then wait 24hrs. plus one minute before killing the next three victims and so on. Then they can kill about 90 people per month , but don’t count into that statistics.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Neither party seems particularly serious about gun control. At the very least, states with Democrat super-majorities could easily pass legislation making illegal firearm possession punishable by 20+ years in prison,... but they don't, for reasons.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

That was all America her own fault for bleeding their own children. America's culture was extremely violence and tasteless, many of these killing were senseless reasons.Many countries were allowed to own guns: Australia, New Zealand, Canada...etc. Rarely heard of mass murdering in decades. Because they were not as nasty as American does.

In America, you can be murdered by a gun assassin who you never know him or her and the reasons of mass killing people. That's why America is at a steady decline due to their low morality and violent nature!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Because the US is a shining city upon a hill, a beacon of hope for the oppressed and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of the teeming shore who have been deprived of the freedoms that Americans have but don't appreciate.

Eye roll. I hope those masses are locked and loaded.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Guns kill, knives kill, stick kill, rocks kill, HUMANS KILL, regardless of the weapon of choice, it is not the weapon, it is the person who has control of the weapon.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

How many people can be killed in 5 minutes with an AR-15 compared with stabbing people with a knife?

A record all Americans should be ashamed of.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

@wallace how many people can be killed by simple poison or some uncontrollable virus such as Covid. Time is not a factor, the issue is death period. IF you can clearly read there was an article of an individual who just received a 19 year sentence for stabbing several people in Japan in a matter of minutes. In this case it was not the time that was important nor was it the weapon of choice IT WAS THE PERSON WHO WAS IN CONTROL!! Whats your point!! Death is death! Logic is logic!!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

You reap what you sow.

Sorry i don't understand because weren't most of the victims innocent ?

Are you saying they deserved to perish cruelly ?

No of course not.

See elephant200 at 6:42pm it has a similar sentiment.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Wallace to answer your elementary math "How many people can be killed in 5 minutes with an AR15 compared with stabbing people with a Knife? The answer is simple if there is one person in the immediate area being shot at then the answer is one person, the same logical answer applies to a person being stabbed!!!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Time is not a factor, the issue is death period.

Of course time is a factor, also distance. Guns kill faster and from a distance. They make murder mechanized and easy, by design.

How many drive-by poisonings happened last week?

IF you can clearly read there was an article of an individual who just received a 19 year sentence for stabbing several people in Japan in a matter of minutes.

That you can’t see the difference between one mass stabbing a year and several mass shootings every day makes your later claim of “logic is logic” more than a little ridiculous.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The Las Vegas mass shooter killed 60 people and injured more than 400, from a hotel room on the 32nd floor.

Maybe, had he thrown a bomb he might have achieved the same number of killings but never with knives.


@Wallace to answer your elementary math "How many people can be killed in 5 minutes with an AR15 compared with stabbing people with a Knife? The answer is simple if there is one person in the immediate area being shot at then the answer is one person, the same logical answer applies to a person being stabbed!!!

Except the topic of the post is mass shootings. Not a single shooting.

3 ( +3 / -0 )


In Vegas, a shooter killed 58 people and injured hundreds more in 10 minutes using semi-automatic rifles with bump stocks. At Sandy Hook Elementary School, 26 people were shot and killed in less than five minutes with semi-automatics. The El Paso shooting, 23 people killed, semi-automatic rifle, was over in about six minutes. Charleston church, 9 deaths in six minutes. Virginia Tech, 28-30 killed in just over ten minutes. Sutherland Springs, 27 dead, 11 minutes.

The knife attacker you mention was stuck in a train car with his victims for at least as long, and there were 10 injuries, and thankfully 0 deaths.

So yes, people will use knives, explosives, fire, and vehicles, but the carnage is generally higher with guns, particularly in domestic killings which make up the majority of cases. And I am very aware of the exceptions, such as the Oklahoma bombing, but as this article states, "the nation endured 28 mass killings, all but one of which involved guns."

4 ( +4 / -0 )

No other G7 country, or developed country, has such a grim record.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It must be a mystery to some why guns were invented, made more reliable, less likely to injure the user, and more capable of killing a large number of people very efficiently.

Why they didn’t stick with knives and swords must be baffling to them.

The ‘progression’ to knives from clubs and sharpened stones must confound them as well.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Comparing mass shooting deaths with every other method of killing, accident, and illness just does not cut it or justify the lack of gun laws.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

All guns when they leave the factory are legal. But no track of what happens after that. Ghost guns are the new problem.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I was just reading a story about a 21 year old kid in texas who was peeing on a wall outside a bar, so the building owner came out and shot and killed him.

The problem is that Karens have guns. And America is a country of Karens.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

You call that development ?

Seems underdeveloped.

To be fair, they've developed a hell of a gun culture. And they've also developed the cultural PTSD that goes along with that.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The wretched refuse of the teeming shore who have been deprived of the freedoms that Americans have but don't appreciate.

I've never felt not free in any of the first world nations I lived in. And I don't ever worry about guns in other first-world nations.

Americans are pretty delusional about what "freedom" is. It's not that free when your kids are doing active shooter drills, that's like saying a battered wife who can do shopping at her will is 'free'.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

You reap what you sow.

Sorry i don't understand because weren't most of the victims innocent ?

Are you saying they deserved to perish cruelly ?

'Deserve' is a human construct based on morality. Reaping what you sow is not a social construct, it's a saying that expresses that whatever you do, there will be resultant effects from that first action. It has nothing to do with morality. These people who were shot may have been innocents against guns. But on a societal level, if you are going to have guns be legal, many, many more of your citizens will be shot and killed. It's a natural, unavoidable sequence of events.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

We don't have AR-15 shootings everyday.

We don’t have them any day.

It takes a special kind of nutjob to go out and get trained on one.

As well as a culture that makes them available for said nut jobs

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Notice how your risk is not zero? Every one of those victims thought they were living in a safe country in Canada until they weren't.

The difference is that in Canada, the possibility of it happening is so statistically insignificant, that it can be considered as not realistic. Whereas in America, it happens every single day, sometimes multiple times.

Not all 'not zeros' are the same mate.

Again, your 'not likely' applied to every single American who has been shot in public by semi-automatic rifles this year.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I just watched a compilation of movie trailers of soon to be released movies on YouTube. Most of them featured gun worship, gun violence, solving problems by gun/violence, massive amounts of gun related violence. All from a war-mongering country. Correlation? Believe it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

StrangerlandToday 05:02 am JST

Not all 'not zeros' are the same mate.

Still not zero.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Politik KillsToday 08:58 am JST

I just watched a compilation of movie trailers of soon to be released movies on YouTube. Most of them featured gun worship, gun violence, solving problems by gun/violence, massive amounts of gun related violence. All from a war-mongering country. Correlation? Believe it.

I guess we should ban all the violent anime and South Korean shows, right? Correlation? You still needed to show that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

America needs an answer, and it needs it soon.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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