
Warner Bros axes 'Batgirl,' won't release $90 mil HBO Max film


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So even a movie without any original thought is not good enough to get past the Hollywood studios risk assessment.

What pathetic industry it has become.

The great directors like Kubric, Tarantino would never get their movies out these days.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

One garbage superhero movie less, LOOOOL !!..

What pathetic industry it has become

Sooo pathetic...

The great directors like Kubric, Tarantino 

Don't compare Master Kubrick to the decadent trash of Tarantino movies.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

These directors should be glad it's canned. if even the Warner Bros refuse to screen it after pumping so much money into it, then clearly the movie is on a whole other level of garbage.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The great directors like Kubric, Tarantino would never get their movies out these days.

Kubrick has been dead for 20 years and Tarantino will make another movie.

If you think Tarantino will compromise his vision you are mistaken.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

This is either the ultimate act of cancel culture or a very clever piece of cheap advertising. Hopefully a copy will survive and leak out, so that a chunk of the lives and hard work of all involved will not be tossed into the garbage.

Endless unloved movies have been trundled out, 'straight to video', at no great expense, and taken their place in movie history, some so bad they became cult pictures. Others, like 'Heaven's Gate', now have a host of admirers. They could have just released a DVD. This smells of corporate machismo. Someone making a statement that they are the boss and can burn $90m before breakfast if the whim takes them.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Woke garbage that the studio finally figured would tank at the box office, after $90m in sunk costs. They'll probably be able to write off the loss from their tax bill,and fire a few people for letting it get that far.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Bob FosseToday  09:07 am JST

If you think Tarantino will compromise his vision you are mistaken.

Like endangering Uma Thurman and causing a car accident that almost killed her to get a cheap action shot?

Thurman even said Harvey Weistein was less of a threat than Tarantino.

Haven't seen any Kubrick films risking cast members' safety: different level of respect.

Anyways, good riddance to yet another completely unnecessary hero film. We need more like the likes of Kubrick in the film industry.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Haven't seen any Kubrick films risking cast members' safety: different level of respect.

Then you clearly know less about Kubrick than I do.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Halle Berry's Catwoman attracts attention these days as a Cult flick.

With all of it's supposed flaws - a reassessment has seen it become a fan favorite , esp the energy that Halle brought to the role.

Very few actors then and now can match Halle Berry's stunts and nuanced characterization.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Comparing films literally made in the last century ago with an hbo batgirl movies as some kind of evidence of ‘woke’ is ridiculous.

Equally ridiculous is claiming Tarantino wouldt get his films made today when his last film was released 3 years ago and got plenty of complaints of sexism and violence.

Haven't seen any Kubrick films risking cast members' safety: different level of respect.

I believe Kubrick is the greatest filmmaker and indeed maybe artist we have seen in our lifetimes. But he was no saint.


2 ( +3 / -1 )


That must be a BAD movie.

Now I want to see it to see for myself just how bad it is, kind of like Gillie or Attack of the killer tomatoes.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hopefully hollywood has finally figured out woke lousy movies DONT make them $$$$ they cause them to lose $$$$, well DUH!!!

This batgirl must be incredibly bad for them to pull the plug now, clearly they felt they dont have a hope in hell of getting anywhere near breakeven, thats saying a LOT LOL!!!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Bob FosseToday  10:52 am JST

Haven't seen any Kubrick films risking cast members' safety: different level of respect.

I believe Kubrick is the greatest filmmaker and indeed maybe artist we have seen in our lifetimes. But he was no saint.


*0**( +0 / -0 )*

You said yourself, Kubrick died (over) twenty years ago, so he's hardly in a position to answer or counter any allegations, spurious or not: Funny how they pop up so long after events.

Bob FosseToday  09:07 am JST

Kubrick has been dead for 20 years and Tarantino will make another movie.

Hasn't Tarantino made his self-allocation of ten films before 'retiring' (his words) to maintain quality?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Nothing they make anymore is original anyway…who cares?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

blueToday  09:05 am JST

*The decision was highly unusual for such a high-priced and nearly finished movie. But the studio ultimately decided “Batgirl" didn't merit either a streaming debut or a theatrical release, and has instead opted to entirely write off the film starring “In the Heights” star Leslie Grace as Batgirl and co-starring Michael Keaton (returning as Batman), J.K. Simmons and Brendan Fraser. It was directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah. Production wrapped in April.*

Wow! That's pretty strong wording. How does this one compare to the trainwreck that Catwoman (2004) was?

I remember seeing an ad in the cinemas for a 'Captain America' movie coming up in early 1990. It was shown briefly in Belgium and the reviews were so godawfully negative and terribly rotten, it was never shown anywhere in any theaters ever again. It never even got a videotape release, zip. Nichts, nada.

factcheckerToday  08:16 am JST

So even a movie without any original thought is not good enough to get past the Hollywood studios risk assessment.

What pathetic industry it has become.

If this is what it takes for Hollyweird to stop shoveling these bastardized crap movies upon us and maybe start coming up with ORIGINAL and GOOD stuff, so be it. We can hope.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Hasn't Tarantino made his self-allocation of ten films before 'retiring' (his words) to maintain quality?

No. He has made 9.

Wrong again.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Bob FosseToday  02:08 pm JST

Hasn't Tarantino made his self-allocation of ten films before 'retiring' (his words) to maintain quality?

No. He has made 9.

Wrong again.

Beg to differ- I can count just fine.

1992 Reservoir Dogs

1994 Pulp Fiction

1997Jackie Brown

2003 Kill Bill: Volume 1

2004 Kill Bill: Volume 2

2007 Death Proof

2009 Inglourious Basterds

2012 Django Unchained

2015 The Hateful Eight

2019 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Beg to differ- I can count just fine.

Wrong again.


I hope that helps.

He is famously still undecided on what his final movie will be.

Are you worried he won’t be able to make it with all this ‘woke’ Hollywood drama? /s

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Bob FosseToday  04:24 pm JST

Wrong again. 


Well, Tarantino said, Technically we released it as two movies,

So, I'm going with him having released 10 movies, based on his statement, and the number of releases of his movies.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Somehow, I doubt I will be missing yet another vapid “super hero” movie.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well, Tarantino said, Technically we released it as two movies,

So, I'm going with him having released 10 movies, based on his statement, and the number of releases of his movies.

By ignoring the article I supplied and what Tarantino himself has said repeatedly.

Of course you would know more about it than he does himself.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

WB finds out yet again; go woke, go broke.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants to go to the movie theater and shell out $30 bucks to be browbeaten by leftist trash.

Beautiful to see.

The tide is slowly turning...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Lol! Woke Hollyweird getting a reality check?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

blueAug. 5  02:39 pm JST


*I remember seeing an ad in the cinemas for a 'Captain America' movie coming up in early 1990. It was shown briefly in Belgium and the reviews were so godawfully negative and terribly rotten, it was never shown anywhere in any theaters ever again. It never even got a videotape release, zip. Nichts, nada.*

Captain America had a "troubled" story behind it and yes, it's definitely awful.

hence, wondering why the disaster that was Catwoman got released and the (expected-to-be) rubbish Batwoman won't.

Could it be that Hollyweird may finally be getting the rags outta their rears? Could it be that they may be getting it thru their concrete skulls that people are fed up with this trash? Is it possible?

Times are changing in Tinseltown? One can only hope so...

englisc aspyrgendAug. 5  06:36 pm JST

Somehow, I doubt I will be missing yet another vapid “super hero” movie.

You, like the rest of us ain't missing anything. And this year's crop of delayed 'comeback' crap only amplifies the situation.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The studio ultimately decided “Batgirl" didn't merit either a streaming debut or a theatrical release.

Good god this must be a piece of crud.

Actually, they should've axed quite a lot of their superhero movies. Most are awful.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Please stop with all the comic book movies already.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

WB finds out yet again; go woke, go broke.

Yet again? When did they first find this? When did it all go wrong?

What was the first ‘woke’ Warner Brothers movie? When they got them colored folk in? You claim to know about this stuff, tell us more.

How are they still in business? What magic is this?

How is this different from McDonald’s stopping the McRib?

Thanks in advance.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

WB finds out yet again; go woke, go broke.

Where did it say this movie was woke? Me thinks you are projecting that for your own narrative.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Dale SpenserAug. 6  01:13 pm JST

Please stop with all the comic book movies already.

Yes. Just STOP. No more!!!

> SpeedAug. 6  10:06 am JST

The studio ultimately decided “Batgirl" didn't merit either a streaming debut or a theatrical release.

Good god this must be a piece of crud.

Actually, they should've axed quite a lot of their superhero movies. Most are awful.

Look at my earlier posting. You could say this one is the 'Captain America' (1990) of 2022. After all, when 'Leonard Part 6' was released in late 1987 (I only saw part of it on TV years later), reviewers at the time called it the '"Howard the Duck" of 1987' and man were they accurate. 'Howard the Duck' is one of the most turgid rancid stinking and disgusting pieces of garbage I had ever seen at that point in my life. I was 20 when that crap flick came out.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Note that a new 'Flash' may also be canned because Ezra Miller has busted not once but twice. We don't need anymore DC or Marvel movies, ever again.

And as for 'Batman', the last one by that name that was any good at all was the one put out in 1989. The one with the soundtrack by the mighty Prince. Many things artistically looked promising in 1989. The three 'Batman' sequels that followed in the 90s all increased exponentially in their outright flat-out SUCKABILITY.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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