
quote of the day

Wealthy individuals found it difficult to travel abroad in the coronavirus crisis and sought an alternative way to spend their unused money. Luxury wristwatches picked up an especially avid following.


Masaharu Nabata, editor-in-chief of the watch magazine Gressive, on why expensive timepieces have become a draw even amid the growing popularity of smartwatches.

© Asahi Shimbun

©2023 GPlusMedia Inc.

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Is that like spending money on expensive cufflinks in terms of utility?

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Interesting that rich people can find meaning in life by buying wristwatches.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Pretty sure it is also part of an investment. If chosen correctly, certain timepieces increase in value over time.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Now you can travel overseas AND buy luxury wristwatches from guys selling them every ten metres on the streets in Bangkok.

Interesting that rich people can find meaning in life by buying wristwatches.

I think it is rather that they have no meaning in their lives but hope they can fill the ravenous gaping hole/ego where it should be by feeding it.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Pretty sure it is also part of an investment. If chosen correctly, certain timepieces increase in value over time.

Yep. But people feel better imagining that the rich are all shallow and unhappy people. But which is smarter, spending a few hundred dollars on a watch that is nothing special and will be worthless in a few years or spending several thousand on a watch that looks great, gets compliments, and can be sold for a profit in a few years?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Oh yes, their consumption is smart investment. Nice one. Doesn't seem so meaningless then I guess, when the aim is endless accumulation, or rather, greed.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Watches are pretty much the only accessory for men. Mine may not be luxury but it's solar powered and no battery replacement in the last 20 years of continuous operation, well done Citizen.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Luxury wristwatches produced picked up an especially avid following.

Moderator, is this an exact quote, or just an error in the translation?

Moderator: That was an error. Thanks for spotting it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Yep. But people feel better imagining that the rich are all shallow and unhappy people.

Because so many of them are shallow, finding self-worth through the acquisition and accumulation of things.

*But which is smarter, spending a few hundred dollars on a watch that is nothing special and will be worthless in a few years or spending several thousand on a watch that looks great, gets compliments, and can be sold for a profit in a few years?*

Not spending money on a mechanical wristwatch at all, as it's 2023. If one must wear a wristwatch, then one of the many electronic devices that connect to your smartphone and also provide health and fitness data is smarter.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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