Photo: PR Times
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Wearable air conditioner belt

By Casey Baseel, SoraNews24

Summer in Japan has reached the “mercilessly hot” phase. But even with the heat expected to continue, life goes on, and so does the need to venture outside for work, school, errands, and travel plans.

So the most comfortable solution would be to find a way to venture outside without venturing away from the air conditioner, and offering a way to do just that is Tokyo-based gadget company Gloture, with its new WearCool device.


WearCool is a belt, and the visual design, plus some of Gloture’s promotional model photos, might make it look like one of those scam products that says it can give you six-pack abs just by strapping it and letting it stimulate your abdominal muscles while you relax. But WearCool doesn’t send electrical pulses towards your core, it sends blasts of cool air towards your upper body instead.


The belt’s casing contains heat-absorbing PCM (phase-change material), and a series of fans whose airflow is funneled upward as they leave the belt’s vents. The device weighs 488 grams and shoots air at up to five meters per second. That second statistic can be hard to visualize, so Gloture has provided a helpful GIF of the WearCool in action.


The device’s mobile app (with both Japanese and English interfaces) lets you control fan speed and toggle between using all the fans or only those in the front or back.


Gloture claims a maximum battery life of 17 hours with continual usage, so if you’re getting a healthy 7 hours of sleep a night, it’s essentially an all-day option. And while the people modeling it are on the svelte side, the high-stretch flexile waistband can accommodate wearers with waists between 70 and 105 centimeters.


WearCool can be purchased through Gloture online shop, Modern G, here, where it’s priced at 32,500 yen.

Source: PR Times

Insert images: PR Times, Modern G

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The images all look photoshopped on the models. I am confident the actual product does not look so small and sleek on a person in reality. Photoshopped images of tech products is very common amongst Chinese companies selling tech online. It is how they sell lower quality tech so easily on Amazon and Alibaba.

Tokyo-based gadget company Gloture,

Emphasizing that the company is in Japan is another clear sign from PR that this probably a Chinese based company.

If you go to the website above, the video of the belt has the name Ranvoo.

Ranvoo is based in Hong Kong. Lots of Chinese living in Japan have been setting-up businesses then partnering with a Chinese based company to repackage and sell Chinese products.

Cool idea (no pun intended), but buyer beware!

6 ( +6 / -0 )


1 ( +3 / -2 )

The images all look photoshopped on the models. I am confident the actual product does not look so small and sleek on a person in reality. Photoshopped images of tech products is very common amongst Chinese companies selling tech online. It is how they sell lower quality tech so easily on Amazon and Alibaba.

Tokyo-based gadget company Gloture,

Emphasizing that the company is in Japan is another clear sign from PR that this probably a Chinese based company.

If you go to the website above, the video of the belt has the name Ranvoo.

Ranvoo is based in Hong Kong. Lots of Chinese living in Japan have been setting-up businesses then partnering with a Chinese based company to repackage and sell Chinese products.

Cool idea (no pun intended), but buyer beware!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I have noticed an increase in the number and size of parasols over here. Seems reasonable, and cheap.

Apropos of nothing in particular, but we toured a museum in Etruscan Italy, and they had the skeleton of an ancient parasol on display. It never occurred to me that the lowly parasol had been invented at least 3,000 years ago. People have been looking for ways to keep cool for a long time, it appears!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

This is a fan. Not an air conditioner.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Made in China and will ship from there.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Looks cute, but I don't imagine it being very useful.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Need an actual AC unit in a backpack, with air tight clothing and visor helmet to keep the air inside cool. Essentially a spacesuit.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Always 20°C inside the spacesuit, even if 110°C outside.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It’s time for the Japanese to lose their western business attire in the high tropical heat and humidity….

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

where it’s priced at 32,500 yen

I can buy an actual window AC unit to carry for 20,000 yen or less, and an extension cord. Be cheaper.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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