
What's in wine? Campaigners want ingredients on the bottle


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For most Japanese wines, the first ingredient would be sugar, then water...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

"We don't need just a list of ingredients. We should have a list of all the consequences of conventional farming and how much they cost," said Paul-Morandini. "The pollution of soil, water, health and environment all has a price that is paid by consumers and society."

Hard to disagree with this. Profits in large part are displaced costs; displaced onto others now and in the future. In some cases, it is not even the farmers making the profits either.

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all harmful products are hidden, especially in Japanese labeling. in japan everything is made to make sure the customer does not discover the truth. Organic markets and shops are almost inexistent. ONLY the word OISHI is king here...

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I watched a YT video a few days ago about fake wine and spirits being made in China. My dog, it was frightening to see what was put in to those bottles, and yet there are never any complaints. Very baffling indeed.

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I would support that.

We buy organic wines when available.

A full list of all ingredients also helps allergy sufferers.

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Japan is one of the countries that by law are not required to list all ingredients so you dont know what your eating or drinking.

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Japan is one of the countries that by law are not required to list all ingredient

That is not true. With processed food, all ingredients have to be listed, including additives and preservatives and allergens. Exceptions exist only for fresh food, products by small manufacturers, and liquor.

Maybe you are thinking of the nutritional label, that one is voluntary (unless the product is making nutritional claims).

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Making wine is not about mixing things up and filling up the bottle. I am not sure producers even know what exactly their wine is made of.

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quote: I am not sure producers even know what exactly their wine is made of.

It's an industrial process - they know exactly what is in there.

10 Surprising Ingredients You Probably Didn’t Know Were in Your Wine

If a producer isn't being honest on the label, don't eat or drink the product. The UKG blocked GE warnings on food products and as a result, I won't be eating anything that might have GE ingredients in, or could be GE. So that will mean buying organic, or buying fruit and vegetables grown in Scotland (to date) or the EU, but not in England.

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